There are a ton of new fags here because of early summer vacation and what not. We need to dump pizza gate red pills and marina abramovic red pills so newfags will have some context and we can grow our autistic army.
Marina abramovic pizza gate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Opfrah winfrey, negro woman from the south
Someone post the new Microsoft ad with MA. I'm worthless.
Hey, man. How do you edit pictures like this? I have some interesting material.
>pizza gate
Uummmm I'm sorry sweaty that was debunked, they said so on CNN
Why does this old bitch know so many famous powerful people?
Sorry fren I didn’t make it
This bitch took a photo with a Rothschild in front of a painting titled "Satan Summoning His Legions". And you guys still don't believe God is real.
Guys, it's illegal to possess these documents guys.
It’s perfectly normal to have these things in your personal residence.
Lets not forget That bitch naomi
Best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he doesn’t exist
Man, that's in Epstein's mistress' house?
3 Mar 2014 - Kevin Spacey helped pass out pizza to his row.
Now watch this
Kevin Spacey delivers pizza to paparazzi, wearing a “Retired since 2017” hat
I don't buy the pizza theory. It could be an intentional red herring.
It's Gematria for 666 "Pizzagate"
same as "Bill Gates IBM"
You know the Nazi counter machine people.
I heard Pizzagate was a psyop to find Lucifer. Pass it on.
tfw: no serb mommy gf to do satanic rituals on you, why even live
I'm know what that is, but they weren't the ones who dubbed it "pizzagate".
James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong, had a REALLY creepy Instagram page.
Isn't the Eye of Horus a positive symbol? It could just be a kangz thing.
Yeah yeah, sure pal
Is the lighting set onto Lucifer purposely? Does blue and white symbolize anything special?
Those who were not written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire
yadda yadda so on and so forth
and I believe it was her ex boyfriends construction firm that built Epstein‘s island
And take a look at this. Who would spend that much on pizza and hot dogs?
Why do you care about any of this? It's so fucking stupid
And why would Hillary Clinton forward a mail referencing sacrificing a "chicken" to the canaanite god of sacrifice, moloch? Remember that John Podesta was the Campaign Manager to Hillary Clinton, and Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton, who coincidentally both went to Jeffrey Epstein's Island. Ties right into Pizzagate and Epstein. See the connections? Research this further, tell others who are willing to listen.
But didn't this system originate from Hebrew? Is it really applicable to English?
>meme flag
why bother? just fuck off glowie
Kys shill child molester
Save these images and other relevant ones in this thread, and spread them where you can.
some people watch tv
Sure she probably kills and eats babies on a regular basis, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, she makes a mean VR experience.
This is the most damning evidence in my opinion.
The lighting does seem to be purposeful in that setting. Lucifer = light-bringer in Latin, so there could be hidden symbology there. As far as blue and white goes, there also seems to be some hidden symbology or communication when (((they))) use that color scheme.
Who cares? It's just some dumb autistic shit