Is Yas Forums really full of racist Trump supporters?

Is Yas Forums really full of racist Trump supporters?

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is *eddit really full of pedo liberals?

remember to sage lads!

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That is a cute anime girl


her eyes are gigantic


We dumped Trump a while back.

I've seen bigger

I want to pound Crim's boy hole.

This is now a shred thread. wax em up and let's party.

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No, non nu/pol/ natives are at the very least third positionists and race realists.

#MAGA, fuck you, stupid libtard.

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oh like on that weird south american tree creature or what

trump supporters are not racists, they let niggers fuck their daughters.

dummycrats bleh

damn, wish I could a receptionist fairy

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No, some of us still support Hitler and Mussolini.

Not a full trump supporter, only racist when it's used as an insult

The only group I truly hate is fucking gypsies


And Christcucks apparently.

check out them gazangas

Trump is a centrist


Yes and being called racist doesn't bother many here like it would on Reddit.

my bad

Idk if it's full of them, but I'm one so take that for what it is.


It's got a vagina that's all that matters.

It's got a dick that's all that matters.

>Trump supporters?

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>Is Yas Forums really full of racist Trump supporters?
no i am a bernie supporter but thx to niggers i am gonna have vote for trump this time (again)

No, we aren't really racists towards one another. Just the opposite. Like night and day. Without opinion or just saying what's on our mind about the skin-color of another, life would have no meaning, nor any concept of arguments.

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Peak Teats

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I actually knew that generally MAGA and racism don't go together. I was just seeking clarity.

I still hate Yas Forums. Is this the part where the mods decide to enforce the avatarfag rule but not the racism-outside-of-b rule?

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Maybe stop trying to use an avatar on an anonymous chatroom you fucking retard?