ITT we apologize to Barack Hussein Obama. Although we hate him for various reasons he didnt get 30 million people unemployed in 4 weeks.
I'll start. Im sorry Barack
ITT we apologize to Barack Hussein Obama. Although we hate him for various reasons he didnt get 30 million people unemployed in 4 weeks.
I'll start. Im sorry Barack
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Unironically did a better job than trump.
when it comes to trannys in the whitehouse you were the first.
Get fucked nigger lover.
How is that a bad thing?
Literally tried to perform a coup which resulted in Donald being elected
Who then decided to inflate the worlds biggest bubble like Japan in 1985 because of le stronk stock market meme.
>blaming trump for the economic shutdown everyone begged for
Go say this to some normies you know. Oh wait, you wouldnt dare because you know you’d look like a deranged lunatic. Better just sit there and awkwardly laugh at their toilet paper memes some more, huh?
>get handed shit from GOP
>create 22 million jobs
>hand to GOP
>rekt in weeks
>gets handed back
this is all so tiresome
You’re talking to an man-child who doesn’t understand logical entailment. I don’t understand how his type functions IRL without running into a bus or falling out of open windows.
I am sorry that you are an asshole fisted puppet obummer. How much did your buddies loot from Ukraine and china? Untold fortunes, sekret society, deep deep blue negra.
well thats the closest we've gotten to a sorry so far so I'll take it.
Thanks Obama for making the economy so shit by adding 22 million part time jobs at the expense of full time ones.
ITT we apologize to Adolf Hitler. Although we hate him for various reasons he didnt get 30 million people unemployed in 4 weeks.
I’ll start. Im sorry Adolf
DNC cope. You excited to shill for Biden for 6 months until he loses?
My nigga
Lol no that nigger owes ME an apology for raping the healthcare system and making insurance mandatory
Trust the plan right? 4d chess? cant wait for Q's next post!
Stay mad trannies.
Nearly $19 billion in unemployment benefits were errantly given out from 2008-2010
Vice President Joe Biden was tasked with leading the Campaign to Cut Waste (2011)
“Unemployment checks are going to people in prison. Unemployment checks are going to graveyards.” ~Vice President Joe Biden (September 2011)
Another estimated $14 billion in unemployment benefits were errantly distributed in 2011
State Department spent more than $70,000 taxpayer dollars on books authored by Obama
Feds opened more than 1,900 investigations into waste and fraud of taxpayer stimulus dollars
The 7-Eleven Presidency: Under Obama, for every $7 we’ve had, we’ve spent nearly $11
Democrats proposed a $1.1 trillion spending bill during the lame-duck session of Congress
Spending bill was filled with 6,488 earmarks at a cost of $575 million per page (1,924 pages)
Obama’s $858 billion compromise bill extended the Bush-era tax rates plus more deficit spending
President-elect Obama unveiled a vague plan that will create or “save” 2.5 million jobs (2008)
Obama’s “stimulus” plan promised to create or “save” 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010
Obama then claimed that the stimulus package would create 4 million jobs by the end of 2010
Obama in 2009: If economy isn’t fixed in three years there will be a “one-term proposition”
Senior economic advisers to Obama turned down a supersized fiscal stimulus because they doubted its practicality and feared spooking the bond markets, according to a December 2008 internal memo
“Every month we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.” ~Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) falsely claiming while arguing for passage of the $821 billion “stimulus” package (2009)
sorry for not pissing in your coffee more, but that’s supposed to be michael’s job and I’m not getting in the middle of that bs
You forgot your african flag, shlomo.
