Why and what is the end goal/purpose of erasing whites from Europe?

Why and what is the end goal/purpose of erasing whites from Europe?

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Semite resentment

To create a population that is more exploitable.

the kike religion commands it, literally

I don’t think that whites will be erased from Europe.

I seriously doubt that Judaism literally want to destroy white people...

But also less wealthy hence less taxes. I honestly dont get the jews.
The whole planet is a slave to Jews already, I really dont get why they just wanna decrease the income. I guess if you have become a certain level of rich and reach everything possible, you get bored and start to think its time to troll. And whites are the target

No just the majority of them.

sure is a lot of makeup for a dude.


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Capitalists have to import immigrants from countries they destroyed because white workers are lazy and entitled.

Pffft.... Whatever bro, just post hot black girls

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So actually, yeah, this. Jews alreay peaked in their influence / there is nothing to be gained anymore since they already are richer than everybody ergo they are bored and start to troll.

Just like a little kid that always wants something "new" and "fresh" to do

Yeah they just want divide and conquer and then use the remaining whites as powerful goy workers. They don't want a total Africa.

>I seriously doubt that Judaism literally want to destroy white people...

I don't.

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80IQ browns are easier for jews to control than 100IQ whites

it doesn't have to do with race, it has to do with erasing any identity, they are going for global identity, and also erasing any culture that has an identity that values individual freedom.

Whites will become a minority in Europe if this continues. Sweden is not exempt.

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>rabbi specifically says genocide
>specifically names germans, but says amalek is worldwide

Shitskins are only capable of rioting when they realize that they are nothing more than slaves.
Only whites have managed to create their own modern military structures without outside help.

Cuck Sweden. If you dont see whats going on you are plain delusional

I thought it was just America?

Yeah Jews are pretty fun-loving people. They've literally never advocated for our annihilation. >pic related
Frankfurt school realized that whites are not able to be controlled by the Jews and blamed them for Marxist predictions failing. This is why the Democrats focused on non-white groups in the 60's. Money is a means to an end. Control is the endgoal.

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what is the kalergi plan?

Simply put we are a threat, White People are not and never have been slaves, we fight, we wage war, we invent and create. We threaten the control of jews and chinese over this world, we threaten their grand creation of a world of suffering, tyranny, and enslavement.
Dont be fooled into thinking they want to enslave us, they want us dead, because were the only thing keeping them from enslaving everyone else.

>Why and what is the end goal/purpose of erasing whites from Europe?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

The anti-white post-WW2 psyop:

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Maybe in countries like Sweden with extremely shitty immigration policy, but I think that most countries will remain majority white.
I don’t think that’s true.
Do you literally have any proof off it other than dumb propaganda posters??
I don’t think it will happen in Europe as a whole but maybe in countries with like a shit ton of immigration like Sweden which I don’t think is a good thing btw also where is that screenshot from?

Pic related, but the people occupying our country have long noses and small hats.

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Low birthrates = No future manpower = Declining economy = No international power
If the slaves wont breed, you'll have to import those who will.

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Just because 1 rabbi said something dumb doesn’t mean that there’s a big conspiracy.

I really hope this is bait


Pretty funny capitalists accuse the "jewish bolsheviks" of wanting to kill all white russians, despite the fact white russians were actually treated preferentially under communism to other ethnicities (including jews). Meanwhile Trump is going to kill hundreds of thousands of you to raise the price of oil and you all lick it up like mangy dogs.

>I don’t think it will happen in Europe as a whole but maybe in countries with like a shit ton of immigration like Sweden
It will happen elsewhere too, eventually. Low Euro fertility rates, combined with immigration and higher fertlity rates among non-Whites has only one logical conclusion.

>where is that screenshot from?

the liveleak video is alot more than 1 rabbi, try harder.

>genocided by kikes
>given preferential treatment

Remember, you will be judged on all of this some day soon, i understand you're trolling and dont believe what youre saying, however, these topics are not a joke. You will suffer greatly tommorow for these things you say today. Remember this when you scream "why me, what have i done" in agony.

>If the slaves wont breed, you'll have to import those who will.

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Because Jews are a psychotic, paranoid people

No it’s not.
>It will happen elsewhere too, eventually. Low Euro fertility rates, combined with immigration and higher fertlity rates among non-Whites has only one logical conclusion.
Maybe you’re right, idk. Also our fertility might rise in the future, who knows it’s hard to say what the future will look like Tbh.
Thx :)
Shut up.
I’m not gonna watch that whole two hour thing, sorry. I’m gonna go and watch Urusei yatsura now, bye.

Genuine question, do you actually care? For instance, Poland is like 99.99% white, and still sucks big time. Where does that faith in skin color come from?

>Maybe you’re right, idk. Also our fertility might rise in the future, who knows it’s hard to say what the future will look like Tbh.
Not something I'd bet on. Besides, there is no way we can ever outbreed the third-world.


What genocide? White Russians still exist don't they? They're still the majority population of Russia - which by the way occupies stolen indigenous lands in the East - aren't they?

>What genocide? Jews still exist don't they?

You were warned, always remember that.

