Are Americans and the French still good frens?

Are Americans and the French still good frens?

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>dumb Amerigolems ruining WWI

i like how the frenchy is short hehe

Blame the Germans for bringing us into it.

We never were, it was an alliance of convenience on the French part, and necessity on the American one

When were we friends?

Well our governments have minor disagreements but I think the French and American people still like each other.

Last year when I visited France all of the people working at McDonald's and Chipotle were much nicer than here in America.

Explain the Statue of Liberty then
Since the beginning.

The telegram was a British fabrication.

>retarded Americans ITT that don’t know the long history of France and America scheming against GB
A different sort of friend maybe, but a friend no less.

British, Canadians, Australians, French and Belgians could have had that war going on for another year or two and maybe killed another couple of million G*rmans. Sad!

>Zimmerman himself admits it wasn't a fabrication
Go suck German cock somewhere else.

You should blame us for stuffing a passenger liner with a bunch of ammunition and explosives and sailing to Britain, after being told that unrestricted submarine warfare had begun.

Not really desu we prefer our brothers from Quebec

>Lusitania wasn't armed for any confrontation
>Germans kill innocent passengers
>They get a pass
Nice try. Also, Lusitania was a British ship, not American.

>Amerigolem talking about killing innocents

>He has to hide behind a memeflag

americans are retarded

>Explain the Statue of Liberty then
Commemoration of BTFOing island monkeys

Yes but the French did it because they consider us a friend

>Since the beginning.
Explain the Quasi-War then

A war John Adams worked tirelessly to end.

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No fuck Amerimutts.

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freedom fires, freedom toast. yep. best friends

Yes, sure, we like you guys. Especially flyover states.

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Nations don't have friends, people have friends. Nations have interests. Don't fall for 19th century propaganda about the nature of states

Your point?

France is now a satellite state of afgsnistan, op must be from Minnesota

Nations can easily have friends. Are Denmark and Norway not friends? My point is that Americans love the French and don't want to be their enemy

Read a book, retard.

Denmark lorded over Norway for centuries and took Iceland, the Faroes, and Greenland from them. My point is that the notion of national friendship is naive at best and propagandistic at worst. As soon as the Franco-American alliance becomes inconvenient for either party it will end. Don't forget France left NATO originally in 1966

looks french

But they are still friends and so are we.

No, they hate you, almost as much as they hate the English.

>My point is that Americans love the French and don't want to be their enemy
ask me how I know you were born after 9/11

British propaganda

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Friends can make their own decisions and have disagreements.

No we don't, most people here love the US, some are even fascinated and fell for the american dream meme
people are much more likely to say they hate bongs than americans, in fact i have never seen a frenchman say they hate americans irl

Says the North AMERICAN.