How do we increase white fertility rates?
How do we increase white fertility rates?
overturn roe vs wade
legalize marital rape
Break people of their compassion and then promise they'll have privacy when "teaching" their children.
For instance by sending that girl to me. I am white btw, trust me.
By reporting bait threads. Also OP's pic is Lilias Right.
You have to fuck her right in the pussy.
send white women to africa.
Assign her to be my wife
Ban porn and video games.
Leave it to me.
if all of these tit cows would lose some weight
somebody besides niggers might knock them up
have sex
Subsided surrogacy.
1. Allow whites the form racial advocacy groups
2. Allow white to form whites-only communities
3. ????
This board is a husk of its former self, and no one can deny it. Say whatever predictable cope you want, “Yas Forums was always shit”, you cannot deny that things have changed for the worse
When I mean it’s former self, I mean when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore
Just imagine how crazy the old board would’ve been if it did everything it could to make sure the average citizen knew what Epstein did, who enabled him, who Ghislaine Maxwell is, and why she’s hiding.
But alas, it seems this board was pathetically distracted with the flood of slide-threads
*sips tea*
>furries are cool
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
*sips tea*
>am I white
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>Would you marry a X?
>Whats your excuse for not finding a X waifu?
>X will defend this
Look up Coerced Sterilization.
It's not just a matter of social norms trending toward fewer children, it's direct action by Jewish doctors that impact white fertility rates.
Make birth control illegal for unmarried women. For married women require spousal consent in writing before a woman gets birth control.
get rid of all contraceptives except condoms.
Star tertiary education at age 16, finish 22 and then reduce the cost of living dramatically, specially housing and transport.
By age 30 everyone will have at least 4 children this way.
How do we increase coffee good for you rates?
Lilias right btw
By definition there cannot be such a thing as "marital rape".
Honour killings must be re-legalized as well if we want monogamy back. They were legal for almost all of the White race history and the mechanism worked perfectly.
you don't need to increase it if you kill all the other races.
Kek... More babies to become lib snowflakes and race mix... How about stop being such a betacuck collection of recessive genes? If you want to claim to be genetically superior, fuckin' ACT LIKE IT, or die off like you goddamn deserve.
Can I get a sauce op
Give us all waifus like OP pic.
I don't think this is a good idea because it throws the baby out with the bathwater. Sure there will be more white babies, but there will also be more negro babies and more mongrel babies at a high rate.
Have sex.
now that's a women, dang.
> only cites events from 2016 election as examples of "good Yas Forums"
gtfo our board, fucking newfag
who in the sweet fuck is this perfect bitch
Yeah, we could murder all women who cheat, or we could treat them well, not simp for them, but respect them as partners in keeping a home and raising a family, so they feel fulfilled and never want to cheat. Have some goddamn personal responsibility
Lillias White
or the white race.
>killing women who cheat
would certainly keep roasties at bay.
Political measures to boost natality. Works for Hungary.
>How do we increase white fertility rates?
just give me a minute with her and i solved your problem
If you are white and planning on having children, make sure you have as many as possible.
If you are white and not planning on having white children, tell me why in your reply.
Much like niggers can't accept the redpills about their kind, whites are unable to accept the redpills about their own. All of us are placated and unwilling to start a fight. Nobody wants to step up and make the first move because they know that half of their kind will drag them through the mud and the other half will stay quiet or maybe make some epic maymays about them at most, and lone wolfs don't change shit.
Donate sperm
bad answers
Convert to Orthodox Judaism and move to Israel
Tolerable women
I'd be more convinced if you were black, man.
White men have to look in the mirror and make a hard choice: Either stick with a white women who will only marry after age 30 and only have 1-2 children, maintaining racial purity but not going above replacement fertility levels OR they have to marry Latinas, who are very fertile, will have 3+ children, have high amounts of European admixture BUT will sacrifice some racial purity in order to get above replacement level fertility.
Yas Forums finally realizing Islam got it right all along
The difference between blacks and whites is that our red-pills can change and definitely could change in the not too distant future. Black genetics cause them to be low IQ, have a high tendency to commit crimes, not be able to delay gratification well, etc. But all these red-pills about whites are mainly due to social engineering and because of the system. If we can stop those things, then we are in a winning position.
I dunno, mate. Ask Hungary.
support married white families. non married taxed heavily.
No one here believes that for a second, Mohammed.
lillias right
By having more white babies. My wife is pregnant with our first. We're doing our part, are you?
Sorry, ir ain't happening. After the virus,(self isolation) think mass divorce.
