Toilet Paper Shortage

Why is this still happening? There still cant be people buying 86 rolls every single day. What the fuck is going on?

Attached: better then 2 ply.jpg (1614x844, 235.1K)

because you are a nigger


Attached: daigou chinks hoarding masks and TP during virus pandemic.jpg (1222x1369, 186.38K)

trust me, they still are

This was always the situation in communist countries. Maybe it is intentional. Some weird way of degrading people on a deep level. Sh*t on your butt all day type of thing. Like you are an animal.

Women, panic buying for thier dripping holes

Molly tibbits would be so wet over the sight of that corn.

People aren’t pooping at work, restaurants, school, hotels ...

All those millions of people that ran out of TP right after the doomsday preppers cleared out the stores are buying every roll they can find now that it's coming back in stock.