If you’re not American, your country literally doesn’t matter

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no u

Finland still matters.

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Well that's just rude. You don't really mean that do you.


You have both more sand and more sandniggers than us, in absolute terms or relative terms, braindead mutt.


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Imagine living in some random second world country like this guy

Have fun dying without health care due to corona chan you merinigger hahahahaha.

Based emptyfags.

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my father is an engineer so im not worried. Poor niggers deserve death.


China and Russia matter. Japan, to a lesser extent.

After that, yeah, mostly nothings.

Can't argue with that.

>Excuse me, I'd like to order some burgers.

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Based shart in mart faggot.

>fag rag

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Based and redpilled, fuck foreigners

What if the american who coats my insides with his virile cum is my boyfriend?

Sure, but we have a comfy society without niggers and spics. Meanwhile you are a bitter Yas Forums poster, but at least a first world bitter Yas Forums poster!

>If you’re not American, your country literally doesn’t matter
I used to say things like that - and believe them.

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Then raise the blockade on Cuba, Venezuela and Iran. If not then you lose

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so says Saudi Arabia and fuck up the oil prices

so says China, and fuck up the supply chain

so says India, and Trump begs for drugs

yea, no one else matters, you totally dumb fuck

land of the lawless, and home of the stupid

kick the united states out of the americas, no more immigrants

Good post fellow patriot

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You are going to die from coronavirus, I promise


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America, like all first world countries, are merely a branch off the tree of their English Anglo-Saxon superiors. However, unlike other countries we allowed to branch from us, America has allowed itself to become one half negrofied and the other half judified. You have become such a disappointment. You will not be allowed to return home when you serve as nothing but a tool for the Chinese.


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>inb4 world full of countries gangs up on you

lol, with what? You can't even get rid of our military bases.

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only the northeast, west coast, and Texas matter.
that girl is fucking ugly

If you're American your government, your police, your fellow Americans doesn't give two shits about you and you known it..
Sorry Burguer you're less than human.....

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