Imagine what would happen if Spain colonized all of Africa?
Imagine what would happen if Spain colonized all of Africa?
It would be better than it is because at least Spaniards give them some rape babies to make their DNA a tiny tiny bit better
You would have dirt tacos.
It would be the same shithole like it´s now.
Ewww imagine Spanish-African rape babies...
Actually nothing would be different.
Lotta mulattos.
whole continent IQ goes from a median of 50 points go up to 70, not much difference, still a land filled with retards
Kind of like Hellduras right?
What you need to understand about Spanish colonies is that we didn't get them to work in them. We got them to become the owners and elite of their own population. That's why we didn't kill all indios, we just enslaved them and killed those who rebelled. Conquistadores were the lowest scum back in Spain but they became kings in those new lands. With relatively much more power over their people than the king of Spain himself.
They only had Western Sahara and Equatorial Guinea, but they both speak really good Spanish. The English, French. and Portuguese that's spoken by Africans has a thick accent, but Spanish Guineans and Sahrawis speak without any accent, they sound just like Spaniards.
I have friends who are paid by the Canadian government to move to the Yukon area and populated, all of north of Canada will soon be latino country.
no. The King prohibited encomiendas in 1542, Pizarro went to war to keep indians slaved and he got btfo by loyalists. The actual problem was that indigenous populations where allowed autonomy, they where called "República de Indios" and had their own government. In exchange for this freedom they paid the feudal right instituted by Charles I in 1523. The local governors or alcaldes mayores only messed with indians in cases of penal law.
Another continent suffering the injustice and malaise of the tyrannical empire. Independence from said empire was not a choice but a must. And now, as I see how Spain crumbles and dies, too weak to do anything worthy of admiration, I thank the beautiful day of liberty and self-determination.
never have you being relevant after the Empire fell, your claim to fame was a creepy old man who tossed people out of helicopters.
El goblino nigrito
>Imagine what would happen if Spain colonized all of Africa?
Lots of bbc gangbangs because spaniards fuck everyone and everything
Aids tacos and ebola enchiladas
Go get murdered or something you barbaric fuck
Niggers would speak Spanish and would be more friendly than USA niggers. They would speak way more clearly and they wouldn’t be mad at being called niggers or negros. They wouldn’t complain about racism and stuff and work harder to achieve things rather than cry out racism.
Yeah it would be better for humanity.
easier to bleach
My city has 1 mulatto and his kid will look like a muslim because he married a mestizo girl, the last "black men" (most peruvian blacks are good people) are old, my city "spicced" them in exchange most spaniards were "browned" because natives breed in small towns, just take those small towns and you can reverse the trend.
Use this info for your problems
Imagine what would happen if all of Africa colonized spain. Wait never mind
lmao because ohiggins and san martin weren't spaniards right? you know that all the independence shit began with spanish not giving power to other spaniards who were born in south america rather than in the mainland?
literally everything good in this country has mostly spanish/german heritage and if you don't think so go play with the fucking mapuniggers who still live on the XV century
go eat a paella dick you butt flustered motherfucker.
we tried and those fucking moors almost ravaged us, it's just not uncoordinated negros what we are talking about here
The same as any other European nation that colonized anything, it works while we are there, it stops working the moment we leave. Take a look at any colonized country where Europeans left, and now take a look at your country where Europeans stayed.
Africans would be friendlier and less warlord-like but with a lot of extra-organized crime
Good, let the disease ridden fucks perish
>you know that all the independence shit began with spanish not giving power to other spaniards who were born in south america
(((Spaniards))) los libertadores eran judios y masones.