OOHHHHHH that didn't age well
OOHHHHHH that didn't age well
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Come back when all secondary causes are filtered out.
What is wrong with this tweet?
We are at 23k deaths so the nothingburger is just a plate and that plate will be confiscated when rationing begins
It did age well. He's just compromised.
>corona deaths are still less than the average of the yearly flu deaths
>"just two more weeks guys"
>shit's starting to reopen now that the power grabs and market manipulations are finished
nothing left to do but laugh and watch inflation hit. shit's gonna get bad.
How bad economy it’s gonna be after April ?
It only matters to the rich and those who are counting on people paying that can no longer pay fren.
>UW model revised down to 60k deaths
yeah. it aged fine. OP is a faggot and probably a chink.
99% of Covid-19 deaths were caused by comorbidities, aka ailments that have no relation to Coronavirus whatsoever.
In fact the test doesn't test for a virus, but for genetic tissue which belongs to an immune response.
Covid-19 doesn't exist.
Aged just fine, faggot.
Sage goes in all fields, boys.
Its almost like they were wrong.
Close to 90% of those 20k deaths were in the last 2 weeks, retard. Two more weeks we'll be pushing 40k deaths.
>At this moment
Actually this still aged pretty well.
Pretty good way to make an interesting point and trigger people that refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt at the same time.
u wont age at all because u will kys someday
if thats true then why are they saying we'll have under 100k total? That would mean this would be over in 6 weeks by your logic?
He's an orange nigger and what he said was moronic. 20k American's are dead because down played the virus and did nothing
So corona chan killed about the flus yearly average in several months. Pretty based
Being this retarded
If we don't reach 70K cases in the US, OP should kill himself by impaling his anus on 10 razor blades.
70K deaths*
It aged pretty well. At that point Fauci was claiming that the corona cold would kill millions of Americans, even with the social distancing lockdown measures in place.
I like the numbers where they are.
Dead because of china. Fuck chinks.
Average age of cornovirus deaths in USA is 81, higher than average life expectancy. Hardly a fucking tragedy. Be honest, you don't know anyone who knows anyone who died of cornovirus. It's a big fucking nothing burger
i think in 2018 it was 65k dead from the flu. so corononono still hasn't touched it, and that's likely with some number inflation considering how lenient the cdc guidelines are for a postmortem diagnosis ("did the patient have the sniffles at the time of his stroke" tier shit, etc)
the real story has been the fed/treasury merger, the mass printing/bailouts, the socialization of the bond market, the "modern monetary theory" (outright socialistic governmental control through debt based monetary policy) and the establishment of enough fear to pass some legislation that will likely expand the governments ability to regulate individuals during "crises" (the media whipping people into a panic = surrender those rights, goy)
shooshoo shill
>didn't age well
>literally aged well
wake me up at 70k
>j-just two more weeks and it'll have killed more than the flu!
i got this reply eight times from march till now. your two weeks have been up like eight times nigger
I will never forgive chinese communist party. I really hope I get to hit the actual frontlines of ww3 and get to show em some wrath
That didn't age very well, did it?
could get rough. fed printing = inflation, which means costs of goods are going to go up. wages will take a while to rise with it. many people suspect companies are going to downsize like crazy. houses will dip in value pretty soon here but that won't help unless you have cash on hand or look like a good goy for the banks, because they are already tightening how much they're lending since they also anticipate out of work proles looking to snag a house on the cheap.
if you kept a cool head and bought the dip then you'll be great, but i figure most anons here don't have the money to make that work for them, otherwise they'd be out growing their cash instead of shitposting. maybe that's just me.
here's a good book on the fed's shell game bs:
Full lockdown normie. Enjoy your time off. Collect your checks. Chill out. Trump said to take it seriously, after denying it was a something burger. Even trump and.pence say we should wear masks.
>telling the truth didn't age well
What did the kike OP mean by this?
>trumps top 3 advisors are kikes
>user on vpn calls op a kike for saying blumf is a retard
>muh 20,000
>out of 328,000,000
>plus 100,000,000 illegals and foreign workers on visas etc
Wow it’s literally nothing.
it aged very well. deaths are still insanely low, with most of the people dying being old and with a co morbidity. i don't understand this shill tactic.
1. im not a normie, regrettably. ive been an autist on this shit site for roughly 13 years now
2. trump bent the knee and is a normal neocon-esque kind of president. his word isn't gospel and the numbers show this was a load of bullshit, and that's WITH inflation and number padding. considering everything that's happened using this seasonal flu as a pretext (fed merger, bailouts, asset grabs by the gov, expansion of authority, the usual perps), im hardpressed to believe anyone could believe this media hysteria is legit except shills.
remember, you're on Yas Forums. we don't trust talking heads and media bullshit here.
Who's saying that? 100,000 deaths is a conservative estimate for U.S. deaths.
They wanna keep public from panic.
Don't get me wrong, China needs to be fucking glassed. But incompetent leadership is what allowed this to become a major problem in the first place
rofl no, we won't. not unless you see some bullshit about how next years flu strain is "mutated corona" and keep the death count going after the summer/fall illness seista. we've been going at this touted up nonsense for what feels like 3 months and it hasn't cracked flu numbers yet. i don't think it's going to jump the 100k mark in any legitimate capacity.
holy shit youre dumb as a rock go back to r*ddit.
Aged fine and right again. We won't pass those numbers. Also they can adjust in the now non existent heart attacks, strokes, and pneumonia deaths. Unless you want to give Trump the Nobel prize for curing those because they are now at zero going on three weeks now. It couldn't have anything to do with hospitals fishing for federal money could it?