Why do Jews intentionally destroy everything they touch?

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that’s what God chose them to do

we dont

Because they can get away with it.

MAMA MIA you could steer a cruise ship with that thing.

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They have no nation of their own so they destroy others out of jealousy. They resent other people having their own culture, religion, holidays.

Its part of their belief.

Genitic inferiority complex along with a high predisposition for psychopathy/Schizophrenia\Psychosis.

They know the're genetic runts of the human race so they have a huge chip on their shoulder.

The ancient Aramaic word for Pestilence is the same as the word for Hebrew

Do people mistake her for a shark when she does the backfloat in the Dead Sea?

they're mad everyone laughs at their noses

Because people who are stupid enough to fall for their cheap cunning unimaginative tricks deserve to burn in flaming excrement forever and ever.

They view nonjews as animals so seek to make it so that only jews have civilization.

because they are pathological lying parasites

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jewish lies


We are their slaves and they get off on torturing us and making us suffer. They pool their money together and take over. Also that is what happens with all immigrants. All those countries mass immigrating to ours spend money making sure their people get on top and we are shuffled to the bottom. Are Arabs just better at businesses or was steps taking by their former governments and ours to make sure they own 99% of gas stations? Then they move on to other businesses and take all them over. like how the Indians take over the tech fields. We can not succeed and have no future when we have our government and governments from other countries making sure we stay at the bottom. We are finished and many have realized that and look out for themselves and help the enemies out for fucking Twitter and Facebook likes.

because they are destroyers and want a world of their own. just like the quote by that one jewish guy said.


Because when they take from us everything gets better for them. Until it doesn't.

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I don't think it's intentionally, it's just in our genetics.

How can you tell she's a jew? She honestly looks no different from a typical European.

>Crazy woman
"If I can't have him, NO ONE WILL!"
>Crazy male feminist or other psychopath
"If I can't have her, NO ONE WILL!"
>Almost all jews
"Hey, you stole our line, anti-Semite."

Jews are the fatherless kids of the spiritual world, God has abandoned them for their ways and thus they are so innately resentful they have to ruin the world for everybody else.
It must be horrible knowing even your God despises you.

You are jew.

Answer yourself.

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Their revolt against Christ, leads them to revolt against all Truth.

Boom...computer is broken.

Why/how are/is/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Based Cringe Normies Ethnicity Phenotype Race Mixing Daily reminder What went wrong? He (literally) did nothing wrong McDonald's wagecuck arthouse Dishonest Cuck Despite being Redpill me on Imagine Simp BTFO Me on the left, right, back, front God I wish that was/were me fpbp Why is this? Who is to blame? What did they mean by this? What is their problem? Dilate Stunning, brave, powerful I'm gonna say it When I say 'X' you say 'X' Rent free Mutt Ethnostate It's over Cope Wew Seethe Happening NothingLeafBurger Literally This, but Ironically/unironically The eternal 'X' Neet Wagie Can't meme Now that the dust has settled kys Go back Gaslighting (((you))) Chad Stacy Have sex "oomers" Flags IDs "racialoids" Go away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc How will/can 'X' ever recover? Glow NPC Schizo Jew Shill Incel Built for Bot Boi We wuz kangz IQ No u Oh nonono How compete?

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this is probably the most accurate answer i wouldn't hate them (despite them being eyesores) if they weren't on intent on destroying white nations and white identity and american-European cultures they truly do hate us

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She could smoke a cigarette under the shower with that thing.

idk, ask her: m.youtube.com/watch?v=onqEH7ZFMVQ