How come women manage things better?

How come women manage things better?

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yeah ok user get better bait

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>includes Finland
>good covid response
Choose one Pekka

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Doesn’t Iceland have among the highest infections or deaths per capita?

Isn’t Finland only doing well against corona chan because Suicide and Alcoholism Chan rules there?

Why is the bitch from New Zealand melting?

>Avivah wittenberg-cox

Okay, this is powerful


>highest infection or death per capita
when your island is 2 people and one of them dies then I suppose yes

>Sanna Marin
>Handling Corona well
Pick one

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>if we don't report corona then it doesn't exist

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Australia is one of the best and scomo is a dude.

Big brain move desu

This. /thread

India is doing better (as far as we know) on coronavirus compared to any of these countries.
Also, Japan is doing well, too.

Woman need strong leadership .
The also need constant validation and assurance from everyone that they are

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They are accustomed to contracting infections.

>Good Coronavirus response
They literally had to invent (by their own admission) a story about Americans trying to buy exclusive rights to treatment production to take public attention off of their complete fuck-up response to Covid

That is only true if you ignore all countries doing a better job.
Russia, Hungary, Poland and many other non PC nations are doing better than Denmark and Norway.

Russia is at 10 deaths per million, Iceland (a fucking isolated Island) is at 26! Finland is at 13.
Hungary, with a massive risk group population, is at 11.
Poland is at 6.

Why aren't these nations on the top list?

Peoples republic of Donetsk and Luhansk are also doing pretty well.

are you retarded or something?

Where is austria? All european countries copied us after all

That's a lot of white people.

Remember the news saying:
>"Airplane lands successfully isn't a story"
"Country led by man is running well" is not exciting.

>"Country led by man is running well" is not exciting.
I honestly hate the modern world and humanity.
Why couldn't we get ebolaplague?

No, no, no, yes, yes, no, no

Yes ones would be out of hate. NZ electing DJ Horse is their hold-my-beer moment to our reality show prez

>Remember the news saying:
>>"Airplane lands successfully isn't a story"
>"Country led by man is running well" is not exciting.
Oh, and read the Swedish news the next days.
Our reporting on deaths is lacking 80-90% of all cases during "red days", such as these Easter days or weekends.

Tomorrow is the first work day, so this lag in the statistics will trickle down over the next two days or so.

My estimate is that we have under reported by about 250-400 people. Most of these will be published tomorrow and on Wednesday... plus the daily 80 deaths on top of it.

We will have doubled or tripled the official daily reported deaths. I think it will stir a nice panic.

I'm looking at 120k cases right now in Germany and Poland is in a lockdown for a month now with 7k. If we weren't we'd have 50k easily.

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So there shouldn't be many infected at all, and since Iceland is so developed country they should have enough respirators and doctors to save everybody.

Well, mom is usually the one who takes care of you when you get the flu.

cornavirus is a nothingburger and the public perception of how well the govt is imparted to them by the media which usually goes pretty soft on women leaders w/ criticism

We're not there since Poland has a strict right-wing government right now, it's just not PR friendly.

Finland department did not take any responsibility for their corona case mistakes and always blame someone else. Now they went full "why wont you think about children" strategy and crying crocodile tears in media.

>women manage things better
>pay billions a year for male consultants

>New Zealand
small scandinavian nation with very small population density
small scandinavian nation with very small population density
small scandinavian nation with very small population density
Literally has been as well as France, Italy, and spain.

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>Russia is at 10 deaths per million

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