What did Trump do?
WTF is going on?
Played a video of fake news kikes in a timeline format. Reporters in the room throwing an absolute fit.
Link the video you fucking faggots.
Called out the Kike News
It was delicious
It was beautiful
Not mad at him anymore if true
>What did Trump do?
Lost the 2020 election in under an hour, it was an absolute embarrassment. I couldn't finish watching when he was bullying the states. It's over fellow pol anons, this is the end.
They're on the same side, retard. Way to fall for the puppet show.
He beat and raped a woman live on air, then shit on his lav and threw it at the reporters.
I don't know Mark Dice. Tell me what to think.
They kept changing the headline
Dabbing on the kike cabal known as the mainstream media
You just know that video struck a few nerves over at CNN.
I'd be mad too if my idiotic questions were played back to me to show how stupid I looked.
>They're on the same side
Nope! You gotta get more creative than that, kike.
soon, I hope
And that is why you hide anonymously, you pathetic fucking SIMP
His friend died of coronavirus this morning
That's why he's not taking their shit anymore
Where is the video?
>republicans good democrats bad!
>fox news good cnn msnbc bad!
A literal NPC
stay mad, heeb
Trump wrecked the fake news
They got super mad
Even Fox News is putting his BS in quotes now.
Its over.
ousted the kikes showing them their own material. REEEEEEing like we haven't seen in years currently on going
Trump is just spanking the Press. It's amazing.
Even my wife is now supporting him. It's ridiculous
>has political opinions even different from husband
msm thinks that replaying their own reporting from weeks ago is "propaganda" now apparently
You know things are bad because now its a back and forth struggle to prove one side said it wasn't bad first
seethe incel.
You can't just tell a woman, "this is what you believe now".