The absolute state of christcucks

The absolute state of christcucks

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God done took him on home.

Natural selection is sometimes fun to watch.

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He has a daughter.

How old is she?

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Lol indeed
This is what they would actually suggest. You can't reason with Christcucks.
>It was gods plan
>The mercy and glory of yaweh at work again

top kek

Easter really pisses off jews, huh?

Trust the (Jesus) plan

Ah yes, the old guilt trip trick. Maybe he should have thought twice about holding the service when there's a pandemic going on. Right? Hopefully his daughter learns a lesson from this.

Neither the first, nor the last, but certainly in a line of those who mistook blindness for faith and found only darkness.

Repent anons

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im seeing one too many stories like
>man talks shit about virus and then DIES the next day of the VIRUS!!!!!!!11

It's not a defense for him retarded leaf, he already reproduced so it's not natural selection.

Good. If she's a nigger I hope she's next

It’s so easy for you to cast judgment when you’ve never stood up for anything in your life

Yeah better make everyone go on unemployment instead.

He has a right to be stupid at risk of his life. Lots of people smoke when we know smoking is bad. Hell, driving a car is even hazardous for your health.

No link aswell

All deaths are being called "due to the virus." The "church services" were people in their cars in the parking lot, in other words, far safer than the "essential" liquor and grocery stores. Journalists are filth.

hopefully she learns from this

>his life

Yeah, his life, and the life of every retard that showed up to that pozzfest

I call bullshit on this story.

He's also a nigger
nothing of value was lost


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>standing up against a virus
You loud mouthed fucking idiot. Throw yourself in the middle of an ocean.


Reminds me of Q-user

fake and gay
No one knows if he died of corona because the state does not name individuals with it.
His WIFE who was with him also has Double Pneumonia, but has tested NEGATIVE for corona
Jean Spradlin, who has been in isolation since they arrived in North Carolina, has tested negative for coronavirus but does have double pneumonia, like her husband did. Double pneumonia is when both lungs are infected.
Spradlin's death appears to be showing up in the Virginia Department of Health's data on the coronavirus. The department is reporting one adult death in the state's Pittsylvania-Danville Health District as of Thursday. The department does not release the names of people who test positive or who die from the coronavirus.

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If you’re a Christian that doesn’t believe god is sovereign over every single thing then you’re not a Christian after all
Get rekt faggot

>upside down cross on that bitches tie
Hello, Satan. You demonic faggots don't have anything better to do than shitpost here?

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god is not mocked

So a car crash?

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