why are italians mistaken for jews
Why are italians mistaken for jews
>Modern Jews may traditionally trace their ancestry to the Holy Land, but a new genetic study finds otherwise. A detailed look at thousands of genomes finds that Ashkenazim—who make up roughly 80% of the world’s Jews, including 90% of those in America and half of those in Israel—ultimately came not from the Middle East, but from Western Europe, perhaps Italy.
This. Jews are Italian. They moved to Italy in large numbers during Roman times, got local waifus. Then middle ages came and they infested the whole of Europe but they stopped mixing that much with the local populations.
They're their retarded cousins.
This woman has a fantastic pair of honkers. I wish I could put my penis (which would be erect due to visual stimulation) in between her breasts, if you get what I'm saying *wink* *wink*.
who's this semen femon?
It's in the filename, retard.
Kill yourself subhuman D&C shill.
Italians are the heart of Europe and West Civ.
Pretty sure that’s you Carlos
Both have big noses and both love money
Not just Roman times, but they cemented themselves entirely by the Renaissance.
thwy are oregano jews
my father is italian
Makes sense. Jews do look Italian .
Does the article say around what time period Italians transformed into Jews ?
she has a small nose nigger.
And you have a small dick
I'm not getting what you're saying
Would make sense (from a business perspective) for northern Italians to switch to being Jews around renaissance...it’s when modern banking started and Christians can’t give out usurious loans
Kikes still don't cluster with Euros or Middle Easterens even.
They cluster in between them.
They are the eternal mongrels of Europe.
Both are beady eyed cocksuckers
you'd know
Its not a mistake
italians are white people's racism scapegoat. they aren't allowed to make fun of real nonwhites anymore like niggers, spics or chinks, so they get what they can out of italians
Can anyone explain if "Jewishness" is passed matrilineally and the maternal line of Ashkenazis is all European women, then how are any of them Jewish?
They aren't.
They are just fucking mongrels with an identity crisis.
Their radial self identification is ENTIRELY situational.
>why are italians mistaken for jews
Because the Vatican is in Rome and jews bred like wildfire in there.
So, sometimes jews dodge the wrath of people because they think they're dealing with an Italian.
But Italians are humans, jews are not.
Mutts aren't human and i hope you an d your children die a painful death. You being forced to watch as a pack of spic rape your prepubescent daughter before skinning it alive
jews also get mistaken for Germans and the French, as well as Anglos.
Whereever there was thick cristianity, there were jews aplenty.
ok, whatever. I'm curious though, what provoked this reaction
This broad has the best fucking tits