Dropping bodies in bugerland

>Man Allegedly Dies From Covid-19 At A Bus Stop In Front Of A Hospital!
>dead on street for 2 days

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Looks like another drug addict overdosed on his happy juice.

His pants are pulled down because some other nigga fucked him in the ass before he got cold too.
I mean I'm not saying its a good thing I'm just saying Eurotrash you better stay out, cause we'll fuck your corpse after you die, IJS.


>dead on street for 2 days
then show me the maggots

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He looks like one of those druggies from San Fran. But one would realize that any un-related deaths to COVID-19 would mean they have died from it. Fall from your roof, split your head open. YOU DIED FROM COVID-19. Drug over-dose? COVID-19 DEATH! So, the man could have died high as a kite. Doesn't mean he necessarily died from the virus.

Someone post that video where a guy is blowing crack smoke up some other guys ass.

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>dead rotting pajeet


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What? Do you plan on coming out of the closet anytime soon, faggot?

>a dirty drug addled vagrant dies

Can no one make a fucking phone call?

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Needle still stuck in his arm.

You do realize there was a time where they said 40,000 people died in Vatican City.

That underbite makes my dick diamonds

however, drug addicts will not be practicing distancing or hygiene so much more likely to have it and also much more likely to come into contact with police and healthcare professionals and infect all of them

Apparently being a junkie is covid 19 related now lmao

He's a homeless nigger probably died of heroin overdose.
Dead for two days? Unlikely but if true probably because his fellow niggers record him asking if anyone knew him instead of calling paramedics.

Amerifags crying about china’s data of covid, when they are the one hiding data

>dead on street for 2 days
yellow jew levels inhumanity....

>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>let the bodies hit the

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any port in a storm

>clearly Pajeet
>clearly Tracks on arms
>hurr durr he got my 'rona
Do shills even try anymore?

No autopsy. Costs too much and nobody is going to pay for it. Just mark him up as another Covid death. Ok? Good.

Call 911 and give location, is it that hard?

looks more like a homeless junkie, and if that were the case no wonder no one noticed for two days straight

>every death is now a coronachan attack
yep. thats where their numbers come from and why all other deaths are down

>dead on street for 2 days
if you are American that line tells you this is bull shit

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When do you ever see them with their pants pulled up?


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Stubbed my toe today. I must have got the 'rona.


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I did my first 12 hour shift as a porter in a covid-19 hospital yesterday. There aren't that many patients at the moment. There are still ongoing preparations for large numbers of critically ill patients. The mortuary has +15 refrigerated shipping containers to hold the dead. The condition of the existing patients is grim. They are all sedated but sometimes drift back into semiconsciousness. All of the patients have been transferred from other hospitals. Their families can’t visit them. The patients have catheters, colostomy bags, heart rate monitors, ventilators etc. The amount of bedding and medical supplies needed for just a few dozen people appears to be quite a lot.
Our PPE usage is incredibly high too. The equipment can only be used for three hours and then has to be completely disposed of. The PPE includes face visors, masks, gowns, general scrubs, double layers of gloves and hair nets. Staff bring their own ‘wipeable shoes’.
Only 1/5 of the facility is operational with the rest looking like a building site. There seems to be very little construction work going on.

Sleeve rolled up like he just got done tying off. Nice try.

crisis actor


I'm not a jew. I have nothing to repent for.

>die during corona era for any reason
>get counted as death by corona
Even with that the numbers aren't that high. Give it up niggers and get the rope out, people have to pay for the hyperbole we got. This is causing irreparable damage to the economies and psyche of the world.