Shit memes edition
Yas Forums humor thread
/cm/ here, am I allowed? I swear im based and redpilled
>every humor thread ruined by one fag bumping & quoting himself
I genuinely do not understand why Homosexuals love communism.
Literally murdered homsexuals
Sentenced sexual deviants to "hard labor"
Homosexuality was illegal, even when it was legalized, faggots faced other harassment
It's almost like they have a board for you
I stopped trying to explain that to people so I just drink and avoid people except when I go to work and it's like being behind enemy lines.
Ozzy and drix was a better TV Show than a movie
Dont post anything...
Niggers just go into debt, and they don't give 2 shits about paying it back. Debt doesn't matter if you don't have a paycheck and your section 8 housing voucher goes directly to your landlord.
Niggers get free healthcare and college just by being niggers.
you cant be racist outside of Yas Forums and Yas Forums :(
>tfw there will never be an R-rated reboot where Ozzy and Drix have to help the guy they're in overcome erectile dysfunction
Most of the "communists" and self proclaimed Marxists I know are disgusting degenerates. Both mentally and physically deficient. They honestly think they will be calling the shots and not immediately thrown into labor camps.
*dabs* join us at r the donald
>There will never be a Cells At Work/Ozzy and Drix crossover
fuck you leaf
Is this peak 90s?
Did someone someone say "terrible eme"
I laughed far too long and far too hard at Mount Nigger.
Then fucking post something
Remember when Gillette was talking about equal rights?
would rub my dick all over/10
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
man, girls' asses have gotten way better since the mid-2000s.
it's hard to imagine this pancake-assed chick getting hired to be objectified by racing fans today.
i credit the spinning craze.
This is extremely hateful and homophobic. You racist white people should learn about biases and stop being bigots.
Stop being bodyphobic racist xenophobic sexist transphobic and last but not least homophobic and learn to accept people for who they really are.
Everybody here on this site should feel ashamed of themselves.
I do like me flat asses and I'm not even Irish
You might make fun of AOC, but don't forget she's the one to establish US diplomatic relations with L'Xasho'Nissa galaxy
kek. uncle teddy
Reminder that this actually happened.
inb4 canadian
Didnt know AOC was a stand user