Do they both smoke insane amounts of crack?

Is that why theyre political commentary is so good?

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How do you even know they smoke crack?

Never mind I’m dyslexic

Good job you failed our NATION


> theyre political commentary is so good?
kill yourself

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>another jewish grifter thread



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>political commentary
>so good
I never seen someone fail so many times in such a short phrase


interesting all of a sudden people are shilling this fat kike


eceleb faggots can fuck off

Yall cowards dont even smoke crack

THERE - Where? There!
THEIR - Who's political commentary? Their political commentary!!!!

Ethan is a fat fucking kike. How does any on earth even listen him?

jesus she hit the wall hard

bros why does hila look so haggardly? is Ethan draining her life force or something ?

We Amercans just speak a bit different is all

>Is that why theyre political commentary is so good?

>be jewish
>be omnipresent in media for over a hundred years now
>hate everyone else
>fabricate incel movement

Oh wow how could a bunch of jews know so much about incels, gevalt!

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Imagine fucking a fat autistic jew.

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Do you think she still loves him? She seems pretty fed up with him at this point if you watch her body language towards them in their vids

Those Fucking Jewish fags need to be gassed

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>kike and goblina say stupid shit
>instead of ignoring it let's have a 500 post thread cause jannies love ecelebs
Tiresome. Since we are here anyway name 1 BASED eceleb

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ur mom

did you see the vid where she basically says she doesnt get to talk enough. his crack induced twitches must be hard to deal with as well

>Is that why theyre political commentary is so good?
kill yourself you fucking money grabbing kike, joe rogan wannabe.

No, I can see them getting a divorce in the future unless she pushes herself to stay him for the money and their kid. It has been a downward spiral ever sense he's been bitching about MUH DEPRESSION. I used to like their vids too.

George Bush was illiterate. Americans consider it an endearing trait. It's why you hear idiots saying they could care less when they mean that they dont care at all. (If they didn't care at all then they couldn't care less, but the American mind can not grasp things that seem obvious for anyone else)

That is why they need explanation words in front of normal English words. You know how in England they say glasses? In America they needed to say eye glasses so that Americans would remember where to put them.

They need everything simplified and dumbed down.

They take the English language and then dumbed it down. They couldn't grasp the concept of a pavement so they called it sidewalk so that they knew where to put it (on the side of the road) and an explanation of what they should use it for.

And there are many other words like that. Instead of bin they say waste paper basket. They need to know that it is for paper and that it is waste (or else they would just hoard it) so they need to know what to put in it (not only paper, but waste paper... Or else they would throw perfectly fine paper in it and what it is)

So Americans will never manage to learn their own language. Might as well just make there/they're/their into one word and where/we're/were into one word so they aren't confused the poor things.

If it wasn't for us you eurocucks would be sucking the USSR's dick.

Keep getting raped by sand niggers and sub-saharan spear chuckers

they're blood label practicing kikes

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Better than being ruled by faggots in the EU. Thanks OBAMA!

Americans love war and want war. You should thank us for giving you the opportunity. We have Nato which means that you have a reason to spend more on the military while we can spend the money on healthcare and education and things that we like. It is a win-win situation. Everyone wins.

Ok, mutt

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>two jews meet at holocaust museum
What kinda tricks are they playin at Yas Forums?

Imagine seething this hard about another country
I don't even know what flag this is but its not relevant

Of course you dont know what flag it is

Why do you new fags bring this celebrity drama to Yas Forums. Fuck off with this no effort posting to Yas Forums

>pavement - because its on the side of the road
>pavement side of the road.
ok well now you know. britain europe idiots theinks everythin IS simple. so they use the same word for everythign and play guess the correct answer common core with each other and everythign is gay but buddy sex shit all the time.

> *sees obv small typo*
> *frantically writes entire paragraph about it*
europoors always care about the most pointless shit which is why the toilets barely flush in their countries and you have to pay to use public restrooms - truly pathetic

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>my country struck oil so now we can all read

Stop trying to promote e-nothings.