Leafs, what say you?

leafs, what say you?

Attached: newNA.png (1200x1200, 263.32K)

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What does the color mean

Like I said before, there is no reason for a free Quebec and a Maritimes and Newfoundland not connected with New England.

alternative map

Attached: newNA (1)www.png (1200x1200, 263.56K)

this is such a bad take.
Quebec literally just sent a separatist party to parliament with a huge majority.
New Foundland and Labrador is a complete shithole that asked to join America last century and we told them to fuck off.
The Maritimes have a case to make...I guess.
But still, I don't see the Maritimes asking to split from Ontario to join dark green, nor do i see dark green being okay with accepting those leeches.

Red: USA
Pink: California
Dark Blue: Canada
Ligh Blue: Quebec
Light Green: Cascadia
Dark Green: Plymouth (name a work in progress)

>Quebec literally just sent a separatist party to parliament with a huge majority.
holy fuck, if you think Bloc is concerned with separating from Canada then you are complete fucking in the head.

>But still, I don't see the Maritimes asking to split from Ontario to join dark green, nor do i see dark green being okay with accepting those leeches.
Yep, you are actually fucked in the head and don't know what you're even talking about. Continue making shitty maps so you can continue getting shit on.

>New Foundland and Labrador is a complete shithole that asked to join America last century and we told them to fuck off.
What a waste of digits on your retarded Yankee history. The Brits and the rest of Canada had to rig the referendum to get NFLD to join Canada. USA wanted us for the uranium and oil, and the strategic advantage of having the first place you can land a plane when crossing the Atlantic.

Why would a Canadian want to join a shithole like the US?

The US would drag Canada down. Canada should join the UK, more political balance, more history, most Canadians are English/British.

How about this instead?

Attached: Amerida.png (1200x1200, 155.55K)

Buffalo would follow the rest of the state; it's just the hicks in the middle who might not want to be part, but we'd drag them kicking and screaming anyway.

No please take northwestern ontario. We are not related to the rest of the province.

True, I always say a prayer for you guys. It must be like how a paraplegic must feel - those useless appendages hanging below.

We really should join Manitoba. We would add a port to the province and a 100k population city.

Take it all ffs

>Olympic Peninsula and Southwest Washington joining Seattle
Sir, that's retarded.

>the one part of North America with a popular sovereignty movement will not be sovereign in a balkanized North America scenario
big brain take
>You're an idiot bc your facts don't align with my desired map aesthetics

>popilar sovereignty movement

That's not a bad idea. I used to be sad about our country falling apart. But now it gets me horny thinking of better arranged things could be.

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>Seeking a union with the United States was not a referendum option, despite the idea having some currency amongst locals. With the Cold War looming, U.S. interests in Newfoundland were centred primarily on its strategic importance to the defence of North America. The Americans' ability to maintain bases on the island satisfied those concerns — after receiving assurances that the Canadian government would honour the leases for bases on Newfoundland, the U.S. State department had no further interest in the political future of Newfoundland.[6] President Harry S. Truman's administration had little incentive to pursue annexation. With respect to foreign policy, such a territorial ambition would have only served to antagonize two key allies. With respect to domestic policy, the administration would not likely have been able to convince Congress to offer statehood to Newfoundland due to its small population and geographical isolation from the then-48 existing states, and would not likely have been able to convince Newfoundlanders to accept territorial status as an alternative to admission as a U.S. state.
ok murre eater. keep pretending like anybody wants you.

Attached: cringe.png (632x484, 447.51K)

buffalo would join new england and nyc metro over the midwest?
that's the first time i've heard that on here, and i've been in many a upstate/downstate pissing matches on pol

Attached: 350px-Washington_presidential_election_results_2012.svg.png (350x261, 33.95K)

>Ngl goyim id get
Can you buy ids?

Take NS, I'm sick of being Canadian.

>posts thread asking what leafs say
>gets told his ideas are shitty and out of touch
>"no body wants you!"

Newfoundland and New Brunswick are rightful Massachusetts clay

Attached: 20200413_182538.png (1200x1200, 287.08K)

There is only one way that this plays out in the end. The trend is toward ever greater union, those north of the border have too much to lose by not sending representatives to DC.

Attached: img.jpg (633x652, 167.49K)

>comes to my thread about the map
>lies about his shithole's history
>pretends his post was on topic
newfie education.

Yep just purchase student visa :)

Attached: 1585500065485.jpg (384x649, 69.29K)

Fuck off back to you dirty fucking country you dirty kike loving mutt.

Attached: America2050.jpg (600x739, 102.3K)

I am open to moving the maritimes (not all of Atlantic Canada you murre eating, marble mouthed inbreds) into Plymouth.
What are your reasonings besides the maritimes getting to leach off of NYC and Boston instead leaching off of Toronto?

t. leafer lifer
i thought Don Cherry and the good ole ontario boys considered Canada America's trusty righthand mensch?

It would be called Greater New England not Plymouth

Attached: 1200px-An_Appeal_to_Heaven_Flag.svg.png (1200x800, 50.43K)

It should all be the same trash heap. North America is such a joke, I'm moving to Europe to enjoy its last few decades.

Majority white and blue collar workers, though if the only option is to go to a minority-cock-sucking democrat ran city maybe I'll just move to Alberta.

Take British Colombia at your own risk, you're only getting another version of California leftist niggers anyways.

Thank God Québec is now free from the angry anglomutt socialists.

Attached: l'éternel angloid.png (1584x864, 65.15K)

you are actually the the most retarded OP in the catalog right now

>Map of Canada after we invade and capture the US.