Damn, Canada, now that's tolerant and progressive

Damn, Canada, now that's tolerant and progressive.

Attached: Canada.jpg (825x1000, 206.38K)

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so it’s Xer Yes Xer? or is everyone just a rank?

Xir, yes xir!

Can we just nuke Canada? They're not even a sovereign nation

Sir is acceptable no matter the gender

This really is one of the most embarrassing countries on earth.

I think it's mostly just about not using sir and such.

what the fuck is the post millennial

And if you actually read the article, the lede says
>in official documents
so the HL is just clickbait bs, as per Post Millennial

This has to be fake. There's no way.

Attached: trudy.png (208x352, 286.92K)

>dishonourable discharge
>misgendered your superior

so whats taking America so long to annex us?

when do they get their maple syrup filled combat boots Canada goes squish

What does "stop using gendered pronouns" even mean?

Using all 50 Gender pronouns or not using any pronouns or using just 2 gender pronouns?

What do retarded liberals even want?

In 30 years they will be speaking some weird French-English/Arabic-chink shit.

It means on official written documents, soldiers will be referred to their ranks and such.

>Documents obtained by conservative commentator Aaron Gunn and presented to The Post Millennial reveal that military personnel are no longer allowed to write he or she, but must replace it with they/them pronouns, regardless of an individual’s preferred pronouns.

>“Based on a recent CAF cultural and normative shift to promote gender diversity and associated inclusiveness, CFPAS [Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System] writing policy and guide will also reflect this new reality where sex, gender identity, and gender expression are prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Forthwith the use of gender pronouns such as quote he/his and she/her unquote are not to be used when drafting pers. Members will be referred to by rank and name or by using gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their.”

>In practice, superiors, who are required to write personnel reports for those who serve under them, will not be allowed to use the pronouns of that person’s choosing if they identify as male or female and use sex-based pronouns. Instead, everyone will be referred to with the accepted gender neutral, plural pronouns of “they, their, them.”

>While use of preferred pronouns have been considered a necessary element of the promotion and inclusion of gender diversity, this change by the CAF is the first time that preferred pronouns are being officially discounted in favour of a catch-all, gender neutral pronoun system.


why would they bother?
this place is shit, it's filled with shit, and no one wants to deal with shit

Hey uhh er zer i mean zew or fuck zis? Agggggghhhh (headshot)

Could have put that in the OP, you know, instead of tricking people.

D-did we finally beat Sweden yet?

Entire thread incapable of reading.

Some small time news outlet that is vilified by the state media for being too conservative

that glorious day when they get their marching orders to inclusively kill people.
> soldier shouting I got them I got them.
> lieutenant How many did you get?
> soldier one

Delete Canada.

Maybe they should be for writing clickbait

isn't this gonna backfire? I can see people getting upset by this because someone with extra special pronouns (Xith, Xerth and Xythe) is going to feel "oppressed"

Its fake you retards

what fucking source is the post millenial

Probably 1% of Canada's population is tranny, probably an even smaller percentage of those trannies get involved with the Canadian Forces, which has less than 100,000 personnel in all three branches, both including Reserve and Primary forces.

You do the math.

Don't worry. I'm sure CNN will pick up the story soon. Will that be acceptable for you, comrade?

Attached: 1584814265894.jpg (648x634, 332.47K)


>In combat surrounded by Jihadis
>Yell out to your officer
>"Xir we are surrouder Xir"
>Xir is combat dilating with its water/dust resistant Made in Canada Dilator
>Covered in Blood and Shit
>Private yells to Xir
>"Dude what are your orders!"
>Xir appalled about being miss-gendered pulls out sidearm and shoots itself
>Jihadis kill them all with mortar fire

Yeah, the math is pretty fucked up. Why would such a small percentage of the population have a say in these things?

Considering the status of LGBT in Finland maybe you could shed some light?

Mandatory castration for those people. It'll work itself out. Any adopted kids won't make it.

this whole rule is meant to satisfy the extreme minority. it's literally what they do now. I don't think "they're too few in our forces" would stop anyone from placating further