Want "roasties" to be a thing of the past? Then get married, have at least three or four kids and teach them to be good men and women. If everyone on this board did that they would have nothing to complain about.
>But modern white women are all whores that want nigger dick
Yeah, the size/race of the cock is definitely the only factor that women take into account. Not the physical, mental and financial health of the man it's attached to. Grow up. Better yourself, get a wife, and make the better people you want to occupy the world.
Impose strict regulations on divorce: the party that initiates the process without good reason (infidelity) gets nothing.
Make them dirt poor so that they have nothing to do but fuck.
i can't find a woman that isn't a whore
Get over yourself and settle for an ugly bitch
By literally disenfranchising women from the vote and the work place.
Barefoot and pregnant and back into the kitchen.
But women have been working outside the home for over 3 centuries.
By crashing the economy & forcing people to rely on family again.
> White men have to look in the mirror and make a hard choice: Either stick with a white women who will only marry after age 30 and only have 1-2 children, maintaining racial purity but not going above replacement fertility levels OR they have to marry Latinas, who are very fertile, will have 3+ children, have high amounts of European admixture BUT will sacrifice some racial purity in order to get above replacement level fertility.
This is not a horrible idea but it REALLY depends on the latina.
By that logic I should be doubling my efforts to make children of my own. Guaranteed I've done more thinking about the topic than you have and at the end of the day, every day, you'll have to live with your mistake, and I won't.
Sorry to hear about your homosexuality, user
bad answer
Let the infertile die out.
Decreasing non-white fertility rates should be the goal.
I need like 5 women like this to open up baby factories with
Pretty face, BIG TITS, BIG ASS, WIDE HIPS, literally born to breed and built for bwc. Everyone knows making babies, having BIG TITS and BIG ASS are the most important things about a woman. It is exactly what makes any of them worthwhile, and you're a stupid dumb asshole if you disagree.
You are not looking hard enough.
Muh trad housewife tho
Serious answer, there's a few things that need to be fixed (mostly economic). Some are easier than others.
>Provide greater tax incentive for mothers to stay home with their children. Currently there is a tax break to have a child (which is laughably small) but most women still work anyway, limiting the number of children they can ultimately have.
>As women leave the workforce, ensure that companies are paying their male workers more to attract better talent rather than using cheap brown labor as a stopgap. This will overall raise wages for men and bring us back to the model of the 1950's where a single income household was normal.
>Extricate the Jews from media and academia so that their propaganda doesn't infect women during their formative years and trick them into wasting their most fertile time period on traveling, pointless education, or degeneracy.
>Bring back the Church. Religious people are the only demographic with sustainable birthrates.
P.S. to all you anons shitting up the thread asking for sauce, Google image search is your friend
>How do we increase white fertility rates?
Reduce plastic and birth control.
Birth rates?
Reduce plastic and birth control, and pump more creampies into your wife to fill that house of yours with the pitter patter of baby feet and your garden with produce to aid their growth.
Oh....sorry, didn't want to talk about houses and stuff.
By giving every white women to a black man
Are you Mormon?
ya tricked me :(
bad answer
give back men complete control and authority over women
Where are you looking? Because if it's bars, clubs, tinder, et c., then of course all you're going to find is whores.
Based irishman
give me a gf just like that and i'll do whatever i can.
No, I'm straight
>But all these red-pills about whites are mainly due to social engineering and because of the system.
You may as well cry about "socioeconomic factors" while you're at it. Fact is the success of whites breeds softness and complacency within itself. Soft times make soft men, and nobody in the world has tamed and softened up the harsh realities of the world like whites have. No foreigners held our people at gunpoint and forced us to accept the way things are. We did it to ourselves voluntarily through inaction and willful ignorance over the generations.
Brazilbro gets it. Unless one has evidence of abuse, infidelity, theft, or other crime that breaks local law, then the one who WANTS to blow up the family (which seems to be the woman 90% of the time) should be the one to eat the costs.
im taking the latina pill
>inb4 they hit the wall after 30 mexicancow.jpg
You know it’ll work
Get white men into their own homes, the rest will fall in line.
All the Pols of white ancestry should become sperm donors and only inseminate white women. Lots of idiot lesbians and "empowered" women still want to have kids but want to avoid men, so they end up looking to get pregnant through dating apps and sperm donation sites. The only downside is that they instill their bullshit values into the children, but at least they're white.
This is for real I've already gotten 4 white girls pregnant myself. Use their LGBTQ and Wellfare state bullshit against them
Checked. Slide thread after slide thrrad when the corona-gates-abramovic-fauci-china-soros etc. connections are all lining up.