How is student debt forgiveness fair?

How is it fair for people who lived within their means? People Who paid off their loans through hard work or didn't go to school because they couldn't afford it?

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dumb goy


How is ending indentured servitude fair to the slaves who already slaved away for 10 years and are free now? We must continue indentured servitude in order to not anger those prior slaves.

>calls school "slaving away"
Pathetic entitled shitbag. Yes bitch. You borrow money then you pay it back.

You can't bump your own thread, newfag retard. That's not how it works here. And life isn't fair, never has been, never will be. Deal with it.

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College is snake oil, when you don't get what you paid for, you don't pay it back. If people were getting jobs with their degree, they wouldn't have problem paying it back. Indentured servitude promised a better life, college degree promised a better life. Both have found out to be a lie and shall burn.

Something good happening to one person or group and not another person or group is not an injustice. If I give a gift to one of my children on their birthday, am I bound by moral obligation to give gifts to my other children on that day too? Stop it with this nigger mentality.

You make a good argument

>got to go to school completely for free, received a 1k check from the government every month while in school, and parents payed all of my bills so it was all free spending money

I hope they never forgive student loans

fuck normalfags

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Yes actually you can you stupid faggot. You just have to wait a certain amount of time and then it lets you. I bump my own threads back to page 1 from page 10 all the time.

Life isn't fair so pay your debts you pathetic student loan nigger.

people were telling you that a diploma isn't a ticket to a job, yet you fell for the meme. i smelled the funk from miles away, but you bought it.
and im supposed to pay for you buying snake oil when i knew what it was the whole time? naw.

>most student loan debt is held by Ivy Leaguers/top %5 families
It's a bailout en par with Lehman Bros. is why.

Don’t be so upset that you weren’t smart enough to pursue engineering, or something more interesting and useful that a Wikipedia degree you stupid nigger.

You borrowed money. What gives you the right to stiff the people who issued your loan for their money? If you didn't think a loan was a smart investment then you weren't forced to take it. Maybe you should have saved money to pay for your own college education you freeloading nigger. Your college education cost money to provide. Why should you get it for free? Should you be able to take stuff from the store cause paying causes you pain and suffering?

I'm not currently working so that largely older people can be preserved from a virus. To repay me for crippling my life for the foreseeable future, they can forgive me student debts via taxation.

How is it fair? Because they're ruining my life so they can live.

>why should I stop the train from running over those people tied to the tracks when it wouldn't be fair those we already ran over?

When the fking President is the one selling the snake oil, and the fking Government is the one holding my debt, then you either give me liberty or give me death.

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Found the Kike.

So, what’s your specialization? What degree did you pursue?

Found the student loan forgiveness shill welfare nigger

Computer Science from a public college. Having to compete with 85k International students who lie on their resume for 105k job openings.

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I wish someone would pay my shit off, even with my engineering degree and a good paying job my student loans are forcing me to postpone major life events such as home ownership and marriage. Honestly paying off student debt would be beneficial to the future of the white race, as it is young white people who are most effected by this crisis. Minorities go to college for much less or entirely free, just because of their skin color. Also shitskins don't care about things like their credit score or paying back debt in general, so loan payments don't effect them at all. They all have 6 children a piece anyway because they are too poor and stupid to use contraceptives. While whites on the other hand actually have a brain.

If you are against paying off student debt, you are against the future of the white race. This, my friends, is the ultimate truth.

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>someone buys a Lamborghini
>other guy doesn't buy a Lamborghini
>guy with a Lamghorgini: "what? You can't just make me pay for this car. I'll be suffering."
You want to get an education that allows you to make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year while people who lived within their means and were responsible have to work for minimum wage.

Doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that it would teach people to be irresponsible in the future.

There is one major flaw in your argument user, you believe that it was the college grads choice to go to school. This is NOT the case!! From a very young age we are brainwashed into believing that without a college degree you stand no chance in life. The boomers, our school teachers, the media, literally everyone has played a role in this huge influencing of young people. You really think you can stand there and claim that an 17/18 year old with 0 real world life experience can actually make an educated decision on acquiring a college degree? Sure there is, a minority, of people who didn't fall for the memes. Unfortunately, most students do.

And why should we, as a society, PUNISH those who decide to pursue higher education (minus those that go for useless degrees like gender studies or art). Doesn't a smarter more capable population make us stronger as a nation? Sure we will always need shit shovelers, that is why obtaining the good degrees must remain competitive and challenging. Only those who are truly worthy should be able to obtain them.

If you went to school: You should have saved money and not went! You should have payed for it yourself! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps I am not paying for your mistakes! If you took a loan you must pay it back!

If you didn't go to school: Congratulations! You have made the best decision of your life! You did not fall for that scam. Unless, student loan debt is forgiven. Then you will be angry! I am unsure why, since college is a scam!

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Even though it's not fair, and I worked my ass off to pay off all of my loans within a year, I'd be okay with unfair if the government would get up off of their asses to fix the broken system or else the debts are just going to rack up again.

