Why are men so easily triggered when the accomplishments of women and disadvantaged oppressed groups are brought up? See white men just that insecure?
Why are men so easily triggered when the accomplishments of women and disadvantaged oppressed groups are brought up...
imagine what a 13 inch BBC would do to her
There is no such possibility because they accomplished nothing.
>Why are men so easily triggered when the accomplishments of women and disadvantaged oppressed groups are brought up? See white men just that insecure?
White men literally created the entire modern world bruh. It's just annoying that anyone else thinks they can even compete.
im gay
She could bring up my big white cock
That would be an accomplishment.
maybe the white men that exist today. Just like the blacks of yesteryear, they knew themselves and their place
fucking jannies
Please list these "Accomplishments".
we're dying, user
Lol, we're still better than them though, and we're still paying for their majority need of welfare. Our place is still entirely one of generosity.
This board is a husk of its former self, and no one can deny it. Say whatever predictable cope you want, “Yas Forums was always shit”, you cannot deny that things have changed for the worse
When I mean it’s former self, I mean when this board regularly had threads dedicated to investigating and digging up information at an abnormal efficiency. Look back at the NXIVM, HWNDU. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore
Just imagine how crazy the old board would’ve been if it did everything it could to make sure the average citizen knew what Epstein did, who enabled him, who Ghislaine Maxwell is, and why she’s hiding.
But alas, it seems this board was pathetically distracted with the flood of slide-threads
*sips tea*
>furries are cool
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
*sips tea*
>am I white
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
>Would you marry a X?
>Whats your excuse for not finding a X waifu?
>X will defend this
Fuck the jannies that enable this
wh*tes are the most spineless, cowardly and insecure people in the world.
Alright then we can just stop working for your benefit.
I won’t disagree with you there friend. When the white man has left this globe for greener pastures, the spics nips and nigs will fight to the last to see who gets to be whitey now.
fucking THIS
Why do you make these threads? A little insecure about what other people think? Hmmm... might want to work that out. :)
Nice bait
Modern world that crumbles under tiny chinese virus.
OK Chang.
Why do you continue to impersonate Josephine?
Do it. Oh wait, you won’t, because you’re a spineless insecure faggot.
The jannies are trannies
it's a dog bites man story that we are tired of hearing it reported.
Wow congratulations for doing something the weak white man is just expected to do.
Why do you hate whites?
take your meds schizo
Anyone who decides to reproduce on a whim, because they felt like it, accomplishes nothing when the child grows to be a failure.
Which is all of them, all the time, forever.
Woman and Immigrants are pushed in front of the line.
Zero quality needed, you know why lemmning?
They are destroying the last societies with common sense, so it will be more easy to rule us.
A military consisting of only woman, never won a war.
1 post..
You actually had nothing.
Insecure? No.
Impressed? Also, No.