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This thread covers the discussion of topics such as: ·NatSoc Ideology ·Active Movements ·NatSoc History ·Physical and Mental Improvements ·General Plans
What are you waiting for? Take the pledge! > For the good of my people: > I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind > I must BUILD our culture and communities > I must FIGHT for the future of my race > We will endure forever!
>But what really is National Socialism? pastebin.com/C0se2M6W National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.
ᛉ - ARYANISM ">We document a southward spread of genetic ancestry from the Eurasian Steppe, correlating with the archaeologically known expansion of pastoralist sites from the Steppe to Turan in the Middle Bronze Age (2300-1500 BCE)." thequint.com/voices/opinion/genomic-study-vedic-aryan-migration-dravidian-languages-sanskrit >In India, members of higher ranking castes are genetically more similar to Europeans, while lower castes are more similar to Asians. sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/05/010515080044.htm sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090923143333.htm Some quotes from the Rigveda, the oldest Indo-European text. >"At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress." Indra - 10.96.8 >"Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard." Indra - 10.23.4 >"The swarthy skin, the hated of Indra" - Rigveda IX 73.5 >The Rig Veda praises the God who "destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." - Rigveda. III 34.9 >"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." - Rigveda. I 130.8 >The Rigveda thanks God for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - Rigveda. II.20.7, II 12.4 >This choice sums up the Aryans opinion of their non-white subjects: "Black skin is impious" - Rigveda. II.12.4 thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/how-genetics-is-settling-the-aryan-migration-debate/article19090301.ece >A study by Hellenthal et al. (2014) on the DNA of the Kalash people showed evidence of input from modern day Germany and Austria between 990 and 210 BC, a period that overlaps with that of Alexander the Great... well.ox.ac.uk/~gav/admixture/2014-science-final/resources/FAQ.pdf cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(15)00137-8
what are your opinions on non european people surviving in the german armed forces in ww2 and some in the ss for example armenian legion, georgian legion, and russian legion
i have no issue with them fighting for the future and determination of our people, they knew they were fighting for good against bad, and not the other way around as had been the doctrine the allies intended to instill in whites and non whites alike in the war for true identitarianism.
All people should unite against the jews, they will not stop at whites. Next it will be Asians then hispanics blacks. They will not rest until everything is dead or enslaved, worshipping them and utterly humiliated before them.
Liam Myers
hay if you have any good pics of soldiers send them my way am looking for images to color (send me some that have never been colored before)
It's not bait bro, we're really disrespecting socialists in this thread.
Logan Bennett
true i never understood the unstopble urge to controle people, everywhere they go they destroy. truly the children of the devil Heres a vid of them running away from unarmed civilianz
I'm going to be completely honest: I'd like this copypasta more if it didn't rely so heavily on shitholes like The Purity Spiral for it's sources. There are plenty of other places to draw from that don't defense force gay furries because "they make good jokes" and don't have an admin who embezzles donations meant to keep the site running for his own personal use.
Christogenea should be on this list. They host the Mein Kampf Project, among other things, and are a tremendous resource of National Socialist literature and academic research.
holy fucking shit, how new are you to not know that hitler made a new ideology and called it socialism because he thought that marx socialism is utter fucking jewish bullshit and did the opposite of what it advertises
James Long
Just enhanced your pic related. let me look through my archives (;