Check Your Bank Account

>be Neet
>Check bank account 5 minutes ago and see $1200 pending from IRS
Neets confirmed to getting Trumpbux

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think of all those tendies you can buy!

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>be me
>check balance 5 minutes ago
>still $0 dollars

Confirmed I already put in my Switch preorder.

>checking account is still 300
Fuck me man.

NEET here. Worked for 4 months as a wagecuck in 2018 but quit because it sucked. Gonna spend my Trumpbux on wisdom teeth removal and maybe a new bedspread.

Still nothing

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>be student in 2018
>get nothing
oh boy

i think OP is a faggot again

t. NoTrumpbuxer

>be NEET at home
>claimed as adult dependent by boomer dad
>no trumpbux


>Sorry, so sorry, trumpbux is eaten.

> No trumpbux, all gone. Yum

> Money printer go brrr. Eat, eat. *Burp*. All gone. So sorry.

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When can we expect the next round of Trump Bux, mines coming in the mail so I won't get my 1st one until sometime in Summer.

that's an advance from your credit union not the IRS for those wondering how you are getting that "pending" status

/ourqueen/ lauren is going to get 1200 dollaridoos richer

>Could be a neet
>Family peer pressures me into getting a soul crushing job that makes jack shit
>Check to see when my neetbucks are coming in
>MFW I got claimed even though I don't even live with them anymore
So this is what you get if you aren't a neet. A life full of suffering and backstabbing.

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>don't get $1200 because already rich
>still have nothing to buy

Money doesn't buy you happiness

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Same thing happened to me.

>closed my account that I used for my DD from 2019 tax return

Welp I hope they send a check or I can update my DD. Fuck Bank of America

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I keked. I cringed. I cried, but in the end, you still got gotted.

But I don’t understand how the fuck I got claimed because I was 25

At least demand your $500 from them

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Get a load of this faggot. Yeah cause worry about the next electricity bill is the key to a happy life. Kys.

So if you're unemployed right now you get your normal unemployment benefits AND a bonus of 600 dollars weekly? I would literally be making double the money I'm making now if I was laid off? Is there any reason at all not to attempt to get fired right now?

Still haven't gotten mine but i haven't really bothered to make sure I'll get it. Imma pay some bills with that shit so I can have more economic freedom to waste on stupid shit.

Hey man, spread the love, I could definitely use some.

I've personally known many people to get it. Not surprisingly anti-government folks? They aren't getting their money as soon. Amazing, isn't it? to update your info. May not be up yet tho

max age is 26, better demand your $500 share of their stimulus check

next time file your taxes before them

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>wagekeks were so smug
>now they are quiet as a mouse
Kek I guess they can still pick on us dependents. Boomer fucks