Why are you so entitled, Yas Forums? Won't you think of the poor boomers who will lose all the investments they made in the 7 different homes they own?
These Entitled Millennials Are Cheering for a Housing Market Crash
If we have to crash our economy to save the fucking fat boomers we can crash the value of their homes too.
lets see hmm.. what will you do when 200 residents refuse to pay?
Gotta be one seriously dumb nigger to type up that headline
Hahahaha it's what the boomers deserve
In a slightly less civilized time period boomers would have been buried alive.
The Eternal Boomer cries out.
>this genx wants to reset housing prices also
I am cheering for a total crash. Everything. Only from such a state do we have any hope of rebuilding.
won't matter when everyone is out of a job
Boomers that take out a mortgage to rent out a home are dumbasses. Also, the housing market isn’t going to crash. The government will prevent it from happening again with federal assistance.
>In a slightly less civilized time period boomers would have been buried alive.
Not boomers.
Boomers would have done the burying.. Of the people running the system screwing us. But now, no one does anything.
It isnt boomers at fault. It is the system forced on all of us. Blaming boomers is useful because it wakes our parents up sometimes, if we can get through to them.
Try showing them graphs like pic related. it cant hurt!
Thanks to the (((FED))) giving trillions away to those TBTF banks to invest in the stock market, which inflated assets like houses, homes are WAY overpriced and the prices need to tumble.
But Juden landlords wont like that.
"Entitled" means wanting to own a home for a reasonable multiple of your wages. Fucking pathetic.
I mean I wouldn't be mad about a housing market crash. Buying a house after 2008 caused my net worth to triple once the economy started recovering.
That depends on where you are.
Some markets are still frothing in a bubble.
>buy house for $20k
>do nothing but sit on it for 30 years
>watch as the price sky rockets thanks to your generation's penchant for reckless lending, high immigration, buying multiple homes as rental properties and speculating on something that's a fundamental necessity while voting against building more because it'll affect your house price
>prices rise artificially, still call it an "investment"
>depress wages, now your kids can't earn enough to afford astronomical prices
>make bullshit money from artificial inflation that negatively affects everyone else
>call later generations entitled because they want it even a quarter as good as you had it
Day of the pillow when?
I want it to crash so I can afford a house and not get raped by rent. I don't exist to pay your fucking mortgage.
i know i am, cant wait to stop renting
How are they going to buy a home when they don't have (much) money?
If the price of an average house fell to as low as $9,000 most millenialcucks still wouldn't be able to afford one, especially now that they're all unemployed and no-one is giving out any credit.
Boomer landlords going broke because of the rent strike will just lead to the banks buying everyone out, and if the banks fail and don't have the money, they will just be bought out by larger banks or the Fed itself who will indirectly own all the properties.
This. Besides, only Gen X will be able to afford the depressed houses, as millenials work strictly for tips. So, it's all good.
>noooooooo you have to buy our houses for 1.5 million dollars! my real estate agent told me that's what my shitshack built in 1965 out of tissue paper and cardboard is worth!!!
>noooooooo you can't just rent! nnooooooooo you can't crash the market noooooooo you have to buy my bags noooooooooooo
lol okay boomer
Poor fag can’t afford a house kek. How the fuck are you going to maintain it if you can’t even afford a mortgage payment?
tl;dr being only somewhat too poor to afford a house puts you in no better a position than being far too poor. Either way, you don't have enough money, and you have no house.
32 year old millennial here.
I too am cheering a housing market crash. The market has been disgusting. Boomers who didn't maintain their shit and house flippers galore.
A brilliant plan, could a palmrubber have thought up such a scheme I wonder?
This. Why shouldn’t we want affordable homes?
I want everything to fucking crash and burn.
>all those smug techbros who just bought faggoty new condos for $800k
>turns out they bought at the top
lmao time to learn what being underwater on your mortgage really means. enjoy working for free for 10 years. ;)
i'm rubbing my dick at the thought of all these libshit 0sybois getting btfo to the tune of -$600k overnight. lmfao. sure you make 100k/year, so that's just 6 years of labor down the toilet, oh, and don't forget the taxes on that. make that 8 years of doing it for free.
can 2020 possibly be any more based? boomers btfo, smugfag housefags btfo, 50ybois btfo, bernouts btfo, niggers btfo, stonksfags btfo, 401k office karens btfo, small business owners btfo, freelancers btfo. MY DICK IS ERECT.
In the early 90s, property values in Tokyo fell 70%.
By the time millenials are 50, almost every bit of property in USA will be owned by Jews, Pajeets and chinks.
This can only be avoided through civil war against the globalists, and currently half of the so-called 'nationalists' are actually just cowardly, egotistical libertarians. The tradesmen who should be leading this are the ones chewing tobacco and insisting the only way forward for the white race is to stop seeking eduction, positions of authority, etc. Their anti-intellectualism should NOT be allowed to be our intellectual base, even if it can be useful in some ways.
Time to stop saying shit like 'you fell for the college meme! hurrrrr'.
Instead redpill 'you fell for the college meme in the age of mass immigration and affirmatie action?' gets a lot more accross.