ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ
This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.
This thread covers the discussion of topics such as: ·NatSoc Ideology ·Active Movements ·NatSoc History ·Physical and Mental Improvements ·General Plans
What are you waiting for? Take the pledge! > For the good of my people: > I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind > I must BUILD our culture and communities > I must FIGHT for the future of my race > We will endure forever!
>But what really is National Socialism? pastebin.com/C0se2M6W National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.
>This fucking retarded shill op again You do realize none of this is going to stop /nsg/ from growing right user? These threads used to die after like 5 posts with 3-4 individual posters AT BEST. Shit has been on the incline for a couple months now.
The only threads that survive are the threads where nazis are getting embarrassed and degrade by mediocre shitposts.
Christian Morales
Bro literally all said "shit posters" do is give us a target to laugh at and shit on Their memes are almost always red.dit teir faggotry And they post like its a fucking youtube comment section I am no way shape or form worried about the effect of said "shit posters" on /nsg/ lol.
Then how do you explain the absolute dependence of /nsg/ on ironic shitposting? Keep this in mind. When ironic shitposting stops, there is no /nsg/ when ironic shitposting starts, you trannies get to pretend you have e-frens outside of discord.
/nsg/ does not exist without ironic shitposting, and it is very rude to deny this fact.
Jaxson Gray
I'm trying to watch the religion videos and the links don't work. Nice.
You keep saying the same shit, you Nazi bitchboys are repetitive as hell. They even want to lose another war again. Just kill yourself like Hitler.
Jackson Ross
Nada, sólo que ellos lo comen de manera patética
Camden Richardson
¿Y se come un tomate de manera patética? No lo pillo, hermano.
Angel Martin
>Then how do you explain the absolute dependence of /nsg/ on ironic shitposting? It doesnt. Litterally the only reason shill starting COMMING to /nsg/ was because it was getting popular again. If you trully think its dead then stop posting in it and prove the point. I suspect though theyre will still be /nsg/s tommorow with or without your bumps. Yeah OP needs update his shit I have my own format for /nsg/s but somone else usually beats me to the punch. Bro you've literally repeated yourself non-stop for 2 fucking hours straight Me pointing out that you're fucking salty is more an observation of fact then it is trying to get a point across.
See, newfaggots will run into shit like the national socialist reading list and take themselves too seriously. The directionless manlets who have not yet built a family or conquered responsibility will see the appeal to responsibility and LARP as though herr fartenfuhrer is their father and Germany is their fatherland. I've invaded a number of Nazi telegrams and other chats, these people are not white, they are larpers. They have no experience with board culture or political science. These newfaggots become (You). Experienced Anons know that ideology is a waste of time and that the only political discussion worth having is one where shitposting is the lingua franca.
So underneath your seriousposting the ironic shitposters are having a legitimate discussion. you don't know the codes
Why else would it be called 'esoteric' hitlerism?
Owen Hughes
How can I consider myself a conservative when Republicans compete with each other to please Jews?
Ryder Lee
What are your favourite national socialistic hentais my friends.
Also what are best books that tell about ancient Indo-european/Aryan socialism.