What makes him so bad?

I got a bad feeling about Gates myself, but I need some good strong points. No schizo answers please

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He is too smart for the average room temperature IQ audience here. Naturally, they are coming up with various nonsense and chimping out.

>What makes him so bad?
Spend a lot of time behind the computer, not socializing, you never learn how to check your actions with respect to other human beings. That problem is endemic to all of Silicon Valley. It's not that they're evil - they just don't have people skills - all of them. Hence, they view people as - something abstract - not something that they need to exist in harmony with. Why should they? They're fucking rolling in money - bitches are lining up to suck their cock - who cares about other humans.

Really, a recipe for sociopathic behavior.

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The only Operating System for which a virus can be effectively coded. Computer security is not an afterthought. I've read the whole white paper on .NET architecture, it's steaming bullshit.

watch pirates of silicon valley

donated 10 billion to WHO which makes him the 2nd largest donor after the US. Wants to chip everyone in existence and has been testing vaccines containing God knows what in Africa for years.

He just looks like one of those middle aged white boys that likes to get fucked in the ass by his wife wearing a strap-on

Your normal eugenicist faggot.

Bill Gates was frequently on Jeffrey Epsteins island. Look it up.

He's a cunt who stole other peoples ideas and marketed them as his own.

his sworn allegiance to the zionists and their goals

He's a fucking boomer.

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Do you know how he became rich? Fucking larges amount of people up.

Starting with a legit tech genius.
Start here.

Fuck Shit Gates.

Bill Gates is Jewish (droopy nose, bug eyes, droopy eyelids)

Attached: gatesj2.jpg (225x225, 10.11K)

Legit stuff about the microchips, scandals, connections, etc would be appreciated

Bill Gates:
- Bill = price (he's very rich)
- Gates = Gate keeper

He thinks he is a modern messiah

He knows things. Needs to be snatched. Warehoused. Chained to a pipe and made to talk.


He conveniently stepped down from the MS board just before corona hit in order to tour the world as the defacto authority on pandemics even 'tho he never went to nursing school.

Also, he left half a million indian kids crippled with his bogus vaccine.

I still don't forgive him for killing all the other OS back in the days, even the ones made to work for windows. His fortune come from destruction, not creation.
And I don't forget the microsoft tax either.

In order to damage control that, he turned an unknown Pajeet into CEO of Virusoft.

OP here. I want to take down Bill Gates but I want some reading to do. Like gimme actual good sources and shit, the Kildall story is an interesting start but I don't like how normies believe he's one of the "good billionaires" when this kike is just as crooked as all the rest.

The way he sells all of our data en masse without our real consent. The way he had explicitly advocated for direct population control; eerily enough in tandem with new plans about massive vaccination and skin-enbedded microchips. All too suspicious if you ask me, he clearly has an agenda.


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>wheres Trumps cartoon guy forgot his name.
Need cartoon guy to draw Gates handing a horse made out of syringes to Trump with above phrase.
How to get this to him ?

>that scene in The Simpsons when he destroys Homer's business

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He wants mass population control, be it through sterilizatioh, chipping, vaccines. Anyone who looks at a billion people as a herd for them to shepherd is someone to be wary of.

Also be could have fixed africa if he spent 50 billion building factories and expanding Microsoft there instead of blowing it on temporary band aid so there was an ulterior motive there

He wants to put microchips in your body. You can't really use them but the government can. In some religions, taking the chip dooms you to hell.

I'll feed you a couple quotes attributed to Gates:
"It would be illogical to think my daughter has a soul."
"Nobody will ever need more than 512K of RAM."
That and he wrote the text editor Edlin. Youtube how to operate Edlin. It will give you a good insight into how his mind works- And that he hates humanity.
All this, plus Windows, and you have a super-villain level of pure evil! Making and patenting killer viruses and lethal vaccines notwithstanding.

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Why is NO ONE talking about the fact that he has Parkinson's???? it's virtually been scrubbed from the web and memory holed. Parkinson's has other mental health side effects, not just physical. Hallucinations, depression, anxiety. This guy is fucking crazy and no one says shit cause it's billionaire Bill Gates who have us Windows and Xbox's.

imagine getting strap-on'd in the ass by your wife, haha

Who owns the patent to the corona virus and what are the ties to the gates foundation?

Won't let him friend.

Attached: Billy 'The Master' Gates.png (670x437, 244.72K)

Twatter normies need to stop calling it 'mark of the beast' on mainstream platforms. Yes, that's what it is, but in the eyes of the NPC it maps to religious nut and it becomes laughably easy for shills to discredit you. Just say chipped.

Gates foundation ran vaccine tests on children in India and Kenya that resulted in hundreds of thousands of side effects
Supports tracking devices for vaccines
Microsoft developing digital ID software
History of "philanthropy" with Dr. Fauci
Event 201
Father close with Rockefellers

Just do some research on these topics for starters. He's not our friend. He's factually a globalist. You could make a claim that he's a transhumanist.

gates is just a vaccine salesman that is trying to get the entire world to get injections that will enrich him and probably harm the majority of us.

I imagine him and John McAfee on a yaht and Mcafee is laughing and saying "anti-virus is a scam. It doesn't even work. You just have to get enough people sighned up and you can get rich".

Then for the next 20 years Bill Gates is running the conversation over and over in his head until he decides to get into the vaccine business. Vaccines are really just the real-life version of antivirus. Think how much he will make. a $100 vaccine given to 7 billion people will bring in 700 billion in revenue. Now imagine that is every year. Also, imagine the vaccines cost way more than a hundred bucks each.
