Answer me Yas Forums

wanted to try to enjoy my gen ed english class so i decided to do a project on why there are younger people drifting towards right wing politics, how memes are effective political tools now, and the breeding grounds of these memes and movements.
basically, would greatly appreciate it if subtopics, resources, or thoughts were contributed.
some thoughts could be about why you use pol, what attracts you to these politics, how outward you are about your political identity etc
ty lots user

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People are shifting away from Right Wing now. 2016 is over idiot

i want to huff tomoko's feet

why are you still here then

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this website is 90% coffee posting and nigger dicks and the other 10 is useful information. That should be a good enough write up for your report.

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>Yas Forums
It's Yas Forums

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I’m an old fag and this site was never “right wing”. It has always been libertarian and anti authority. It wasn’t until 2016 did boot licking cucks from storm front, memelords of trump, and paid RNC shills turn this into their personal forum.

Trump is and always has been a piece of shit statist.

stfu retard who cares

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I was always rightist, and got a little bullied for it in school. Not by much of course and only by friends when politics was brought up.
Only things like:
- Wow you must be heartless
- Are you seriously saying climate change isn't overwhelmingly anthropogenic! You have to go see your es professor right now! (My es professor was fine with me though and I did well on the AP exam better than them actually probably because I could reason it intituively)
Whatever not the point, they were guys
But women have always been awful to me for the most part, not always not always, but mostly and I never had figured out why and I never got to have a sweetheart. Even in middleschool, and I could tell that proto-thottery was beginning, but I didn't have a name for it, it was just something to avoid. Suddenly I get on /pol and I see Tinder and things and even girls in uni who have morphed into something very different and I'm like ok that shit spread way faster than I thought it would.
Now my politics are still very right wing, but with the twist of whatever fixes social society.
Partly for myself, partly so that others won't see the same thing happen to them

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Sorry. You beat me to it

>stfu retard who cares
I do, because I'm a Yas Forumsack. Go back to your home site you tourist faggot.

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You have to go back. I can tell you weren’t even old enough to vote in 2016.

It’s hilarious how there is an undertone of “being cool” and non conformity for the sake of non conformity.

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Talking about politics in a green red class makes you a faggot. None of your class cares or wants to hear it. Politics are fun to talk about on here, but you're straight up stupid if it's your identity off of here

Also the modern left is insane. But that was implied

Im leftis when im poor and right winged if i happen to have a middle class job so i go for whoever happens to benefit me atm, democrats voter base are all poor and none middle class. So it would make since if all their policies destroyed the middle class and kept everyone poor but with just enough handouts to get by. The democrats make it look like their helping there voter base but it reality they want you to stay in poverty

Pol use to be far left back in the day


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I disagree it was all the politically correct rub it in your face fag tranny loving shit that pushed people right, the left was trying to sensor how I talk on a daily bases and they were brainwashing people to approach me about it aswell. Im sure everyone grew tired of this and shift hard right. So political correctness has a big play on things now days

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>discussing this shit in gen ed English class
Welp. My tax dollars at work....

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No I can tell you I was never trying to be cool.
But I remember in middle school alot of things were happening to the females, suddenly they had a gross obssession with their asses, I got my heart broken by my crush twice, I got really into the 80s and that felt like it was on its way up, anime was becoming more popular outside of my tiny school, Pony was at its peak and I was impressionable (while classmates were dissing it I was just like this is pretty good), and I could just tell there was a line between what I was going to enjoy in the coming years and what I was going to hate, but I still wanted a gf that I could connect with, and then that didn't happen but the rest did.

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Either way fuck the left there pedoterrorist that just dropped a bioweapon in desperate seize for power

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The best political leaning for the United States is in the center. That means being a centrist is superior to one track minded left/right wingers. The left is so fucking retarded that they pulled the political spectrum so far communist that normal conservatives are now alt right. Centrists are now right wing. Original liberals are now center. The biggest meme of 2016 is the left not realizing that Trump is a legit old school democrat and he only ran as republican because the democratic party is a shambling mess of internal corruption.

I will give you the following why: TO giver you a little bit of my background, I am a Spic who has lived in the states since 2004. I have a Masters degree in Pol Sci and I deal with think tank. I hated Liberals since I noticed they are pandering to me like I am a second class citizen. At the core of any leftist ideology, Marx said that the White Race should lift all of the inferior races. AS a father figure, whites should promote equality, and other nonsense related to it. The main problem behind that is humans are dumb and smug, so instead of guiding everyone for a better future, White Liberals misinterpreted helping with pandering. On the other hand, right wing individuals might be racists, pieces of shit and other things, but at least they will see value on our person and character if you are following the rules of the system, not exploiting it. Right Wings people look for different traits since they think people should be rely on themselves to crave a new path for their own future, and it becomes better if you help others in the community. As a Right Wing man myself, I want to be judge my talents, not by my ethnicity and that is the sin of liberals. They judge by ethnicity, not by talent. Liberals are the most racists people that I ever encounter in my life, and I pray every day for the second coming of Pinochet to give them all helicopter rides.

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