Dear Zoomers

Dear Zoomers,
How do you deal with the fact your going to be having an exceptionaly worse off time in the coming decade then any living generation before you? Millenials are up shit creek and your prospect are looking even worse

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20 year old zoomer here

I love it, we have been born on the prospects of doom and gloom and this is nothing for us

probs gonna off myself or get offed

Zoomers were already fucked as they're incredibly lazy, entitled, and have zero self-awareness. I don't think corona will change anything for them as they were going to be welfare cases anyway.

99' fag here.
Ride the tiger nigel.

Hard times create strong men

t.20 year old

shut up you fucking millenial, or god forbid a boomer. you wont be remembered for anything that you have done

36 boomer here. im getting old but i will help you zooms the best i can. im poor though and probably wont be much better off than you. but ill teach you all ive learned so far. just dont treat me like a boomer because im definitely not like that.

Gen X actually, and you unknowingly ride my dick daily as I worked on a lot of the software you depend on yet can't work on yourselves as it's too difficult for you. Again, you lack self-awareness about how completely useless your generation is.

Shoot that fucker with the nail gun

Not to mention boomers and Xers are pulling in all the prime zoomer pussy lol
>t. 39 year old boomer

>zoomer here
Work Monday - Friday, saving my money, living with parents, investing in stocks, learning how to manage my finances and going to consider college soon.
I know my generation (or at least me) won't be able to afford a house, and if we do, we will have to put it up for collateral for our pension
Any tips to this young little shit?

i appreciate that man thank you, gen x people are pretty cool

we have plenty of self-awareness. it is just that we are the only ones waking up to the problems about society while other generations have been completely quiet about it. you say we are lazy and dumb but at the end of the day we are the ones that will have the greatest impact on American society

Calm down white hair. You weren't working on software when you were in highschool either, Bill Gates. Let that zoomer finish an IT related college too and then call him out on being useless. People with experience that compare themselves with those that didn't even start in something are trully messed in the head to not see that there shouldn't be a comparation taking place. Where is your fucking billion dollar book selling start-up turned global marketplace you fucking failed Bezos?

Not zoomer, but what are you hoping to achieve with this, bong? Do you think anyone pointed at the Lost Generation and was like "lol watcha doin now losers?" eh you stupid bong? That's why you see so many of them turn today to the cool modern socialism, because they feel caught between worse prospects and higher pressure so they go like "give us free money lmao". Yes, they are retarded, but you don't need to ask them what are they gonna do about it or they will feel cornered and panic and do stupid stuff, like any cornered animal.


Seeing if there are any of their ilk capable of understanding the situation. A couple of Yas Forums, but not enough it seems.

22 year old here. Not sure if I could as a zoomer or not.

I just try not to think about it or anything too deeply as it relates to society or the economy.

Nationalsocialism will rise in popularity and that makes me happy,so overall I have high hopes about the future.

>How do you deal with the fact your going to be having an exceptionaly worse off time in the coming decade then any living generation before you?
By buying guns.

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> t. boomer

From what I've seen most of them are very apathetic probably due to the constraints of their early age exposure to virtual worlds so it's hard for them to be interested about things on a larger scale. The rest are generally either extremes of the left or right but still very unmotivated to do more than write some angry words.

This. I've worked with quite a few of them. They're also cowards who avoid any type of conflict or responsibility by "ghosting." They're so image obsessed too, like they're going to be the next big e-celeb even if they're borderline incel with gay nigger noodle perm and a floral jacket.

We think it's funny.


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>gen x
nobody ever asked us what to do

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Here's your generational glossary:
> Go.
> Fuck.
> Yourself.

This generation is the worst generation. Us zoomers are all lazy, entitled, technology addicted fags.
Fuck this gay earth.

I will just enjoy the doom created by you brain dead slaves and watch how you all are suffering while I drink vodka and smoke some cigs till my last breath and have a good time all alone watching this freak show to end.

By fighting for what is right.