Get your shit together Americans

Get your shit together Americans

Attached: mutts.jpg (581x541, 118.34K)

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that plug aint murican

It's just a lethal chimeravirus with features of HIV and pneumonia, bro.

No worries circuit breaker will trip before they completely fry. The worst that can happen is a nice jolt to clean the brain neurons.

Those are brit bongs.

Not America. Beers are the tell.

Thats a European plug and slavic looking fuckers

That said I wish someone figured a way to do this without killing yourself

Fucking aM*rishits I hate them so much

This picture is hilarious.

Because it’s clearly not an American outlet and likely a european outlet.


We got it under control now

Attached: America VS EU.jpg (1365x3070, 794.33K)

Wanna get bombed, sand nigger? Talk more shit.

almost THIRTY FUCKING TIMES, that is 30x, the amount of infections of a country of the same population (Brazil), a country full of favelas and favelados living next to each other


it´s over for america. They aren't great.

There is a way, it's called propane.

Attached: blackstone-flat-top-grills-1842-64_1000.jpg (1000x1000, 59.5K)

>European sockets

>Thats a European plug
It's obviously stupid, but it's not dangerous or anything.

Haha, you swapped the titles in the image, why?

Even if that cord was plugged in, it wouldn't kill you, also why would the cord lead away from the house

That photo was taken in Germany.

240 volt plug and power strip....Americans use 110 volt. Nice try.

110V won't kill them in such a large area

You're stupid

Is that really even that dangerous? One time I had an extension cord fall into a puddle of water I was standing in and it literally just tingled my leg. Wouldn't the pool stop the circuit from grounding out anyway?


Attached: 1585532472798.jpg (450x658, 84.93K)

boomers and subhumans are dying nothing of value was lost

not American outlets, retard.

Euro type plug, exactly the ones in my home.

Also, that pic is old as shit. Like early 2000's old.

Wow dude, you just posted something dumb, uh there are 2 prongs and sometimes three. That is how a curcuit works.

it's not
pic was taken in the yard of an electrical engineering school

Attached: niggas think all whites are American.jpg (579x540, 124.02K)

Electrician here.

Not necessarily - a GFCI is needed to adequately protect against water-based shock - a circuit breaker in that voltage range (220-240 because that shit ain't even american) is typically thermal-activated, meaning the overcurrent must first reach a specific temperature before the breaker throws, allowing adequate time for electrocution.

Breakers stop fires
Gfcis stop electrocutions

Funny looking electrical outlets you have there.

>euorpean beer
>european plugs

Water "electrocutions" are usually just drownings.

Even if the circuit is still complete and your body doesn't create a definite ground, at the site if the water intrusion, there will be a action potential gradient - a field of varying potential voltages in the water.

In this case would the shock alone be capable of killing you? Possibly - voltages of as low as 40-50 can be lethal in the right conductive circumstances... but more often than not, when water is involved, it simply causes involuntary muscle spasm, resulting in you just drowning.

Americans are SO STUPID that they are the worst country surviving the corona virus by far, yet they waste time debating some 20 year old meme image

Attached: wtf.jpg (200x200, 6.55K)