Hot off the presses: RFK Jr has been advising Trump

This puts things into perspective. 2 hours ago he posted a video on his Instagram of Bill Gates giving a speech and mentioning meeting Trump, who told Gates that RFK Jr. has been advising him on the ill effects of vaccines. Pic related.

Anons it's time to strap up. There is a lot going on here.

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Q didn’t predict this

Starting to think Q is JFK Jr.

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RFK jr got btfo by Trump.

I can't wait until FISA is finally declassified so Bannon kills himself and this psy op ends.

No Trump is being advised by RFK Jr on the ill effects of vaccines which goes against Bill Gates' plan

you kushnerbots sure do post a lot of trash

Don't worry about them. Just now the truth is coming out faster than you think. Have faith

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>hot off the press
I saw the interview days ago. Obvious good news, that won't be reported on until Trump does something and all the jews say he's Hitler again.
JIDF get out.

Great you saw it days ago but RFK just posted about it today which is great cause he keeps bringing it into the open

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Was being advised. Trump dropped him and said vax is great.

What is that pic?

Don't mind about him, just some schizo... Meds needs to be taken. Calm down with the stuff dude. Bro, Bill is saving us not killing us just understand that and you will be alright.

OK, now I need to know

If the Q larp ends up being real I'm gonna shit my pants from happiness, I will never be so happy to be wrong.

its from JFK Jr. Magazine

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Q has directly stated that JFK Jr is dead IIRC. "disinformation is necessary" and all that but if we go by his words.

Based. Will he do it Yas Forums?

Jesus, queue faggots have to ruin every fucking thread.

also pic related

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yep, you're a cianigger and a faggot

wtf is this real

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why isnt mass media reporting?

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Thanks for answer.
Is there a PDF of the magazine?
I found it on Amazon fo 25K $ ...

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Maybe try JSTOR?


Trump used that song in so many rallies.

yes and trumps uncle john trump is the guy who first took care of teslas notes.

This is great and all but when is the cloak and dagger shit going to end? Its tiresome and old and is hurting the movement. Time to drop the hammer or drop your pants q, blue balling us for 4 years is hella gay. I dont care about the pedo elite anymore just get the shit over with already fuck.


Bump it with content or let it die, sage.

Dubbzz witnessed