Tuition needs to be limited, don't even begin to tell me that colleges aren't massively overpricing for greed, and they shouldn't be passing the costs of giant fucking football stadiums onto students. They shouldnt be allowed to keep forcing you to take pointless irrelevant classes to graduate. At the same time fucking 18 year olds just out of high schools shouldn't be given near limitless loans and move across the country to get a PHD in art, unless they can put like 20% down.

>nooo you can't just build an interstate highway when my granpappy had to blaze a trail for himself it's not fair
I want my debts cancelled like corporations get their debts cancelled. I'm a one issue voter - provide me with monetary compensation and I'll vote for you.

Trump's gonna cancel my debts? I'll vote Trump - why change winning horse. Trump won't but Biden will? Sorry GOP I'm ridin' with Biden.

If the kids get their school-debt cancelled, then I want my home-mortgage cancelled as well. Same principle.

This would only make sense if your home was vacant and you were getting no benefit from it at all. Fk, at least college taught me logic.

Did all of your children sign contracts to perform work to earn those gifts, then the children who fulfilled their end of the contract had some of their allowance used to subsidize the gifts of the children who never earned their gift but got it anyways?

Debt Jubilee
Make it happen

The longer a system ruled by usurers exists, the more unavoidable social milestones require entry into usurious arrangements. Eventually an unmanageably huge proportion of the population become debt slaves, who then organize and throw the Jews out.

It is not fair to place all the blame on the debtors, as the system has been intentionally designed by our ruling class in order to ensure that as many people as possible fall into the debt trap.

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Get a job you lowlife.

Plenty of people get jobs with their degree, it's just that the degree is massively overpriced and the job it got you doesn't cover the debt. It would be the same if you bought a mortgage, but then suddenly the price of your value dropped hard.

I have a job. I don't want to pay my debts. Seethe more.

I never said college was a scam. If you chose a wise educational path you should be able to pay your loans off. It's only a scam if you study underwater basket weaving and it doesn't cancel out the need for social skills.

Stop being a fucking nigger you lowlife. If you didn't want to pay the debts then why did you sign the loan agreement saying you would?

No, I think not. When I was in college things were not all about tax-cutting for billionaires, and the world wasn't run by a hog. I think not. I think we'll take this and run. Because it's marketable!

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you are proof college does not = higher education

id gladly give you death

You are completely right, and I agree. I will just say that these lenders are stupid/predatory/get what they deserve when they loan absurd amounts of money to kids literally just out of high school. Even adults with good credit and decent paying jobs have to work hard to get equivalent loans.

It's like saying it's stupid to walk around compton at night with a handful of cash. Sure, the thugs that rob you are in the wrong, but de facto you are in the wrong for putting yourself in that position and pretty much deserve what you get by the laws of nature.

peak boomer logic

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you are proof that college doesn't equate with being 'smarter' because you are in fact stupid as fuck.

Debt forgiveness isn't money given to someone. People who are in debt are slaves to the kikes who run the banks and the government. If you're not, then great. But our people are in bondage and even if we don't like them, they're our people and we should help them. We shouldn't be paying off people's debts. We should tell those who hold the debts of our countrymen to leave us alone. Usurious loans should be outlawed and kikes should be run out of this country.

Just because people got kiked out of their money doesnt mean everyone should get jewed. it has got to stop at somepoint sooner or later

Solving problems is never “fair”
They still have to be solved


what kinda faggot shit is "fair"?!

rob, cheat, steal....fuck outta here with fair


I'll pay if I have to. If there's an option of not paying I won't pay. Whoever can save me $48k I'll vote for them. Businesses get bailouts all the time - want my vote, bail me out. You already payed off your debts, good for you I suppose

No it's not. That's like saying that only people who went to college and got loans and can't get a job should have the debt forgiven.

The principle at work is that people that voluntarily went into debt should have the debt forgiven.

Why not? It's going to set the economy on fire when my paycheck doesn't get funneled to Wall Street bandits.

An entire generation of kids being told “you must have a college degree to make good money” and somehow don’t realize what’s happened after they’ve graduated and can’t find a job because the field that they’ve just buried themselves for is filled.

Meanwhile the kid who went to the trade school, then apprenticeship, then got hired on is laughing as you serve him pizza from Little Ceasers.

Why did you sign a loan you weren't willing to pay?

>having to pay student debts is akin to being run over by a train

you're right.

get a job. problem solved.

So because you suffered, everyone else should? What a butthurt little bitch you are.

you're not worth 48k, probably never will be either

>lived within their means
yeah okay faggot who has a rich daddy and mommy to pay for their big boy school.

That is not an argument

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or they just have a job

you should get one, and have sex while youre at it

>My grandparents died in the mines how is it fair no one else does

And that's what happened in 2008. People owed more than their houses were worth and they all quit paying. House prices in Dearborn fell 50%. They finally recovered to 2008 prices and then Chinese Virus struck. Who would buy a house right now when no one knows how low the market will drop? People have no money. 30% unemployment.

The only thing I fear right now is for the Chinese to buy up all the housing stock at a low price and flood the country with their peasants who burn dogs and cats alive "for flavor". It would be like Weimar, all over again where a wheelbarrow of cash was required to buy a loaf of bread and a man like Adolph Hitler was needed to straighten out the mess.

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