Obama passed the $821 billion “stimulus” pledging that unemployment would stay below 8%
Unemployment remained above 8% for the 43 consecutive months (ending August 2012)
In the previous 60 years, the unemployment rate topped 8% in a total of 39 months
More than 2 million net jobs have been lost since Obama signed the so-called “stimulus” bill
We are roughly 6 million jobs off from the stated Obama goal for job growth during campaign
Over 14 million are unemployed, up from 6.3 million when Democrats took over Congress
Obama invented a non-provable economic metric of “jobs saved” to justify the failing “stimuli”
White House press secretary Jay Carney claimed that the stimulus “goals have been met” (2011)
Number of people with jobs is still nearly 5 million below the pre-recession peak
National Employment Law Project study found that 58% of the jobs recovered are low-wage jobs
ancy Pelosi (D-CA) insisted that giving unemployment checks is the fastest way to create jobs
Obama urged Congress to extend unemployment benefits to “create jobs right now” (August 2011)
W.H. Press Secretary said that unemployment benefits could create up to 1 million jobs (2011)
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) told ABC that he had “nothing to do with these unemployment figures”
Pelosi: Extending the unemployment benefits would add “600,000 jobs to our economy” (2011)
Nancy Pelosi claimed that Bush left Democrats an economy in the “depths of hell” (2012)
Obama administration pushed for more extensions to unemployment benefits past 99 weeks
It used to be against the law to force citizens to purchase products. They jumped through kinds of fucked up loopholes to get it to stick.
How long before mandated purchasing of kosher pissraeli products?
fuck niggers
Leslie Macko lost her job a month after being found guilty of prescription drug fraud
Obama then used Leslie Macko as a prop and an example of the need to extend jobless benefits
Roughly 93% of Obama’s original administration had never held or created a private sector job
Many corporations represented on Obama’s jobs council are increasingly shifting jobs overseas
Policies increase unemployment and drive down wages by flooding the U.S. with foreign workers
Obama’s anti-energy policies are having a cascading destructive effect on jobs across the country
Obama proposed major tax increases for those who create wealth and jobs in the U.S. (April 2011)
Obama sat on trade-agreements that would have generated much-needed jobs in America
Obama signed into law the Democrat’s Small Business Jobs Bill on September 16, 2010
House Democrats pledged that the $30 billion bank handout could create 500,000 new jobs
One year later, there was no evidence that a single job had been created from the program
White House Transcript: “…we’ve created over 2.1 million private sector jobs. (Laughter)”
G3 unemployment was 4.5% back in February 2007 when progressives took control of Congress
Democrat orchestrated banking & housing recession wiped out more than 8 million jobs
G3 unemployment rate increased to over 10% under the weight of a democratic job-killing agenda
G6 underemployment rate (includes those who can’t get full-time work) increased to over 20%
By comparison, G6 underemployment was 8.1% in February 2007 and 15.0% in February 2009
Number of Americans jobless for at least six months hit a record 6.1 million people in 2010
More than 8.5 million part-time workers seek full-time work that is not available (2011)
go back to Yas Forums retard
im starting to feel shizo like you guys arent real or something. We can all acknowledge millions just lost their jobs right? Thats what this thread is about. Am i having a stroke?
I'm sorry Bill Clinton
I miss you most of all
In January 2011, more than 8.6 million Americans were collecting unemployment benefits
The average time needed to find a job rose to a record 40.4 weeks in July of 2011
Gallup’s unemployment polling showed U6 underemployment at 19.0% for December 2010
U.S. population has grown 30 million since 2000, but total U.S. jobs are lower now than in 2000
There are more idle men and women today than at any time since the Great Depression (2011)
Nearly seven people in the labor pool compete for each and every job opening (June 2011)
One fifth of all men of prime working age are not getting up and going to work (2011)
Number of Americans jobless for at least six months increased to over 6.2 million people in 2011
Percentage of people currently working in the United States is at the lowest level since 1983
Paychecks from private businesses shrank to smallest share of personal income in U.S. history
Obama administration is reducing the number of jobs that exist to lower the unemployment rate
If today’s workforce size was the same as in 2009, the U3 unemployment would be 11.4% (9/11)
More than 40% of the unemployed have been out of work for more than six months
Obama’s extended 99-week unemployment benefits plan caused lingering joblessness
Millions of Americans have been dropped out of the labor force skewing government estimates
The employment-population ratio is at the lowest level in decades (as of September 2011)
Just 58% of work-age Americans have jobs (as of August 2011), the lowest level since July 1983
Labor Department estimated that jobs were created in newly formed companies that may not exist
BLS data assumes that hundreds of thousands of jobs are being created using historical models
There have been no net increase in full-time jobs under Obama, contrary to all previous recessions
The day of the virus is getting closer, fatass. You can cry about Trump all you want but you dug your own grave with your carb addiction.
