Smoker master race confirmed.
Non-Smokers BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>lung already too dead for virus to replicate in
seems legit
If your lungs can withstand tar, polonium and lead, a virus is no threat
>Europoors detected.
Save yourself now. LETS. GO LITE EM UP
Gee, must be great to be out of a job and shitpost on Yas Forums full time now.
I work from home eurocuck
I mean, I can see how shilling transitioned without a hitch to work-from-home, but don't worry, the money will dry up for you too.
>32% unemployment predicted
lmao ameripoors can't even hold a job
Nah thanks i smoke Marlboro
im about to get 2x + your average salary after taxes in TRUMBUX
I quit smoking cigs in November. I smoked for like 17 years. I'm not starting back up for this and I'm sure I still have enough lung damage to see me through the other side, if that's the idea anyway.
Yet somehow the average american (probably including you) will manage to spend it all like a nigger on coonsoomer shit in a couple of weeks.
Or maybe they'll pay literally one month of rent and run dry lmao
>be american
>have high salaries
>half of salary goes to jewish landlords and other half goes to consoom shit
>no savings
Even the most retarded gypsy here has more financial liquidity than the average american.
What country are you from?
I'm not using a VPN, so you could've told by my flag, but to reiterate, Romania.
I remember in early January shills on this board were saying that you need to stop smoking or you will die from covid lol... I wonder what they knew.
Oh wow. Tobacco companies bought a spot on the Covid adpocalypse. How surprising.
thanks for dragostea din tei
it's based.
what about vaping????
tobacco activates nicotine acetylcholine receptors which inhibit cytokine cascade.
It's like lung cancer is caused by wireless technology, not by tobacco.
i wonder who could be behind this (((data)))
Vape master race
Oh so some shit hole nowhere, so why dont you fuck off and let the world powers talk ok champ?
So what caused cancer before we had wireless? The real answer is unnatural chemicals in food and water cause the cancer. Wireless adds to that effect.
Go make every meal and sauce from scratch for a few weeks, with fresh ingredients. You'll feel years younger and there's a good reason for it.
Hurt your feelings? Shouldn't you be getting in your car to queue for bread lmao
>i wonder who could be behind this
It could be true. nicotine has been brought up as potential treatment for viral sepsis before in literature
Yeah, instead of being hospitalised they just die.
In general, only those with robust immune systems and health are able to become pack-a-day+ smokers, so of course they are more likely to be okay after a minor viral infection.
Free radicals that fuck the tissue is the good reason iirc
There isnt covid in my neck of the woods america is bigger than the parking lot you call a country
Kojima fucking called it again
I was just about to post something like this.
you smoke cock.