> California, Oregon and Washington Announce Western States Pact

>Governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Delaware to coordinate reopenings

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On behalf of the allied states of Pacifica I approve this Balkanization

>texas not taking oklahoma
what the fuck nigger

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Thank god, i pray for the death of every one single of you fucking pigs.
1 of every 3 americans have a gastrointestinal disease of some kind product of your dirty anuses and dirty fingers, holy shit. Ugly as fuck people, fat as shit, packed with violent niggers and homicidal cops, full of fags and jews. DIE DIE DIE

shittiest one yet kys

>On behalf of the allied states of Pacifica I approve this Balkanization
it's gonna be fun to watch, that's for sure.

Maybe this country wouldn't be falling apart if those stupid trumpbux weren't designed to make families turn on one another for pennies. I've already seen multiple families fall apart because someone claimed someone else on their taxes costing them thousands. Greed truly is the most powerful sin.

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They're just mad they're not back yet.

>State of Desert
wow, good job

Wow. Shocking. If only someone had predicted this.

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Does the government provide resources for me to separate from my faith? I used to be a God fearing Christian but I am seeing more and more that the Jewish faith is the one true way. All of the people Donald surrounds himself with are Jewish and I want to be like them...

Are there any funds to help me switch and separate from Christianity to Judaism?

Are there really that many mormons there?

All land between the Great Lakes and Rocky Mountains shall be the pastures of a Cossack host

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>>texas not taking oklahoma
OK doesn't want anything to do with spics.


Nah they just wanted to do that anyway, using what is going on as an excuse. It isn't falling apart. It's natural. There will be states that have more of one kind than another, as has always been the case. With a level of region directly in between fed and state, this may have benefit over time.

Wew 2020 just keep on giving

If New York & New England were to merge, how could Buffalo be included but Hoboken not?

and it was planned. after they crash the economy people will beg anyone for help.
get ready for UN troops securing your neighborhoods and mandatory nano tattoos and vaccines if you want to get any food aid.

year ago I would have said this to be alex jones tier tinfoil, but it's about to become a reality

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I don't want to be apart of any union with Ohio, Maryland, and Virginia

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What I’m getting from reading that is that they’re working together in the sense that they’ll apply the same laws and restrictions to the pandemic. I’m all for Balkanization if we get a sick redpilled paradise out of it, but what about this statement makes you think 1) this will happen across the country and 2) it means anything other than coordinating on quarantine restriction orders ?

Cali fag here

Now this BASADO

If your boomer parents claimed you as a dependant you are robbed of your trumpbux.


>state help bad

The former csa is named the UNION of America.

Alaska, Yukon, Oregon, Washington state go to Russia.

Please don't make me go with California

The United Areas of America.
RIP Patrice!

Great Lakes Republic reporting in

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>Parents claim their kids on their taxes so they pay less on their taxes even if their kids don't live with them any more
>Kids are fine with this because they don't see how this could end up fucking them over
>Trumpbux don't go to anyone that gets claimed on someone else's taxes
>Entire generation of zoomers is now ready to lynch an entire generation of boomers because they got their money stolen
You're fucking stupid if you only work part-time minimum wage, but I feel so fucking bad for anyone that's a paycheck to paycheck wageslave that ended up getting their only salvation stolen from them by their scummy tax-dodging parents. Worst of all is I don't see this system changing so chances are when (not if) they send out more money anyone that got claimed won't get that either. It's a dogshit system.

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USA, Deseret, and Great Lakes should just unify then annex Eastern Washington and Oregon

What’s wrong with part time minimum wage? Woah woah woah

Second article tried to scrape my location.

If you work part-time minimum wage you should unironically just not go into work until you get fired and then collect unemployment benefits and welfare. You'd actually make more doing that than you would from working your shitty job.

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>No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State.

Fuck you. We are making Cascadia. Jefforsin, Orogin, and Worshintin. Cuckafornia stay gone

Wow it's Donald Trump's fault that people committed tax fraud! What was he thinking

>be my mom
>declared me as a dependent on recent taxes
>I told her that would take 1.2k away from me
>"don't worry sweety, you will still get it"
>prove to her I won't
>"oh well"
>declares me as a dependent
>saves only $300 or something stupid small
God I cant wait til she rolls over and dies. I already secured her mom's inheritance, here kikery is going to hit her like a slap in the face.

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This. What the fuck makes you think OK ARK COLO UTAH ID KS wouldn't want in on this? We have the ports for international trade. If anything we let (((them))) have Lousiana just to avoid a nuclear exchange. Port cities are top wealth creating importance. Also top half of Mexico.

Hopefully all the Amerimutts die.

wanna grab a pop in Indy sometime buddy?

you deserve it if you're too stupid to file for unemployment.