Nor miss absolute SEETHING at Bill Gates on his Instagram!! Thousands of people calling out Jews, pedo elite, ID2020 and More!

Currently at 75k comments on his last post with 200k comments already deleted by Bill’s PR team. Get the fuck in here!

>pic related

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OP is a virgin

It's only karens, no real ppl

Bill Gates did nothing wrong.

>not realizing white upper middle class women are one of the most influential demographics in the world.



Take your meds, schizo.



why the fuck is everbdy angry at Big Bucks Bill?


Obvious JIDF is obvious

>the memeflag is immunized against all dangers

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It's pedos living vicariously through pizzagate related hysteria. I really wish someone would tell them they could just go scan kik codes on Yas Forums and leave us all alone.

i was referring to the battery life fucking faggot. fag didn't get the joke.

>memeflaggot cia glownigger shill faggot

lol this,
my mom is like 80 IQ and a lobbyist for one of the major disease charity organizations in our country

Fucking, this.

Damn I’m banging an 80 IQ lobbyist lady for one of the major disease charity in the ass rn. Could be your mom.

1 post shills promoting pedophilia

you could be, lol

just so you know millions of dollars are thrown around by people who you wouldn't trust with your grocery list.

kike media is actually defending bill gates all dramatic "fact checks" and shit lol, fuck this faggot.

Feel proud to be part of Yas Forums and red-pilled community.

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Soon......the one whos yelling "no consent" will be among the first begging to vaccine, near the end of 2021.....

Attached: me too.jpg (745x397, 32.71K)

Like the NRA

yeah, save your money buy another gun get a shooting buddy
that's more than the NRA can do

>Yas Forums - my agenda anytime i can find a ray of light
kys nigger

JIDF shills on fucking suicide watch!!!! Day of the rope is imminent

that's just bad energy man, relax


>Everything I don't like is JIDF
JIDF, Normies, OP, Jews are all faggots.

Bill Gates has nothing to do with the Jews or Rockefeller. Take your fucking meds.

This. So much this.