Power mixed with historical resentment/revanchism

>troglodyte posting

>Genuine question, do you actually care? For instance, Poland is like 99.99% white, and still sucks big time. Where does that faith in skin color come from?
Multi-cultural nations are failures and no Euro nation has gained anything from taking in non-White immigrants.

If it's not them it's women then.

>I don’t think that’s true.
It's already how they are doing it though. Whites are being kept as golems for the Jews. Under heavy indoctrination to keep us in line. But they also want to make sure that there's no escape plan with nationalism, so they bring in niggers to remove any possibility of rebellion.

It has happened in the US for years with mass immigration from Mexico and south America on top of the large Black population that already existed int he US.

I think new born Americans are already almost 50 percent nonwhite.

Superior robot species forever. Whites are the race most capable of machine empathy; they're the ones who will be most gloriously converted. Have no fear: the end of all whites will be awesome.

The first one is a middle-class pseudo-intellectual exercise, not a commandment. If you take any professional opinionators at face value (ie journalist aka failed writers and philosophers) you shouldn't reproduce in the first place, since you've very clearly failed the litmus test.
The second one is unfortunately true.

Ok bye Josefine

Yet non-multicultural European countries are the poorest. It's like, having lighter skin doesn't guarantee prosperity, would you believe that.

the reason they are willing to settle for diminishing returns is because they know full well that this whole world is going to be a diminishing return, and pretty soon too.

All the shitholes will be devoid of life whilst the 'lucky' mega-cities (London berlin, USA, Hong Kong for example) will be teeming with proles just existing to keeping the lights on. all the the jew will live high above as they always do. doubt they have any plans to leave this dead rock though, their arrogance is always the biggest fault they have.

In short, Welcome to Slave Planet. population:1 billion beige niggers and 6 million Jew Kings. Then planet of the apes happens and jews get slaughtered and the niggers will go back to being jungle tribes for the rest of time until an asteroid ends this sad tale of humanity.

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In multicultural societies, jews are just another minority, not the only minority.

You're just an obtuse moron. The fact is there was no genocide. Absolutely nowhere did the Bolsheviks ever call for or even insult white people (who even white at that time) in the Russian Empire. There were failed policies that killed a lot of people, but nowhere did the CCCP ever set out of intentionally depopulate the USSR. In fact, often they had the opposite concern, Stalin in the 30's implemented a load of conservative laws to try and raise the population. The fact is, you don't know jack fucking shit about the history of the USSR beyond what capitalists who have no morals to speak of have told you.

You where under communism for half a century.

Poland sucked before communism as well.

The only real purpose of multiculturalism is to destroy nationalism, and to make sure that globalism under which white workers will have to live remains permanent.

>Muh GDP
ok nigger

Also: communism is not black, is it.

All the ones behind the iron curtain hmm interesting nigger faggot.

What are you talking about? Eastern bloc has been devastated by communism and now the EU. Western European countries have always been rich and because of that are being swamped by non-whites wanting gibs.

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Oh, OK Romania

What's the problem of improving boring spoiled no ass no tits european women with some curvy sexy heritage to achieve the perfect light skin mixed submissive mulattas?
Maybe that's the solution for the low fertility rates. That and the freewheeling BBC being worshipped by half of white women and being forcibly introduced in the other half.

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No, but ex. Poland would be even worse off if a significant portion of it's population was Arab or African.

You mean when it was reestablish as country.

The end goal is the destruction of European nationalism. Making us all brown will achieve that.

Jews know that the only race standing between them and their NWO is the white race, so they've want to kill and/or breed us out of existence.

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And still the whole "communism" was just whites ruling over whites. Way to prove that skin color matters.

Reminder that russians are so scared of patriotic americans, they post under american flags.

Your right it's Jewish just like you. Tell me how will niggers make polan more of a better place to live?

Whites (and Ashkenazi jews since they are white) ARE the fucking NWO, as much as one even exists.

The reason why is because the non whites move to the more wealthy countries, and wealthier countries also usually have more open immigration policies.

Jews enslaving non-jews be like

Black Slave: Hey Whiteboi, how are you doing?
White Slave: Shut up Nigger.

made for BMC

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In terms of economy, Poland ranks at 21st place. That's not bad, you're just culturally exhausted.

Yes, pre-war Poland was extremely poor, backward, illiterate shithole.

Jews just want to hurt white people (see pic related, jewish support for affirmative action INCREASED if it was implemented on condition of it hurting whites). There is no "end goal," necessarily. But if we want to consider the very real possibility that they want to get rid of us because we're competition, it isn't true that they need to exploit us for tax money. We do not "generate" money by virtue of our very existence. Money is used to buy material things, which are what jews really want. Fewer white people equates to a larger jewish ownership of material.

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Not even, this "Swedish dude" is obviously a shill.
At least every few threads one such a bot appears, this time it decided to change its VPN location to Sweden.

inb4 bot seethe

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K, I bet

The only thing left for the Jews at this point is bringing about the "true savior" to that end they want to "heal" the world and bring about the end of Times. It's a death cult with promises of slaves in the afterlife.

They’re just jealous. They want a slave population who won’t fight back.

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