Do you hide your power levels when amongst normies?

Or do you prefer to go full tinfoil and try to redpill anyone?

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I try to bring subtle red pills to minorities and when possible I try to break them of their stereotypes. My biggest success was getting a black guy to embrace Atheism. Now a lot of you might not be a fan of that but for a black guy in the south to be an Atheist is a big deal and I hope he spreads it to his newborn.

Great game

I say nigger in a non-threatening way at least once to spot others and then never again around people i've noticed become uncomfortable.

>that VV pokie

I'm a pretty open book. I talk about my current views openly. This helps me differentiate between people who are too far gone and people who are capable of dealing with ideas they understand, and people who agree with my current views. It is absolutely stupid to censor yourself if you can get away with it without breaking the law. Some people, you don't want to associate with, and you want to find out who those people are, before it's too late. If none of us IRL speak of our views and values, how are we supposed to find each other or like-minded people? Other than that, this also helps you find people who you shouldn't get attached to, and who you don't have to worry about using, since they're in the opposing camp anyways, or like I said, too far gone for redemption.

Would you rather deny your true self or have shitty people as "friends"?

Wait fuck, that's wrong "Would you rather be your true self or have shitty people as "friends"?" is what I meant.


always hide but for the few who are interested i live crumbs
rabbit's hole ends in the abyss

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One time I was smoking a cigarette at a bar and a fellow white person asked me for a cigarette. I said sure but give me a dollar, and then I gave him 2 for a dollar. Some mexican kike looking girl that neither of us knew said from behind him "wow I can't believe you are changing him". I just laughed and said "sorry I'm Jewish". She started speaking Hebrew and then she was like wow! I thought you were Jewish! I just kind of laughed. Her boyfriend WAS Jewish and we ended up talking about Mexican food restaurants. He didn't even seem to care

I was drinking at my buddies condo with a few of our friends and some girls (his neighbours) and my friend put on clayton bigsby (black kkk member) and his neighbours (two white girls age 20-25) immediately left. The older sister dragged her younger sister by the hand out of there.

What’s based about black guys being atheist

One time it was my friend's birthday and we all went out and then after party at our other friend's condo. Somehow one of our girl friend's brought her gay friend so he was at the condo with us. There were probably like 20 people. We kept saying the word faggot just because we always call each other that and he would get butt hurt every time. The girls there would try to make him feel better but it was no use really, he is a little bitch. His drunk ass cut his finger on my friends obviously broken sink and he ended up in my friends bedroom washing it in the sink. My friend got SO PISSED when he found this out. Yelling faggot at him. He ended up finding blood on his sheets and he burned them the next day, although as it turns out they were from the guy whose birthday it was (him and my other friend got into a little slap boxing war)

im the master on hiding my power levels, no one really knows anything substancial about me besides close friends

The fuck are you doing?

Absolute coward.

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Every day I have a harder time.

>tfw no commie retard vampire gf
>tfw I have no face
life is truly shit, fellas.

Sharing some stories?

why? i wont waste my time on people until i believe they deserve it

Most of the girls we hang out with don't mind if we say the word nigger. Although one of them is actually like a quarter black or something so we try to avoid saying it around her.
If anything a new girl might cringe the first few times but they always get over it unless they are just worthless

Yes. I just talk about politics. People usually assume I hold the same views they do even when I want them to die.

Because by being open about your views you let other people take distance away from you, instead of you doing that work. By not being truthful, you're denying your true self and erasing yourself from existence.

Seems sketchy as fuck.


I'm more careful these days but I don't lie about my opinions, I might bite my tongue or redirect a conversation.

Of course, my opinions can be summed up as; Hitler did nothing wrong.

I understand. I have burned so many bridges now I am down to 2 friends.

No. If anything I power up and go super sayian. Coat me a solid 75% of my contacts but the ones that are left are much more based and new normies I reach are rapidly approaching based in at least one aspect so shits moving quick, on the uphill climb now.

>Athieism is red pilled

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I laugh at weak cucks right in their faces

You have to play the long game. Subtley reveal your power level overtime. I usually talk about the attack on Christianity compared to other religions, before I graduate to the attack on whites. I also use the term "Israelis" before I ever say "Jews". This worked to redpill all my friends, family, and wife.

what "power level"?
most worthwhile "red pills" are things that are obvious or unsurprising to any thinking person

I don't hide it at all. Humor works best:
>fucking Chinese should stop eating weird shit all the time, if we don't want to have another pandemic.
>all this tranny shit is stupid, If I'd cut off my dick and drill a hole down there one would call me a lunatic and not a woman.
>all this equality shit won't tidy up the kitchen.

I have ascended beyond caring what normies think. As long as you state your views eloquently and with proper reasoning, they will usually either agree or just pretend to agree. Most people I know are right wing.

At work; you talk about work and work only. Never bring up politics.

Its hard to hide but I tried my best
Its useless to redpilled, clueless that I dont even know where to start, not even interested in redpill stuff, parrot everything on tv.
I end up smiling...(f u, just die)

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>>all this equality shit won't tidy up the kitchen.
This is the best argument against feminism.

If anyone says "women should be allowed to work and blah blah blah", say "Okay, you can work. But just because you have a full time job, it doesn't mean you no longer have responsibilities. Someone still has to make dinner and look after the kids."


>Talking about using humor

Fuck off glownigger.

Full fucking tinfoil, I don't give a fuck what normies think.

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cain was the taxi driver.

What if you don't take any of the pills?