/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3179

► Detected: 1,920,142 (+67,809) ► Died: 119,410 (+5,214) ► Day: 95 (-03:30:30)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,457 strains have been sequenced —


1 killed, 45 arrested after coronavirus riot in Brussels

Thousands line up for hours at food banks in the US

US not counting at least 2700 nursing home deaths in official toll

Israel places Orthodox Jews into lockdown to stop spread

Trump's top advisor says US should have reacted sooner

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Survivors will be immunocompromised

23 year old football player dies in Iran

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Test kits in the U.S and 30 countries are flawed

Coronavirus spike already visible in Dutch mortality rates

Ecuador hands out 2,000 cardboard emergency coffins

Reports of "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico embarrass health secretary

China covering up "second wave" of infections

22:25: 418 new cases and 29 new deaths in Florida
21:36: First death in Wyoming
21:35: 50 new cases and 195 new deaths in New York City, New York state
20:58: 484 new cases and 28 new deaths in Germany
20:52: 132 new cases and 139 new deaths in Spain
20:36: 13 new deaths in Romania


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Other urls found in this thread:




You! ^w^

*ambush hugs*

Yes, you! ȌωȌ

I hope you're taking care of yourself! x3

*huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

Because if you're not...

I'll be really, really sad to loose someone as special as you! ;_;

*wuggles extra hard*

I don't know what I'd do if you went away... (´°ω°`)

So please take care of yourself! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

I wuv you! ´・ᴗ・`

-Sadly boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

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#1 United States 584,862 (23,555) #2 Spain 170,099 (17,756) #3 Italy 159,516 (20,465) #4 France 136,779 (14,967) #5 Germany 129,207 (3,118) #6 United Kingdom 88,621 (11,329) #7 China 82,160 (3,341) #8 Iran 73,303 (4,585) #9 Turkey 61,049 (1,296) #10 Belgium 30,589 (3,903) #11 Netherlands 26,551 (2,823) #12 Switzerland 25,688 (1,138) #13 Canada 25,552 (767) #14 Brazil 23,430 (1,328) #15 Russia 18,328 (148) #16 Portugal 16,934 (535) #17 Austria 14,041 (368) #18 Israel 11,586 (116) #19 Sweden 10,948 (919) #20 Ireland 10,647 (365) #21 South Korea 10,537 (217) #22 India 10,453 (358) #23 Peru 9,784 (216) #24 Ecuador 7,529 (355) #25 Chile 7,525 (82) #26 Japan 7,370 (123) #27 Poland 6,934 (245) #28 Romania 6,633 (331) #29 Norway 6,565 (134) #30 Australia 6,359 (61) #31 Denmark 6,318 (285) #32 Czech Republic 6,022 (143) #33 Pakistan 5,496 (93) #34 Saudi Arabia 4,934 (65) #35 Philippines 4,932 (315)…

#1 United States +24,562 (+1,450) #2 Spain +3,268 (+547) #3 Italy +3,153 (+566) #4 France +4,188 (+574) #5 Germany +1,353 (+96) #6 United Kingdom +4,342 (+717) #7 Iran +1,617 (+111) #8 Turkey +4,093 (+98) #9 Belgium +942 (+303) #10 Netherlands +964 (+86) #11 Switzerland +273 (+32) #12 Canada +1,169 (+50) #13 Brazil +1,238 (+105) #14 Russia +2,558 (+18) #15 Portugal +349 (+31) #16 Austria +96 (+18) #17 Israel +441 (+13) #18 Sweden +465 (+20) #19 Ireland +992 (+31) #20 South Korea +25 (+3) #21 India +1,248 (+27) #22 Peru +2,265 (+23) #23 Ecuador +63 (+22) #24 Chile +312 (+2) #25 Poland +260 (+13) #26 Romania +333 (+15) #27 Norway +40 (+6) #28 Australia +46 (+2) #29 Denmark +144 (+12) #30 Czech Republic +31 (+5) #31 Pakistan +266 (+2) #32 Saudi Arabia +472 (+6) #33 Philippines +284 (+18) #34 Malaysia +134 (+1) #35 Mexico +442 (+23)…

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>retards talking about elections

nigga we don't even know if America will exist by November

Why? Is something about to happen?


