
Attached: ANTENNA BURN.png (960x560, 535.92K)

Based and 4-G pilled.

My aunt needs access to 5G to send data to her doctors about her life threatening medical condition. I hope you bastards aren't going to cause her to die because of your tinfoil hat conspiratcy theories.

Based! but it says "italians", not poles. Happened in Bergamo.

this shit is hilarious, well less radiation for the locals

Use a bike messenger like a normal person.

Your aunt needs 5G like America needs more immigrants.



Jet fuel, or they made of wood ?

>subhumans are destroying technology due to superstition
How is this news

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How do they manage to get the fire to spread up so high? Do they have fucking supersoakers full of gasoline?

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Is that similar to messenger doves/pidgeons, or sending a raven?

>they figured out those towers aren't for better wifi

That smoke has to be toxic as fuck.

personally i think this is all a false flag.

>leaf post bad
I'm not wrong.

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It's in BERGAMO, the title is simply polish you moron

Jewtube keeps deleting these videos

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Didn't knew Italy is in Poland.


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That looks really cool.

prolly insurance scam

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I need 5g cause i need to play wow on my gps driving selfdriving car while drones bring me a starbucks latte

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These make me KEK to no end, keep burning that shit down for the lulz.

Based destroyers of the communist technocrats.


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>My internet needs to be unnecessarily faster at the expense of health so I’m not wrong

The day of the rake can’t come fast enough

you are wrong tho. now go suck a nigger cock, cuck

who gains what from burning them down?