National Identity

How would Yas Forums describe national identity and would Yas Forums agree or disagree that national identity supersedes racial and or ethnic identity when it comes to nation forming and the driving force of nations in general?

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We have had a hundred years of putting aside racial and cultural identity and things have steadily gone to shit everywhere. Theres no place people want to even go anymore and no nations actual problems get addressed because tptb are determined to square a circle even if it kills us all.

There used to be hope.

>would Yas Forums agree or disagree that national identity supersedes racial and or ethnic identity when it comes to nation forming and the driving force of nations in general?
Disagree, because a unified racial/ethnic identity is essential in forming a strong nation

You could argue that it was brought about due to involuntary racial segregation from former slave owners instituting Americas first gun legislation is what led to the current downfall of America. Simply putting race or ethnicity above all else without any factors being considered just magically fixes problems seems a bit ridiculous. Why wouldn't cultural norms and identity brought about through shared experience such as wars, harsh living conditions and natural or human caused disasters and tradition be viewed as a much more important aspect compared to race?

>Why wouldn't cultural norms and identity brought about through shared experience such as wars, harsh living conditions and natural or human caused disasters and tradition be viewed as a much more important aspect compared to race?

Why would it? We are either fundamentally different or we arent. If we arent different then the last 100 years of bullshit should have paid off. It hasnt and it wont. Its the same as it was 8000 or 800000 years ago except "the other" never goes away.

Well one needs to only look at Yugoslavia to understand that by simply grouping race and ethnicities together as one doesn't actually alleviate problems, but in may cases, compounds the problems. Civic nationalists like to say that all you need is a shared "culture", as in, you speak the same language and you have Christmas and that's it. I would agree, that it takes a hell of a lot more than that to unify peoples into one people. But to say that race is the dominant force in the world and everything must be dictated by it seems rather outlandish. Just look at the history of North America as a great example. Do you really think British, French, Germans, Spaniards and Portuguese would've all viewed themselves as the same "race"? As the same "Ethnicity"? Absolutely not, and they would've scoffed at anyone who would've postulated that. But it was through shared experiences and common interests and enemies that eventually unified the American colonies and dispensed away with their European identities, and in their place, a new one. The American race.

Culture serves religion, religion serves identity, identity serves ethnicity

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Everything is DNA and racial soul, that is a nations true cohesion.

National identity is constructed by whoever controls the media and educational system. All identities on a scale larger than that created by daily human interaction must be constructed and maintained by some form of institutional power. Your ruling elite decide what your identity is, you have no say in the matter. If you try to organize an unauthorized identity movement you will be targeted for suppression by your ruling class.

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Culture can mean many different things. Religion can mean many different things and can be interpreted in many different ways, and identity can be an extremely subjective experience, not objective. Along with that, to say that religion is the only driving force or power dynamic in a society is just wrong. Their are many competing forms of power that wish to be the sole power and driving force of a given society.

what stops a people from being walked over by outsiders if not their shared geographic identity? so many people are taken advantage of. people in the middle east. people in india. people in pakistan. people in south america. and that could be us. it could be us if we do not appreciate our nation and our identity.

this can all be avoided
but you won’t do what must be done
because you’re a bitch

You are implying that differences in genes are big enough that different races will have different ways of thinking and different experiences of consciousness that warrants ethnostates to cater to each different race. Their is simply no scientific backing that supports that claim. That's not to say that it is completely out the window, but from actual evidence that we can gather from history, whatever differences in culture and society brought about through genes between the races are, if they do exist, they would be so minuscule that it wouldn't even matter. Yet you're postulating that the races are so different from one another that they might as well be viewed as different species. I'm sorry user but there is just no evidence that supports that.
What I think is the problem with your post is that you are negating the individual within a given system. You suggest that national identity is socially constructed out of thin air and must be repeatedly enforced through constant propaganda to "fool" the population into believing it. I believe that you fail to see the power in shared experience between Human beings. I believe that that is the true driving force of a "national identity". It comes from the people, which forms them from being different peoples into one.

Cro-Magnons are recognized as a distinctly European culture 40,000+ years ago.

People forget that what makes a race a race is rejecting things that dont fit, for whatever that group deems unfit. Its foolish to risk everything humanity has built based on that fundamental process on a "dude weed" tier notion that we can beat nature if we force them together hard enough.