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What country will be first to bring a vaccine to market?

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>noooo we can't go into quarantine!!! think of muh economy!!!
Why is drumpf so retarded?

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more deaths, economic collapse, starvation, civil war,... everything is on the table.

>president is starting to show retard propaganda on live tv
I can't wait for this shit to break down now that we're in the 'el presidente' phase


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The one with a most doctors

Trump and the rich got together and decided even with the threat of this everyone needs to go back to work especially so they can justify keeping that entire stimulus package including the parts that were suppose to go to the civilians for themselves. just look at that piece of shit task force he put together and the governors will agree with him so they can get out of paying unemployment benefits to all the people that applied for them.

Looks like the GOLDEN ERA is back on the menu boys

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dems dont even have to show ads when they can just show trump stumbling through lies every single day

More deaths from what?

The silence is striking a cry from time to time escapes from a room with the door closed.
700 meters from the hospital, a retirement home for 93 residents. Five dead. Twenty-six positive retirees including ten serious. A third of the staff affected.
Some residents do not even have access to water or healthcare. Lack of professionals to support them.
I want to cry


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>we want to return to normal life
>our country will be open
I just turned trump on and this is what he said, are they going FULL HERD?

Israel, for obvious reasons.

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More from the Disney salt mines.


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...Anyone remember January /cvg/?

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How did the Chinks know to us Chloroquine so early on?


Well, not really, but hear me out.

This has likely been said before and I'm not going to call it a nothingburger, but... BUT! What REALISTIC options are there for a victory for the PEOPLE? What do I mean by that? Simple. There are 2 possibilities.

#1 No quarantine, be like Swedistan (never thought I'd actually say this)
The virus, regardless of how deadly or not it is, will simply spread everywhere unabated and whatever will happen, will happen. It's that simple. Meanwhile, life will go on and people won't need to stress out about everything. Businesses will continue, everything will remain open, the economy won't suffer. Remember the videos of hospital staff dancing and shit? Remember the videos of hospitals literally empty? You could argue that's because the quarantine is working and I won't disagree. It might be just that, but let's look at the alternative.

#2 Full or partial quarantine, like what the majority of the world is doing
Okay, now what does this accomplish? It slows the spread, flattens the curve to prevent the health system from being overwhelmed, possibly saves lives, gives lab geeks the time to create a (((vaccine))), which is impossible to do because there are already 8+ strains of this shit going around (and this is old information), but it also completely devastates the economy and it will cause extreme hyperinflation and discontent in the very near future. Yes, money printer goes BRRRRRRRRRR.

The second scenario is the perfect control mechanism to adopt a NWO. You've seen videos, local and foreign, of what the authorities have been doing to people, all in the name of their safety. Even folk who are in the middle of nowhere are getting persecuted by drones and helicopters, because they aren't home. They aren't all in the one place where they should be, for easy control. Coincidentally, of course, ID2020 is a thing and they had a friendly "pandemic exercise", just before Corona hit last year.


press f

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ayyyy lmao

>implying doctors make vaccines

They'll give us our freedom back in name only after their miracle vaccine is ready. Remember that flu vaccines don't even work 100% of the time, because they're basically guessing which flu strain is going to spread around in any particular season and make vaccines for it. And if they're wrong, well, nothing. You got vaccinated for nothing at all and someone paid for it. How exactly are they supposed to create a vaccine for this shit that already has more than 8 strains? What a joke. What do you think is going to happen in the following months? That this is simply going to go away? Of course not. Let me clarify something. The virus itself is real in the sense that it does exist because they couldn't possibly get away with fabricating it. Someone would eventually find out the truth. But how deadly is it really? What do we know about this Frankenstein abomination?

>asymptomatic spread while incubating
>incubation period is between 4 and 14 days, in rare cases up to 40, maybe even more
>it survives on surfaces for up to 9 days, on the Diamond Princess cruise ship it was found still active after 17 days
>R0 of somewhere between 3 and 6, possibly higher
>it survives in 60°c (140°f) heat for 30 minutes
>it survives in cold for days and even weeks, in ice for upwards of 2 years if not more
>it may resurface or reinfect (possibly another strain)
>so far they've reported 8 different strains, but this is old info, there are likely far more now
>it causes lung fibrosis or maybe even altitude sickness (fucks with haemoglobin)
>it infects the nervous system
>it causes cardiac arrest
>it fucks with the liver and kidneys
>it causes skin lesions
>it causes diarrhoea and spreads through faeces

And so on, and so on... so what exactly does this thing NOT do? Clearly it's the biggest boogeyman in existence. Due to all the listed and unlisted reasons, you should be afraid of your family, neighbors, friends and ONLY trust the government and its institutions.


