British police are not base-

>british police are not base-

Attached: Bike boy.png (575x878, 506.97K)

makes up for all those grooming gangs I guess

Yeah op is a faggot as always.

That's just being decent, a random citizen in my community would likely help the kids in the same way.

how much did the little boy tip them?


You know you're the bad guys when you have to show the world how great you are for doing something any decent citizen would to without hesitation... fucking pathetic

>a random citizen in my community would likely help the kids
...should probably just let the police handle it.


Agreed, can't be too careful these days. I bet the poster you are replying to is a pedo!

That's exactly what some limpdicked liberal would say.

>little boy
fucker is bigger than them

99% of Twitter is this kind of bullshit user

American cops would have called an ambulance and charged him $3000.

>They drive him home.
>"Top top cheerio"
>Inside, his family
>Raped to death by pakis

>Little boy
Look at the size of the fucking bike

American cops would tell the fucker to get out of the middle of the road before someone runs him over. The real pressing issue for me is how did that kid manage to fall off a bicycle?

that's why he fell off it

They patched the kid up and handed him over to a paki gang never to be seen again for about 10 years. Then emerges with tales of massive heroin addiction sold into prostitution and slavery. Media then stays silent.

I bet the cops were pedos.

The little faggot should be forced to walk home bleeding.

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This, but mostly because of the liability and litigiousness of the modern United States

Plot twist: They actually drove him to the headquarters of the local paki rape gang.

Yeah they already said they drove him home

Doubt it. Most normal police guys are pretty alright, they just don't think for themselves. Obviously the brass is full of pedos and pedo coveruperers though. Same goes for the govt shills that post here. Mercenary, out for themselves and can't think outside of the box types at best.

why actually stop crime when you got booboos to kiss?

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>ignores Arab child rape gangs
Ya ok faggot

top zozzle

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>Most normal police guys are pretty alright

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Lmao is this all you got, memeflag?

Is that before or after they riddled him with bullets?

That doesn't look like a little boy nor does that look like a bike for a little boy

Yep. I helped 2 boys get one of their brake calipers back on, a girl to get her chain back on, and I gave a cheap trailer for some old dude who likes going through ppls trash for recycleables.

chinese cops would run him over until his head got flat

Not going to lie this picture really makes me want to kill myself. More so than any other picture I’ve seen lately.

>little boy
>clearly early twenties
lmao the tranny patrol is ridicules

They brought him to a rape gang safehouse....baka

They then fined the parents for letting the kid outside, not having a bicycle license, not having a tv license, and failure to pray to Mecca that morning.

They are you chav.
They carry themselves in a certain pious way but mean well for the most part.
For the record, I was putting the shills that post here in the same bracket as the brass not rank and file.


he may look it but he is really only 7.

OK bootlicker

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They sold him to a local "grooming gang: faggot.

Go to literally any other country on earth and report back how the police behave.

Oh look, a fluff propaganda piece, let's give up all rights & create a totalitarian, full surveillance managerial state!

Atleat they also deal with actual criminals not only harassing law abiding citizens.

The same but with different clothes

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Still salty about your sentence for stealing that loaf of bread eh?

He better have had his bike riding loicense!

Stop memeing retard.
Also make sure you don't carry too much cash on you lest Patrolman Bubba seize it.

(You are right though, the police have been complicit in the grooming gang scandal and all the old pedo ring cases)

>satan supports the police

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>raped the boy on the way home, but otherwise got him there safely

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Here, we invented the fucking language so stop taking the fucking piss.

>British police does their fucking job that they are paid to do by the taxpayer
>look how awesome we are helping this kid

holy fuck

pic unrelated

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Pretty sure the child is not in the frame and only his trainer (shoe or sneaker for you non-civilised folk) is visible.

Let's face it, Yanky Doodle Police would have had guns drawn, Chinese Police would have arrested him & his entire family for virus spreading and the Australian Police would be molesting him back at the station.