The day of the virus is getting closer.
Obama created the White House Office of Manufacturing Policy to keep jobs in the U.S. (2011)
Obama chose John Bryson and Gene Sperling to head the new Manufacturing Policy office
John Bryson is a globalist activist and co-chairman of the globalist organization PCIP
Economic advisor Gene Sperling blamed Bush an unemployment rate of 9.1% in September 2011
Sperling touted 11 million jobs that were supposedly “saved” due to Obama’s spending policies
Official government unemployment numbers are being massaged to lower the unemployment rate
BLS lowered the unemployment rate by saying that more people “drop out” of the labor pool
The difference between the reported and implied unemployment rate is the largest since 1980
A record 1.2 million people “dropped out” of the labor force in just one month (January 2012)
Number of people not in the labor force rose to a record 87.897 million (March 2012)
Another 522,000 people reportedly “dropped out” of the labor force in April 2012
Number of people not in the labor force rose to a new record 88.419 million (April 2012)
Labor force participation rate (64.3%) under President Obama fell to its lowest level since 1981
BLS data shows that 29.7 million people are not working or are underemployed (April 2012)
Gay thread, kkke.
I wish you were having a stroke. You're a massive faggot and my recommendation is to an hero.
What could go wrong?
thanks for the bants and acknowledging im not having a stroke but this thread is for real people not upside down kangaroo people
Only kikes care about "muh jobs" and "muh economy" good job outing yourself.
Unemployment rate was lowered again from 8.3% to 8.1%, despite only creating 96,000 jobs, by saying that 581,000 more workers dropped out of the labor force (August 2012)
President Obama told members of his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness that his administration has made “substantial progress” in embracing ideas on how to solidify the economic recovery (2012)
Obama said extending jobless benefits will create more jobs than the Keystone XL pipeline (2012)
Obama told a woman that her husband shouldn’t be unemployed since he was an engineer (2012)
Obama found it “interesting” that her husband couldn’t find a job and asked to see his resume
CBO estimated that Obama’s “stimulus” may have cost as much as $4.1 million a job (2012)
Obama administration spent $10 billion to create just 355 renewable energy jobs per year
Obama’s latest jobs program was to help illegals compete with Americans for scarce jobs (2012)
Obama granted young illegal immigrants the right to work, resulting in fewer jobs for U.S. citizens
Obama campaign claimed that Obama “has worked hard for the African American community”
Black unemployment rate under Obama is more than 50% higher than it was under President Bush
Unemployment rate for blacks in the U.S. is at the highest rate in 27 years (since 1984)
Percentage of black males without jobs is at the highest level since records first kept in 1972
Unemployment rate for blacks has rose from 14.7% to 16.7% since the “end of the recession”
Thousands lined up for jobs at a job fair in Georgia sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus
BLS data shows that black unemployment increased from 13.6% in May to 14.4% in June (2012)
For black youths aged 16 to 19, the unemployment rate was 39.3% by June 2012
CBC Chair Emanuel Cleaver: We’d be “marching on the White House” if not for Obama
Cleaver described Obama’s debt-ceiling compromise as a “sugar-coated Satan sandwich”
im pretty sure the people who had jobs and dont anymore care
>oh no I cant slave away for mr shekelsteinberg! My life is ruined!!
Holy shit how pathetic
Cunt you made this thread to troll. Reap what you've sown. Facts are a bitch aren't they?