What did he show?

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> To the surprise of the scientists, the T cell became a prey to the coronavirus in their experiment. They found a unique structure in the virus’ spike protein that apparently triggered the fusion of a viral envelope and cell membrane when they came into contact

>The virus’s genes then entered the T cell and took it hostage, disabling its function of protecting humans.

> Further investigations into the coronavirus infection on primary T cells would evoke “new ideas about pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic interventions”, the researchers said in a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology this week.




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China, but it won't work or causes crippling side effects

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Eat shit aussie

If option #1 is chosen, this will simply spread everywhere, and if its lethality isn't vastly exaggerated, it will wreck havoc, but eventually it will cease. Nothing lasts forever. But if option #2 is chosen, then how exactly is this supposed to end? Like I said, a vaccine is impossible due to all the varying strains that are immune to it. After all, there's no such thing as a universal flu vaccine. Why would there be one for this piece of shit? So the economy's going to the shitter, scarcity is expected and people are getting more and more frustrated and discontent about it. Eventually some riots may break out and some governments may use force to subdue the population, maybe just for a limited time. Others may take an appeasing stance, where they guarantee everyone various amenities to eliminate dissent. And eventually, as everyone becomes more and more desperate to resume their daily lives, they'll come up with the solution. They'll promise you a cure that isn't 100% effective, maybe one that they already made in advance, but for the sake of safety and simplicity, especially because they'll have to go through the majority if not entirety of the planet's population, they'll have to attach a tag or even a chip to it. I expect that many will agree to this nightmare scenario, all for the sake of fake freedom. After all, if everyone's chipped and confirmed uninfected and has never been in contact with someone infected, they can be together. Do or say something the government doesn't like? It appears that you've been infected, citizen, and EVERYONE around you knows this because their phones tell them what your chip tells them. Seriously, how's a lockdown supposed to help anyone and not create the situation I just described? This all started from 1 person and if you read the virus' characteristics, you'll realize that it's simply realistically IMPOSSIBLE to contain. How long would it take in a quarantine for it to go away based on what it does? Do the math.

t-thanks user...

user I...

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It was a clipshow of fox news praising him and various out of context praises for the corona task force, and he forced the press to watch it, dimmed the lights and everything.

hahahhaha fuck people
>distillery offers free hand sanitizer up to 4 liters per
>1000 cars line up
>start fighting in line
>rcmp shuts it down

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Yeah, what about it?

Homeless WA user here
Not much update from last, I'll repost my rough draft sketch of bunker since last time I posted was like 2-3 am
I'm seeing more cars at night again, almost like the niggercattle took the mindset of "nobody I knew died since quarantine, nothingburger" I have no idea where they are driving to since almost everything is shutdown and grocery stores close at 10pm at the latest, I truly believe it's cattle just driving for the sake of driving.
Random as hell but I plan on putting a layer of boards down tunnel wall, followed by a folded tarp, followed by 1 board secured to the board wall+tarp at the end of every corridor.
Hope everyone is doing ok, happy Easter (especially you filthy godless kikes) stay safe frens

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Hey heres a thought, do you think the godless Commie scum might be telling lies?

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They're going to reopen the country at least a month too early so the big line can go for Trump's reelection and for kikes to recoup some of their losses before it has to get shutdown because people will just refuse to go to work eventually.

You should unironically put "diligently created thousands of corona virus general threads on Yas Forums for 2 months" on your resume.

he showed a video timeline of the news saying it's a nothing burger paired with the days that he banned china travel

they're seething so hard right now

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Reminder that OP is a paid shill faggot that works for this:

Not a shill here.
Is this finally going to go away or what? I hear that the Coronavirus is nothingburger, but I hear other people from the other side too saying that is not. Whois right here?

