Riddle me this

Riddle me this retards.
How is the white man oppressed because you have to listen to hip hop on the radio? You know you can turn it off, right? Go out and buy an iPod.

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Bbbbut it's literal white genocide! They say swear words in a song!!!

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Lurk more faggot

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Imagine every time you turned on the TV it was pornography, why would you be upset? Just turn it off.

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The DNC must have started it’s election cycle hiring.

Who says that whites are "oppressed"? Only left wingers use that type of language. Are the only people in society with a legitimate grievance those who are "oppressed"?

>Riddle me this

Unironically I feel sorry those four guys had to see those things.

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Omg facts nigga

Amazing strawman you've set up

I think I'm redpilled now

cringe response t󠛡󠛡b󠛡h

>Go out and buy an iPod.
I had to look up what this was. Basically it was an iPhone that couldn't make calls and had no apps or games, just music. So weird to think about the life you must've lived, grandpa.

>durr hurr what is mass immigration
>durr hurr what are hate speech laws/corporate action against 'hate speech'
>durr hurr what is affirmative action
>durr hurr FBI crime stats don't real

the correct word is ethnocide

I think you're a retard now

You have to be 18 to post

You sound progressive and don't wish to preserve the old

affirmative action is just a myth(its not)

Checked. Yeah pol does make me feel retarded.

>This is my strawman, and it's stunning.

obvious black made meme is obvious

Implying you don't strawman black people because of a violent minority and socioeconomic factors

You were handicapped to begin with.
We're all about truth here.

one of those guys, maybe not pictured in OP, literally killed himself due to the harassment by both the jewish media and the shitbag leftist circles.
but yeah, we're worried about commercials. it must be easy to remain steadfast in your views when you only strawman the opposition and never actually examine their side.

k y s

I'm 21 and have never seen an iPod in-person. You realize the iPhone replaced the iPod back when I was like 7 years old, right?

Aaaaaaannnnddd Heeeeeerrreeeee Weeeeeeee Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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is there an symbolic meaning of white those perma virgins marched with tiki torches or was it just convenience? always wondered

It's really easy to dismiss opinions you disagree with if you strawman them, isn't it?

Ignore this man. He speaks not for us but only for himself.

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It’s a cultural thing akin to propaganda, and lackluster plot lines.

If he wasn't a part of your tribe, you wouldn't care.

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Straight up sounds like a black name

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>because of a violent minority

felony convictions
>8% of population
>33% of the African-American male population

>when your minority is 1/3 and growing

Poor baby has to read mean tweets

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bUt RaP nOt BaD HaVe u HeArD TrAvIs oR KaNyE ThEy gO “oog ogg booga” instead of “oooga booga ooga”

When you were 7 you probably knew every vidya console there was

>responding to your own OP and forgetting to swap vpn's.

Ouch. Thats fucking ROOKIE mistakes there, hope you clean it up before your 3 month evaluation comes around or you're gonna be looking for a new gig.

Go back to Lebanon Muhammad.

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The oppressors are the jew tribe that control everything in the USA

OP is a nigger.

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I forgot my meme arrow

hes a vpn pedophile?

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>I forgot my concentration buttplug, it helps me focus

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That Dragon looks like something you'd see on Deviant Art

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no one said we are oppressed, the world is just a better place when we are the oppressors

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Elite Jews and white Good Goyim punish common whites all the time for things the Elite and Good Goys did. But you won't see that story on ANY media outlet. It would violate the narrative so hard it would need counseling.

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What is affirmative action?

What is democrats approving billions in spending for corporations that hate whites but not approving billions for small businesses that hire whites?

The only jobs that pay a living wage are mostly for Jewish controlled companies.

You can't even get a job as a lawyer now. You know why? Because no corporation is hiring people with bachelors (whites) and they all go to law school flooding the market.

If you go to Europe, or Australia you can get a job as a lawyer with a bachelors.

Explain this faggot.

So you still wanted to reply to yourself, just in greentext? You're a fucking joke. You are what's oppressing the White man.

this has to be the most jewish post on the site right now

And it's getting yummy (You)s

That all you have going for you in life.

fuck off memeflag tranny

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I like gross oversimplification to the point which it becomes ad hominem. It’s a strong argument. Good work OP.

>How is the white man oppressed because you have to listen to hip hop on the radio?
I am oppressed because I've been unemployed for 8 years since college because all employers in America would rather hire brown replaceable golems than gifted European people. It's not just "muh jobs Americans won't do." They take all jobs.

Fuck brown people. They need to be removed from the West.

>When you're born into a system that fucks you from the start

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