Islam is the future of Europe, and perhaps America as well

Islam is the future of Europe, and perhaps America as well.

Western Civilization is currently decaying, I am sure nobody here will argue otherwise. And when a culture decays, it loses its traditions forever. Because the West abandoned Christianity, degenerate behavior is being spread throughout all aspects of culture, there is no escape from it. But Christianity will NOT return as dominant religion of the West, that title will go to Islam.

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>inb4 some sort of "protestant reformation" of traditional Muslim beliefs in order to suit western fancy.

I don't see how this could be possible. Unlike the Bible, there is little room for interpretation in the Quran.

Mental gymnastics are a thing, and people are rubbish. Someone will ruin it. I'm sure of it.

>Your princes are importing women they find via Instagram into their countries to take them out on multimillion dollar yachts for week long orgies.
>The majority of Muslims lust after the comforts, decadent materialism, and degenerate culture of the West.
>Your leaders are selling out their people, their culture, and their God for petrol dollars and speculative trading not so that they may elevate the glory of God or strengthen their people but so that they and their sons can drive around in Lamborghinis.
>At this very minute I can go online and find gigabytes of hijabi porn of women selling their bodies for shekels to sick men who have fetishized their modesty.
Islam isn’t exempt from the Kali-Yuga, Muhammad.

>there is little room for interpretation in the Quran.

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Like I said, the Quran is fullproof against anybody trying to interpret it the wrong way.

>That is [deserved by them] because Allah has sent down the Book in truth. And indeed, those who differ over the Book are in extreme dissension.

Well, hope it all goes well then.

Music gets louder

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Thank you, friend.

Surah 6:114 does not mention the Gospel. Although a lost gospel is mentioned in the Quran, this is not the same as the altered Christian New Testament.

I'll see the planet scorched and the earth salted before I'll hand it over to monkeys like you.

Search your heart, you know what I say is true. Christianity has gone done a road of death it can't return from

Real weak bait right here.

At least post some big tiddy hijabis nigger

don’t look now but haram actions are all around you. Members of the Islamic church are sinning.

>altered NT
>lost gospel
Cope more goat fucker

based burger

>road of death
Christians are the only ones who believe in the True LIVING God.
Mohammad got horny over a 6 year old girl. fucked her between her thighs till she was of age, then penetrated her. This is your prophet. this is your messenger.
Piss be upon him

Imagine giving a shit about the religion of smelly brown manlets that can't even defeat a couple of Jews in desert lmao.

Okay Pajeet

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With the influx of immigrants into Europe who like breeding and often have families far larger than westeners, Islam is growing at a rapid pace and will become the dominant faith. Laws have already been put in place to protect them under the guise of 'equality'. They are extremely influential and will demand until they get their way. The Christian way of life is dead.


>Christians are the only ones who believe in the True LIVING God.
Sadly, active participation in the Christian religion is declining rapidly in our countries. It's a tradition we will lose soon.
>Mohammad got horny over a 6 year old girl. fucked her between her thighs till she was of age, then penetrated her. This is your prophet. this is your messenger.
Piss be upon him
Arabs did not record their ages or birthdays back then, ages were estimated. The best estimate for Aisha's age at marriage to Muhammad was between 9-19. They were considered adults when they reached puberty. The fact that Aisha was engaged to another man before Muhammad, showed that she was considered old enough for marriage by her people.

This is what I am saying. Europeans in their present state lack anything to fight for. Their modern culture has left them without reason to live, but Islam will be their new cause.

>there is little room for interpretation in the Quran.
if only you knew how bad things really are

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>Like I said, the Quran is fullproof against anybody trying to interpret it the wrong way.
good to know, let's look at quran and what it says...

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>Arabs did not record their ages or birthdays back then, ages were estimated. The best estimate for Aisha's age at marriage to Muhammad was between 9-19. They were considered adults when they reached puberty. The fact that Aisha was engaged to another man before Muhammad, showed that she was considered old enough for marriage by her people.
Damn, not even an hour and you already contradicted your statement that you can't interpret the Quran the wrong way

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and in case you nigger try to deny, here you have further proof that Muhammad was pedophile

Attached: Dolls_and_puberty.jpg (1628x1080, 194.18K)