Are You Guys Actually Happy?

i see you guys here saying shit like, yeah im white yeah im better than you etc, your race is inferior etc etc. I myself am mediterranean skin with green eyes and 1.85cm tall. I do not feel happy at all and coming here on degenerate websites it only makes it worse desu. But atleast its not fkng IG where everyone is constantly telling you how better and much happier they are than u. I have a massive inferiority complex idk, i value the opinion of other people more. Especially if theyre blonde w/blue eyed, like they know everything better it must be in their DNA. Also i dont feel like doing anything at all i dont like anything i dont care about anything. I dont feel suicidal just bad sometimes but because when i look at you the 'superior race' are u guys happy? content?

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Yes we're all beyond happy

You seem like you might be quite young. Some advice for you. Lurk more.

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If you're happy on this Earth, the way it is right now. You're part of the darkness. No. I'm not happy.

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Happy to shitpost

I feel sad everyday because I dont live in a white country.
I hate my life and I feel like shit

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No America is ruined. It's the end and people can't even see it. They just consume their media and do what they are told. It is extremely depressing.

The only thing that makes me sad is all the newfags ruining this glorious happening with their normie-tier whining about wanting to go work and their pathetic Q-larps
Why can't we just enjoy this monumental event?

I won't be happy until i'm a cool superhero who goes on wacky adventures

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Go 30 days no carbs. Your meloncoly isn't because you are a Mediterranean African rape baby, its because the food you eat is causing inflammation in the brain.

30 days just fatty meat and report back to me. Drink salt water to ease the Keto flu.

Step 1, work on your spelling and grammar.

>1.85cm tall
Honey I shrunk the niggers

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>dont feel like doing anything at all i dont like anything i dont care about anything. I dont feel suicidal just bad sometimes
I feel you

Happy people don't type about their happiness on anonymous message boards

You can be an alcoholic and NOT drink everyday.

Actually yes. Ide rate the last 3 months the happiest period of my life.


soms is het goed om de wereld even als een normie te zien en Yas Forums af te sluiten.

ook al zie je het nogsteeds door een gekleurde bril is het beter om het soms te negeren en onironisch lol te maken

ik wens je veel sterkte user en besef dat oprechte politieke kwesties nooit mensen blij maken

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i feel sad for you brazilanon, but remember to get 500 huwhite children and that you are just a european colonist in a demografic war

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Imagine someone with a mind like this.

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Apathetic and stoic mostly fren

Someone witnessed and subsequently well received.

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people are happy when things go their way. i'd probably be happy too if if i could foresee myself accomplishing my own goals.

it's not a good sign when you can't visualize something you want. the only thing i've visualized lately is jumping off a building.

Who took a chance, and stuck himself right here.

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None of us are happy, user. We are looking at the exctinction of a race of people, and the end of western civilization in the next two or three generations. Worse, we are watching people accept it. Learn to enjoy gallows humor. It's the only thing left user.

so wherever you see him

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wherever you hear him

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Happiness comes from within, grace comes from the big nigga upstairs.

You know.

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Join us.

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For my birthday, April 11.

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I was happy till I put my sunglasses on.

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Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies, in driving them in front of oneself, in taking their property, in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters.

get off that shit consumerist mind warfare app

I'm not happy. Everything we've ever been sold is a lie. I'm also not depressed, because I know that no matter how shitty everything is, this is still America. Pick a job you want to do, and become the person that does it. Its just now in 2020 you. have to work 100x harder than in the past.

Kom op man wees een man. Wat je nu voelt is omdat je niks doet. Je doet niks met je leven. Je moet stoppen met nihilisme en decadentie en begin jezelf te verbeteren. Je bent ongeveer of bent een volwassen man wees ook dan één! Wat je nu voelt is de gedachtes waarbij je denkt dat je leven vast zit dat je slecht bent door je gene. Je moet het door hebben dat JIJ ja JIJ! het bloed hebt van miljoenen mensen voor jou en dat JIJ de toekomst kan bepalen als JIJ er wat voor doet! Iemand is blijer als hij zijn grootste gevaren en minderheden overkomt. Dat kan zijn porno of andere decadente gewoontes overkomen.
Kom op man wees een man. Voor jezelf, voor je volk, voor je voorouders en voor je bloed.
Ga van deze site af en begin je transformatie naar een man van actie.

Voor volk en vaderland

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Happiness lies in putting on your meme flag and saying some stupid shit.

Read a book to your kids. Make love to your wife. Go out for walk on the beach.
Of course things aren't quite perfect, some people always look at the negatives. But this is still the best time to live in human history user. You just need to choose to be happy, pol

Am I happy? No. But I now have a duty to my family and my people. What's better, purpose or happiness?

Yeah, I would say I am, but not exactly fulfilled nor content. Funny, there were years I had way less but also worried less; though, I often was manic in terms of worrying about money. Strange times. Just be nice to each other.

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Mostly I just feel anger towards the Satanist pedophile commies who wanna just fuck with people while we're out here just trying to live in this corrupted debased shithole planet

>Read through this thread
>We're all in some kind of emotional Purgatory
WTF is happening in the current year, bros?

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