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I masturbated to you once and now you're pregnant.

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And here's rough draft, please ignore my mixup of inches and feet

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come over: youtube.com/watch?v=4r_SkqxSLdg&feature=youtu.be

It was way better than this bullshit.

shouldn't take that long

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I don't know why but seeing this reminded me of that musical number in that old disney movie, The Arstiacats where they dancing until the piano starts falling down the multiple floors of the house. It also had a racist chinese joke in there with the sainese cat pretending to speak the language,too nip chong chung or whatever. Seriously, am I losing it? Why did seeing a medical conga line trigger this memory?

No full denial and forward to death wage. Make the line go up.

Its a nothingburger compared to the H2N2 flu pandemic in 1957.
OP is a faggot who wants to have Google and globohomofaggot tech industry to track you.

Bullets to the head. Wheeeeeeee ahahahahhaahhaah.


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My favorite posts in all of this are by Canadians thinking they aren't Sweden status
Us had to close borders with you
You waited the longest to end travel with china
have fun with that

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yeah I've here since the start. I remember when hueanon told us shit about the virus that MSM is only just now admitting, like how it has HIV parts in it.

what happens if a feral human comes and tries to murder rape you in your sleep?

Keep going user you can do it

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go away where? the Moon? it's already everywhere and there's no vaccine for another year and our outlooks on long-term immunity are mixed at best. even when we "open up" again, public space as you used to know it will never be the same.

Oh yeah I never saved the original phone ownership picture, anyone got it?

Happy Easter user, please stay safe, the normies are going insane, I work am emergency vet clinic and the owners are becoming frantic and twitchy, calling in the most basic shit as if it’s an emergency, they’re stir crazy

Will the elites use Wagies as cannon fodder in the upcoming weeks to restart the shekel circus?

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No you fucking stupid fuck.

>1917239 infected
>119090 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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autists are good at patter recognition

how do we get the drugs that lower your immune system response to corona to prevent organ damage? trump mentioned it I want some

Why do you feds always ask "how will you defend against x"

True, shills and nothingburgers weren't out of control yet

This is getting more ironic every day

this albino rat can be spotted in lookners chat

What else was he saying apart from this being airborne aids?


yes dane of many questions

wheres that user that has the chart of all uninfected countries, i want to see whats left to be graced by coronachan

Dr. Donald Trump

Yeah, it truly won't. But it will usher in a NWO, that much I guarantee. Enjoy what remains of your freedom. It won't last. Remember to smile as they chip you to save you from the boogeyman.



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Just hold your breath, your immune system stops working the longer you hold it

Better and more racist thread here Better and more racist thread here Better and more racist thread here Better and more racist thread here Better and more racist thread here

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I'm autistic?

So apaprently there is only 258 tests per million in brazil and we have over 20k cases and over 1k deaths already,

i'm done for anons it was nice knowing you all

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Sorry Bologna, we dont just ignore the virus here

nah I would be worried about random crazy people but I've never been homeless I even worry about hobos kicking in my back door to steal my tv

They used to spam first few posts and shut up. Now they just keep going til the bump limit

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That's impossible

If you don't want to go to a grocery store with a mask on why don't you build a mask free grocery store, lolbert?

Eat shit nigger

Those were comfier times.
I miss the oniposters...

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While death is sad for the living left behind, for the dying, it is merely a passage out of this physical body to a spiritual existence, free of this mortal coil. If one turns off the radio, the music is still there. For all we know, the dead weep for us.

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Hide user, gather supplies and hide

Thank you user

Thx fren, what's the whore saying? I don't speak nip
You too fren, I heard somewhere in Europe was resorting to veterinary medicine for humans on certain treatments

I have a serious question. If selective preassure is taking action thanks to lockdowns, wouldn't stop them be a bad idea?
Isn't like, playing a suicide game where the virus can mutate to a lesser form but ALSO to maybe a deadlier form?

Your friends in Japan have around 350 tests per million so at least you're slightly worse than an advanced first world country

When do you think countries in Europe are going to start opening up again? Given all present circumstances and influences that is - I reckon we're all in the know about the potential immunity ramifications but quite a lot of nations seem to be covering their eyes with wool in regards to this.
When are we gonna see lockdowns eased?

He's fucking back bros

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