So why are you full of hate if you are a christian?
So why are you full of hate if you are a christian?
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im not full of hate or a chr*stcuck, niggers are annoying though and deserve the hate they get
what was Jesus feeling when he drove out the kikes with a whip from the temple?
Back an animal into a corner and you remove the necessity of morality. Survival doesnt require morality, living does.
Love looks like hate to those who love hate
>lawl gaizzzz look at me xDD im an aussy poster but I haz leef XDD so randum LAWLZ
Most here aren't Christians, faggot. We don't like seeing 60k years of evolution pissed down the drain cross breading with walking apes.
And where is this womans father and why doesn't he have a shotgun pointed at this nigger?
when did this happen
Christians are degenerates cuckmonkeys.
nothing wrong with race-mixing so I don't know what you're talking about
Race mixing is canaanite baal worship.
Because there's hundreds of things the Bible commands you to hate. Christcucks are afraid to really follow God's commands and instead adopt a watered down diet faith based commercialized (((X-tianity)))
Baal is cooler than your faggy kike god
I'm not a christian, lol. I'd stomp on baby jesus's head.
Praise odin you nigger mutt slave bastards. He will embrace you despite your abominable condition.
*throws flowers*
because Christians are hateful assholes
I think we should feed the weak babies like you to wolves. How does that make you feel?
This confused faggot.
Meme flag, meme belief's, meme irony
Storm summer larping jew
So a God that explicitly says all are welcome in death is more embracing then a God for only Norseman?
Now I know Christian universalism is bs, but you are really on another planet of denial aren't you?
I’m not a baby anymore but I agree we should kill retards and schizos. Average gay is stronger than the average straight at least with modern statistics so if you’re referring to that I’m sorry to tell you like this.
Anyone got the video of the muslims raping those girls in the tent and beheading them while they cry for their mommy.
So cringe but it got my dick hard hearing their wimpers.
>“Dante, I think, committed a crude blunder when, with a terror-inspiring ingenuity, he placed above the gateway of his hell the inscription, 'I too was created by eternal love'--at any rate, there would be more justification for placing above the gateway to the Christian Paradise...the inscription 'I too was created by eternal hate'...”
The OG christians are tribal jerks in Syria so fuck off with this goody two shoes shit
KYS kike, odin would eat the baby just like moloch
>Mods issue warning for posting on an off topic thread
>Thread still up
Bunch of fucking faggots
Same with Yahweh, jehovah and any other creator larp you can think of
Psalm 139:21-22
"21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? 22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
"Hate" is not the opposite of love. Hate is what you feel toward something that threatens that which you love.
A Christian loves his neighbor as he loves himself.
Niggers are not a white Christian's neighbor, they are invaders and destroyers, and they spit in the face of God's divine will to have all the nations that He created separate.
Nationalism IS Christianity, racemixing is forbidden in the Bible, and it is right and proper to hate those that hate God and His teachings/commandments.
Get thee behind me, Satan. You have no power here.
2R Cain
>Curse of Ham
>Repatriated Kikes
>Sickle Cell (Matt. 15:22)
>Inbred Mosquitoes (Gen. 1:24, Matt. 15:26-7)
XX Cunt
>Submissive Sex (1 Cor. 14:34-5, 1 Tim. 2:11-4)
>Daddy Issues (Gen. 19:8)
>Stupid Bitch (Num. 30:3-16)
>Lustful Whores (Lev. 21:14-5, Tob. 4:12-3, Gal. 5:16-9, Eph. 5:3, 1 Thess. 4:3-5, Heb. 12:16; 13:4)
degenerate, demented, demonic, demoralizing, depressing, detestable, diabolical, disgusting, disparaging, dumb public suicide cuck faggot nigger
niggered fuckee traitor trash burns petrified sage in hell
discriminate the nappy niggers
>Ex. 23:29, Matt. 7:6
boycott the destitute niggers
>Lev. 26:22
enforce the anti-nigger laws
>Lev. 19:19, Deut. 7:1-4; 22:9-11, 2 Chr. 22, Ezek. 44:22, Matt. 5:17-9, Rom. 13:12-4
niggers, jail them all
>Ex. 21:20-1, Luke 12:42-8, 2 Cor. 6:14-7
deport the diseased niggers back to rapebolaidsfrika
>1 Kgs. 8:53, Neh. 13:3, Matt. 25:32, Rev. 5:9; 7:9; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15; 21:24; 22:2
reinstitute apartheid for the hideous nigger sub-sahara
>Gen. 16; 24:3-8; 26:34-5; 27:46; 28:1-2; 28:6-9, Ex. 11:7; 33:16; 34:10-6, Lev. 20:22-6, Josh. 23:5-16, Judg. 3:5-8, Ezra 9; 10:2-19, Neh. 9:2; 10:28-31, Mal. 2:10-2, Matt. 10:34, 1 Cor. 5:9-13
re-enslave the lazy niggers
>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20; 28:1-2; 34, Ex. 21:2-8, Lev. 25:44-6, Eph. 6:5-8, Col. 3:22
penectomize and neuter the retarded niggers
>Deut. 15:17
bomb and shoot up blacked niggers
>Ex. 22:19, Num. 25, Deut. 22:20-1; 23:17-8, Ps. 106:26-43, Prov. 6:24-35, Rom. 1:21-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-20
Lollicost 2: Satanic Niggaboo, X Y DNA edition
>Gen. 7:21-3; 19:24-9, Num. 12, Deut. 23:2-8, 1 Kgs. 11:1-13, 31-9; 16:30-3; 21:17-29, Neh. 13:23-31, Jer. 2:5-37; 13:15-27, Ezek. 16, Dan. 2:43-4, Hos. 5:3-7; 6:7-10; 7; 10:2-12, Jonah 3:7-9, 1 Cor. 10:5-12, 2 Pet. 2:4-19, Jude 1:4-18, Rev. 2:14, 20-3
>Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning, Adulterers (film), The President's Keepers, District 9, The Route, Stories of Our Lives
Because I'm a human you dumb nigger
>durr why do you have feelings
It's not "hate", it's Saint Thomas Aquinas' concept of "righteous anger". God is by our side, because he loathe injustice and just like any race on this planet, we have a right to live on our homelands.
Honest to Christ, how could ANY sane thinking non totally mentally fucked female want to be close to a jet black literal ape looking nigger? The answer is no one would unless they were all those things. No normal self esteem white girl would do this. Daddy totally reamed that sweet pusssy already.
imagine letting this guy touch you
white women are fucking nasty man
>Average gay is stronger than straight
>Venereal disease, damage from sodomy, overdose on antibiotics because lifestyle is literally hated by everyone including God
Alright shit eater
I don't hate anything. I've only dated Asians interracially, so I'm definitely not a racist.