Why are young white males checking out of society?

Why are young white males checking out of society?

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Why are young white males checking out of society/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Why are young white males checking out of society/type/op/

because OP is faggot

What society?

>Work for the benefit of people who demonize and hate you
>Or spend time doing what you like

much like Yas Forums, real life is being spammed with stock-photo people who have no real character outside of what television has told them is "normal"

same reason as last week bot

Any post below this makes you gay.

Only sage posts are safe

There is just nothing I want out there.
Maybe a huge car but that would be way too much work.

it's much better to be an independent woman but people are simply afraid of this scenario

Society checked out on them.

Why do you post the exact same questions every single day? Why do you use a memeflag?

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Why are young white males checking out of society/

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We're not checking out of society we're checking out of the CULTURE.

We still exist in society we just avoid anything that worships jews and niggers.


You have to be in society before you can check out of it.

Because they can make a new one whenever they want, and all the hangers-on will beg to be let in.

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To fat to move effectively into the workforce

How many times will you make this thread?

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/Why are young white males checking out of society/type/op/

Because modern liberal mainstream society actively despises us. Why would we want to take part in a culture that demonizez us and blames us for all their problems? Id rather keep to myself and delve into my own interests and passions.

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op is fag

Because society doesn't want them.


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Because everyone other than white males has ruined it

This ):


> 1 post by this I’d
This thread is a slide thread made yesterday and many days before

Piano all day :)
Until i die

Why do I have to go to work now and have all my coworkers talk about how they hate being cooped up in their home, when all I want to do is be cooped up in my home?

Somebody has to all of the work while they chat.

I figure I spend $1000/month. In five years I'll have worked at well paying jobs for 15 years. I'll also have $200k. TFW retire at 45. Live of saving for the next 20 then let social security kick in.

Why not? What incentives are there to participate? Women are whores, and half their income is taxed to pay for shitty brown people and their hellspawns

Boomers climbed the ladder and kicked out all of the reachable rungs.

Why are you gay?

How many times must we have this thread?

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Its a clown society. So why shouldnt we just hop in our couches and enjoy the shitshow?

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There's nothing to work towards. There was nothing before corona and there will be nothing after corona. I'm 27 and every man my age I know, successful or failure, basically lives like a perpetual teenager.

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Japan did it

Why not?

>Women are whores, and half their income is taxed to pay for shitty brown people and their hellspawns
It's sad that thist statement is true for any western country right now.

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Because we are expendable to the "society"

literally everyone is checking out of society, ask again in a month.