I dont even want to be racist just as much as i dont want to hurt an animal but if you lock me in a room with an animal long enough in going to kick the fuck out of it. Its not my fault, its not the animals fault its THEIR FAULT. YOU. THE ONE WHO THINKS LOCKING PEOPLE TOGETHER IS A SOLUTION AND NOT A PROBLEM.

That doesn't negate the fact that Yugoslavia turned to shit due to wildly different culture and tradition even though that they were the same race and the same ethnicity.

You’re confusing a nation with a country. All nations are racially homogenous by definition. They’re not always countries (Nation of Islam, Cherokee Nation).

A pitbull can fuck a poodle and make babies they arent the same dog. The entirety of the animal kingdom from birds to fish to primates to lizards is proof of this.

That's exactly what I am saying and you are retarded if you don't understand genes. There is more genetic difference between race (Sub-species) of humans then there is Big cats.

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You imply that race is the only power that can keep Humans together. You fail to realize that that is exactly what shared identity does, regardless of race. Why do you think there is such massive push back against islam in western nations, regardless of diversity or homogeneity? That and the fact that you just said by equating other races to that of an animal that you need to kick, proves that you believe in some form of racial superiority above others. There just isn't any room for argument or conversation when one party simply doesn't believe that other races are sub human.

One place had problems one time therefore the entire world. If anything it shows that people who are different should separate far sooner than the differences become visually obvious.

What race are you, Racial soul is a very real thing. Societies are based around DNA groupings.

Your DNA is literally a holographic projection on how you view reality.

>Nurture has no effect on nature
You realize that a lot of these genes that you speak of have their origin from inbreeding or by growing up with a violent upbringing? I'm sure that if we could look at the genes of our ancestors from tens of thousands of years ago, shit wouldn't really look that great for them either.

>shared identity
>things you want to happen but havent happened
Its time to go back to the drawing board the experiment has failed.

>You are implying that differences in genes are big enough that different races will have different ways of thinking and different experiences of consciousness that warrants ethnostates to cater to each different race.
Humans are divided into many different subspecies which differ from each-other in profound ways, not only physically but psychologically. Keep in mind that America under its current ruling elite is a multi-ethnic empire, all knowledge of racial differences are a threat to the stability of the system and aggressively suppressed. You shouldn't take the equalitarian propaganda that they feed you in school seriously.
>I believe that you fail to see the power in shared experience between Human beings.
What shared experiences do you have with other American citizens? Only your shared indoctrination through media and academia. Barring the existence some sort of reinforcing ideological or institutional framework, you would have little in common even with your own racial kin living on the other side of this continent.

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Don't lose yourself in the multiplicity, you have to understand the groups.
Starting from the less important to the most important.
>culture = appearance
>identity = imitation
>religion = idea
>ethnicity = life
Then there is that which is immortal
>soul = truth

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I'm Irish Italian, and racial soul and holographic projections sound like something I'd hear when watching the Joe Rogan Podcast.

>if we could
We can and have. Different people are different. You want to wait 10k years to see if it changes a smidge? Make you feel better about yourself?

Genes determine psychological and physiological fitness of a species relative to it's environment. Europeans had to deal with changing seasons and winter, that requires planning and farming. This increases intelligence over time which can be observed on a genome wide level.


National identity only supersedes racial/ethnic identity to a point. Nationalism can work in any racially homogenous society. Diversity never works, even if cringy people of all races decide to behave patriotically.

>I'm sure that if we could look at the genes of our ancestors from tens of thousands of years ago, shit wouldn't really look that great for them either.
Ironically the opposite seems to have been the case. We have degenerated since the time of the Aryan migrations.

Attached: Aryan migrations.gif (1200x598, 2.28M)

>Humans are divided into many different subspecies which differ from each-other in profound ways, not only physically but psychologically
No one is arguing against this, what I am saying is "are these differences strong enough to warrant attention? Or are they minimal?"
>you would have little in common even with your own racial kin living on the other side of this continent
Wouldn't this be a jab against the notion of an ethnostate? The fact that race alone cannot actually unify people seems like a rather big flaw in ethnic based nationalism.

Yeah, and Arabs had to deal with the desert, Asians Blacks and South/North Americans the Jungle. All Humans had to accomplish quite a bit just to get by.

>its not perfect so its no good
You got an alternative in the bricks of text you keep posting?

I would view entire states collapsing such as Yugoslavia as a bit more than just "not as good". As for walls of text....Are you a phonefag, newfag or is this just how Yas Forumsfags are these days? I barely typed anything.