Toilet Paper Shortage

Why is this still happening? There still cant be people buying 86 rolls every single day. What the fuck is going on?

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because you are a nigger


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trust me, they still are

This was always the situation in communist countries. Maybe it is intentional. Some weird way of degrading people on a deep level. Sh*t on your butt all day type of thing. Like you are an animal.

Women, panic buying for thier dripping holes

Molly tibbits would be so wet over the sight of that corn.

People aren’t pooping at work, restaurants, school, hotels ...

All those millions of people that ran out of TP right after the doomsday preppers cleared out the stores are buying every roll they can find now that it's coming back in stock.

Dumb fucks who will be stuck with $2000 of toilet paper and nowhere to put it. It's a good time to be a toilet paper manufacturer.

Because the chinks bought everything they could and sent it to China. I know of 160 tonnes flown out recently by Chinese billionaires.

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Honestly i never realized how good i was at making other people pay for my toilet paper. I always poop at work, never on personal time. I hold my Sunday poop until Monday so that I can poop for twice as long, because Monday's suck.

the wonders of efficient just in time capitalism means that between global trade slowing down and the massive rush on stores, new stock is trickling in too slowly to replace it.

Your an idiot.

The average person uses 1 roll of toilet paper every 6 hours.
An average of 4 people live in a household in the united states.
24/6 = 4 rolls a day per person.
(4)(4) = 16 rolls per day per HOUSEHOLD.

You are dumbass for not preparing.

There will be shortages of everything coming up. Prepare your asshole for some hard days of shitting. That will be the least of your worries.

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I went for a hike in the woods this weekend and saw all kinds of greenery to wipe my ass with.

Haha! Poorfag. I’ve got TP FOR DAYS!!! I’m rollin in it.

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>27 different varieties of TP.

Whenever I see a sign that says "limit 1" I fill my cart because I know they are more valuable for resale on craigslist.

Kek. I was with my bro at Walmart. All they had was these 4 roll packs of the shittiest TP you ever saw for $.60. There was no sign about a limit. My bro grabbed two and some other shit and went to pay. Old man at the register would only let him buy 1 pack of TP. I laughed my ass off.

I don't know but I'm going on day 18 since I ran out. I could really use a shower.

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oh god, imagine the smell...

Used corn cobs, best natural toilet baby ever.,

India's revenge on the world

if things god bad enough that the only way to procure toilet paper from a hoarder why do the hoarders believe they will be able to secure and sell their stash? lol hoarders are going to get fucked over hard if it happens

Guys, necessity breeds innovation. Someone design an ergonomically-designed washable butthole squeegie. I won't 2% worldwide royalties.


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You've still got hoarders, but consider this. Everybody is staying at home, so people who would normally be using commercial toilet paper (which isn't sold in stores, but rather through things like Sysco and US Foods) while at work or school or restaurants or in train stations and airports are now taking their big fat poopies at home, and there's a huge surge in demand for home toilet paper, and huge slack in demand for commercial toilet paper.

At this point though, you should have already bought a bidet, I hope you're not having to use the shower method.

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Bro. Go to gas stations

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People used to use toilet paper from their workplace. Now that everyone is home they need their own paper

Everyone's staying at home, genius. Did you never notice the toilet paper at office restrooms or in other public restrooms is completely different from home use toilet paper? They are different suppliers and different products. Commercial rolls wouldn't fit on home use holders and home use doesn't have all the recycled paper content of commercial TP.

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I recognize that interior, Nice 2010-2012 Fusion Sport

Ive been breaking into all the commerical bathrooms and stealing their TP.

also, put your fucking change in the coin tray to the left of the steering wheel about your headlight controls you fucking idiot

You got Jewed negro

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I just got a huge pack at wal-mart, I will trade for bitcoin (BSV).

I went to Walmart yesterday. There were people with toilet paper in their carts. I didn't go check the aisle myself, but it at least wasn't empty.