Brit/pol/ Banged up until May Edition

>Britain to remain in lockdown till at least May 7 - the Times

>UK Police appear from the shadows to bust up rural picnic

>Cops prowling around break in en masse to lonely man's apartment

>Government criticised for handling of the "crisis"

>Leaked dossier shows Blairites delierately tried to lose 2017 election to oust Corbyn

>SNP under scrutiny for how £2.2 billion to support business is being spent

>Huawei rejects "baseless" claims about its involveent in UK 5G network

>UK has a political power vacuum and the journalistic class has completely failed : Iain Dale

>Who is Philip Cross? Information wars from Craig Murray

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Growing fear you can catch Covid-19 more than once as patients who’ve recovered start to test positive again

This wouldnt have happened if we still had Gordon Brown..

Gordon Brown
Texture like sun

Im annoyed that i found that funny

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Brown is going to rise again as the fearless leader of a rag tag team of ex leaders

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You asked for something like this a while ago lad, forgot I had it, was this what you was after?

Attached: apusussexnuke.png (1500x1000, 1.35M)

Ok; but you are good lads, I care about you.

Thanks for the map, I saved it!

I am relieved; you are kind I don't want to cross you :)

Attached: Seaford.jpg (253x400, 29.48K)

It's a nice map, got that actual one on my wall, can get lost in the details, amazing.

Do you like lum, Italy bro?

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W-why does it look like that nukes exploding in the west?

Attached: CAB15C3D-219F-4296-A709-665EA378D72B.gif (478x269, 2.31M)

I dont remember in all honesty, but Ive saved it nonetheless. :)

Oh wait...

Now i remember

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Eddie's been quiet recently

I have my moments

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5 letter word





Still reeling from getting called a fat nigger by some nonce bait

China is the Middle Kingdom. Everything and everyone revolves around it. China's superior system of governance is the way of the future. It's technology and science is unmatched by any civilization. It's people are proud, strong and intelligent. The Han Chinese are the Gods of the real world.

While average IQ westerners care about surface level knowledge, like "GDP" and "elections", the Chinese care about maintaining and advancing civilization. We balance the natural shifts of world power. Without China, the Earth would fall into eternal chaos.

Britain? You mean 英国. America? You mean 美国. It's Chinese autonomous territory. Hope you know Mandarin, subhumans. Start practicing Han culture instead of your barbaric one. You'll still be a Class-B citizen, but at least you won't be sent to the Sino-African vassal states to do hard labor. You are merely pawns in China's rightful quest of world (and eventual space) domination.

I don't know who that is, sorry lad.

That's nice; my dad has some old city maps from the 19th century.

watchin a film and the producer logo fades into view
It's a single letter within a circle, bold black font, upper case, it appears as if pressed to the glass of steamy shower.
It's the letter N
Fuck you pol

You're a nice lad you are Italiananon

Attached: cheshire-moule.jpg (1500x1125, 1.77M)

He asked for a mushroom cloud going off with an apu in south downs, nothing about nuking my beloved west.
He goes through phases.
You certainly do.

Attached: press f to pay respect for eddie.png (1024x576, 860.4K)

Work in NHS. Peak is expected May. lockdown till June. Social distancing september to 2021.

>I don't know who.that is

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fuck it i'm going outside

Ps fuck covid-19

Anyone else lost/losing family to this shit

think i might just delete brit/pol/ t b h

Kek nice.

You better fucking not lad.

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is Underworld considered dadrock in the UK?

Sorry Lum, you can't compete with best girl.

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Just scream that you "do not consent" when approached.

this lockdown is doing a number on me.
i had no idea how pathetic and empty my life was.

every day this past 2 weeks
>wake up 2-3pm
>sit on the computer catching up with threads
>5pm >if need to go for more food go out, if not make dinner
>catch up on youtube videos released today
>8pm find a long video and go for a snooze on the sofa
>10pm coffee and Yas Forums again
>go to sleep 5am

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least you're self aware

Enjoy this happening to you the moment you step outside your front door user

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They're in the shadows lad. Everywhere.

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Lock down ended at 8pm lad your free to go out anytime

i havent lost my mind or anything and i never get lonely, its just im not used to having so much free time.
wtf do people even do? what hobbys do people have that arent a massive waste of time

wish you would delete yourself desu


>W-why does it look like that nukes exploding in the west?
That's one tiny Nuke considering the shoreline isn't far off.

Do you have a garden? any tools?

I ordered a bunch of airfix models. Theyre arriving tomorrow.

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Was more a joke about how Wessex is the one true Sussex but he’s an even bigger nutter for wanting to nuke the South Downs

something keeps on telling me, it keeps on telling me dee dee leave it alone

i heard video games are pretty popular among the posters here

well nothing happened so far, I can see the stars they're all over the place, this is amazing

cute, post pics

anything that creates something that wasn;t there before e.g. weights, painting, writing etc.