Why do you dislike black people?

Why do you dislike black people?

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You obviously don't live among them for asking such stupid question

Walking hypocrites.

Niggers lol

They're stupid, whiny, aggressive, they smell bad, and they can't integrate into society. Even the small number that integrates quickly turns ghetto once they're around other niggers. Don't trust a nigger. They're two faced abominations.

Low IQ and should be in africa

Give your daughter a pair of expensive sneakers, and have her walk around near niggers. Let me know the results.

Then you may know first hand.

They are stupid , violent and have a never ending victim complex. They attack every race , yet when one brings a valid point against their race its waaaahh waaah muh oppression . They honestly act like kikes . They cry out in pain as they strike you and they will always tell you they’re hated but never why.

Black machismo makes them hyper agressive, plus they are always loud and fucking retarded. Some dudes are pretty smart, some even based.
Majority are not, they sag their pants, wear shitty brand shoes to flex wealth they get from reselling shoes, like they are millionaires or some shit.
Lastly, they are assholes and white women lust over them, thanks to the popularization of black culture.

No self awareness

Lived in Milwaukee for 8 years

Why do you dislike cockroaches?

Zero impulse control, constant victim complex, inability to take responsibility for their own actions, low iq, rob/rape/steal everything in sight.

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Content of their character.

Lold. I couldn't imagine trying to share a city with them. Must be a daily nightmare. It seems that anyone that spends time with them will come to the same conclusion.

They literally arent people. Come to Mississippi for a week or two and you'll see why the state is the worst in everything

LMAO true as fuck
And they act like they are owed something by everyone
What a joke of a people

>why do you hate unicorns?

Kek bp

They have to much spirit, soul, empathy. A connection to the metaphysical that can't ne denied.

Im jealous desu

I don't

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Why do blacks smell?

I could give you a long drawn out answer but let's just stick with:
>the smell

I don't dislike them, they just don't belong in our communities.

I live in hueland, the land of no consequences to crime, of only 2% murder solving rate, my city is 85% white (~75% Italian descendants, the rest are mostly Germans or Portuguese), 1% Japanese, 4% nigger and the rest are mongrels

between me, my 2 brothers, current gf and parents there were 17 robbery at gunpoint, 4 with knives, 1 pretending to have a gun we assume, 1 home invasion while we were inside the house, 2 while we were traveling during our lifetime, EVERY SINGLE TIME WITH NO EXCEPTION IT WAS ONE OF THOSE 4% OR A DARK MONGREL, that's why I hate them, had Portuguese, Spanish and Brit people castrated them all when enslaving and exterminated natives all 3 Americas would be Europe 2.0

Why I want them exterminated for rational and emotionless reasons with no connection to my personal experiences? the fact pic related is true and all of its consequences, its unchangeable, unsolvable

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I don't, for I am biracial.

I don't cause I'm not a racist tard

Short answer: because I've actually interacted with them (reminder racism increases with a higher population of blacks).
Longer answer: they are beyond retarded, and yet hold equal positions in society as those better than them in the name of equality. An African (don't know the exact country, they're all the same though) man had a doctorate and he still asked me how to follow basic instructions in a postgraduate computing course. He not only could not do what was expected, he could not operate a computer or read instructions. These instructions were so clear that all I had to do was read them to him and he understood. I wish I was making this up.
Even seemingly well-spoken blacks are stupid. They are essentially the average domestic dog. They can appear well-mannered and you may equate that with good personality and possibly intelligence. Once you have a conversation with them, attempt to have them perform any task requiring cognitive load, they crumble. They struggle. Most importantly, they are quick to become frustrated and distressed. A key trait of niggers is that they are not as inclined to take struggle in good humour. They will not want to recognise their limits, they will not want to experience resistance, they will not want to experience humility.
I hate niggers as an entity, but I do not spite the individuals on their skin alone. That would be the same as hating dogs. I do not hate a dog for being a drooling retard, but I would most certainly hate dogs as a whole if they and others insisted on being treated like a human.
Black people are not the same as other races and yet are treated as such. They hold back progress and are seemingly unashamed of this. It disgusts me.

Truth doesn't exist in their minds.

Read the whole thing. I think it's a damn shame that this sentiment will probably never be as prolific as it should be.
I don;t believe I have ever met a man with the same principles of our founding fathers. Most blacks I've met are ever capricious and entitled to a great extent.
I'm glad this dude had the balls to articulate his experience, even if it was anonymously