>Language sounds like arabic
>Center of global kikery
>Everyone hates them
These faggots
Yeah fuck em
>Language sounds like gay German
>Center of global cuckoldry
>Everyone hates them
>Country literally shaped like a limp dick
Sounding like Arabs is new to me. All other thing are pretty much true though.
Neuken in de keuken
Ok Sweden.
It is the most beautiful language
That's AfriKaans
For you
I love Dutch people but dutch sounds really retarded and annoying just like swiss german.
thanks germanbro
love you too
Our favourite neighbours. When are you coming back again to fortify Europe against the invaders?
They're not so bad. Thanks to them our future eurobonds will have better credit ratings, so I say based overall.
I don't disagree with you. Fuck these weak globohomo emasculated pencil-necked spagettio lanklets.
T. Abdullah
Å, betyder det att jag kan få din fru då eftersom att jag är Abdullah? Det är väl så det fungerar i Sverige? :^)
Pay the bonds toothpaste
fucking toothpastes
Flag checks out
>Language sounds like arabic.
I think it sounds more like Hebrew. They also heva a lot of jiddish words in their language.
Whoa, where did you find an Antarctic VPN?
Arabic? Whenever I hear Dutch, some part of my brain instinctively tries to hear it as English. It doesn't take long to realize it's another language, but for a good 1 or 2 seconds, I think I'm hearing English. Our languages are so similar, I don't see how you could think it sounds like Arabic.
WoW, Viking brother-killing war
O my fucking god, pls tell me what it is fake
It doesn't really sound much like Arabic at all. It sounds kind of like Hebrew with some English and German mixed in. Both Hebrew and Dutch have those gross guttural "ekh" sounds.
Sweden is such a shithole, it's retarded for a Swede to talk shit about another country. Had to call him out.
dood hitler lmao
Jelly because you never had the breakthrough advancements in navigation, commerce, war, colonization, print, fine arts, and a long etcetera of swede irrelevancy.
Hy кoнeчнo жe этo нe фeйк))
Jews are based. Fuck the rest. Jewish/Dutch alliance when??
I don't hate them, I just think they're boring and autistic. Still, pretty smart cunts when you see how well their country runs. Just a quick drive to Belgium will remind you how much better this country is managed.
since 1648
Based mexibro. Hope u get rid of the cartels one day and Mexico can release it’s full potential.
Anglo’s are even worse than kikes
At least we don't speak Hebrew German
>Jewish/Dutch alliance when
Fuck off cidi.nl shill dutch people are smarter than mutts, not gonna fall for that shit
Do u have a loicence to speak about anti semetism? No? Time to go to jail, Nigel.
De mazzel jongen
Don't one of your soccer clubs call themselves the Jews?
Time for the bases israeli’s to kill your people for so many times.