wow this is deep
Wow this is deep
Pretty cool art style, though.
Not as deep as evangelion
Virus looks chinese.
Why is the nurse white? And why is the virus of color?
Gay as fuck. Kys, OP. Nurses are roasties who deserve the rope. I look forward to their jobs becoming automated.
Not enough. Also I’m sure some loser will change it to trump.
fuck that shit
I'm a waiter who still works......I ain't making no tik tok videos...fuck outta here with that shit....
nigga i'm the real hero
someone post the rule 34 version
It's sexist.
take a good look newfag and redditcore. this is why pol is better than all your circlejerkers will ever be.
Holy shit, user. If you made this, you are a god damn genius. Thank you.
>I'm a waiter who still works......
that would get you thrown in jail here
yeah- our restaurant switched to take out and i'm doing I"m not really a "waiter" anymore and just a delivery guy
I should have put that in my post
how old were you when you realized you are gay?
You did well
so is a prostate exam, what's your point?
why do you speak like a good nigger?
Nailed it
ouch, bro
You work is not needed, you're not essential. Go home slave.
covid-19 won't stop flights to visit Prince Beta' al-Bux
Not as deep as this.
not wearing his mask, so this is actually accurate.
thanks based newyorker.
Draw her twerking with the virus asking “why are you dancing?”
Nurses are some of society’s biggest attention whores, same as teachers.
>muh dik
based? based on what?
5000 hours in photoshop
Fug. Phone posting faggotry.
Thank you, I needed that laugh
>be nurses
>ruin my happening bubble because they got swelled heads from their first happening
Good fix.
You’re okay leaf