>We are announcing that California, Oregon and Washington have agreed to form an alliance of progressive policies, trade, and governance.
They may as well just come out and fucking say it at this point. The Balkanization begins.
>We are announcing that California, Oregon and Washington have agreed to form an alliance of progressive policies, trade, and governance.
They may as well just come out and fucking say it at this point. The Balkanization begins.
I wonder why?
let them go and extend the wall
We need the ports and military bases
>progressive policies
fuck yeah, I can fight the civil war from within now.
They aren’t seceding yet, it looks/feels like California just absorbed both states.
washington state resident here
if there's a civil war, i'd be happy to defect, and i'm not alone! much of eastern WA, eastern OR, and many pockets along the OR coast will also!
seems like they are opening things up for a chinese coastal invasion
>Washington, Oregon, California
Correction: Seattle-Portland-California (whole state is just shit at this point).
Given the right conditions Portland and Seattle run the politics of the states but the regions outside would have no problem putting a bullet in any townies head should moves be made.
This. They can leave but they can't take the clay with them.
Cool. So they'll help each other when wildfires, earthquakes happen and stop begging for Federal aid for billions every time?
My plan is working!
the NCR is real, frien
Good luck never gonna happen
They can supply their own state and tax payer funded naval and armed forces.
If they want to act as if they are separate, let's make it legit.
Any bets on how long it is before they come crawling back?
>seceding the union
It's "seceding from." It's an intransitive verb.
>all these replies
Yas Forums is low IQ, but good b8 OP.
That's fine you can peacefully leave.
Midwest checklist:
x Increase corn prices
x Increase onions prices
X Profit
You don’t get to keep the land.
Didn't some news just come about from how the Chinese are trying some fuckey fuckey, in regards to trying to creep on the Pacific coast?
so in 2025, we're gonna get this exact same commercial but with Trump instead?
question, when the quake hits the wont be eligible for federal aid?
That's a lot of traitors to deal with.
>states acting how they did during the founding and deciding not to rely on the federal government to dictate actions and handhold...which was never the intention of the federal government
>bitch about big government but when states take active steps to becoming less reliant on big government bitch about that too and falsely claim its a secession from the union
everyone on Yas Forums needs to fucking neck themselves
China would come in and supply the money. They already have millions of citizens on the west coast
>eastern OR, and many pockets along the OR coast will also!
And anything south of Euginny
nigger i've been renting all my life, you can have the land
Explain yourself user?
LARP horseshit. There's fucking nothing "progressive" or liberal about any of those governments, especially California. It's a fucking LARP just like whatever this bullshit is that this fake faggot keeps going on about.
good for them. this whole diseased & rotting country needs a reboot.
They keep whatever they can defend.