Any explanation for this? I know nothing about 5G and it looks like the trend was on the up anyway, but it seems there has been a gigantic spike worldwide in the past 6 months.
Global spike in headaches - why?
yes wtf is this? i moved to downtown and my mother and uncle have been getting headaches often
Holy shit I've also been getting headaches almost everyday. I thought it was just a sinus headache. Sheeeiiiit
Bump for interesting find britbong.
It happens everytime OP posts
The hidden Yas Forums discord link is discord gg qyf9x2n
It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down
As far as discord knows, it's an occult server
actually noticed a mutt on another thread mention more frequent headaches, I've had some in the past few months myself and I genuinely hardly ever get headaches, ever, so I thought I'd look it up and yep, lots of people experiencing the same shit.
because everyone is staying inside all day retard
I used to get headaches every fucking day (seemed like) for years. Now I really don’t get them anymore.
>Global spike in headaches - why?
It's a coronavirus symptom, you double nigger. Worst thread of the day, shitcock.
hmmmm. I'm now browsing specific countries and it seems third world shitholes do NOT have the same spike, it's mainly in western countries that we see this spike
WRONG moron. Screenshot of WHO official webpage with symptoms, no reference to headache whatsoever.
EMF, pollution, shitty food, polluted water, stress, ...the typical jewshit.
not 5g.
All G.
Turn your phone off for a few days. Headaches, allergies, minor pains, gone.
Gee, sounds an awful lot like the flu.
yeah I think the fact that it's been on a steady rise since 2004 proves it can't be 5G as a completely new phenomenon.
'wheezing' on a steady rise too, with regular winter peaks
Take your LSD, glownigger.
on a positive note, people have been pooping more or less normally since 2004
be that as it may, headaches are not an officially listed covid symptom
i think the steady rise from 2004 onwards is just more people having access to the internet
Me too. Actually had headaches 16 days in a row
If that were the case you'd see similar trend lines with all search terms (which would make a timeline chart completely useless) but that's not the case at all.
People are sleeping too many times a day
you could be right, i don't know how all this stuff is calculated
but 2 of the graphs he posted (wheezing and headache) start gradually increasing at the 2008 mark, when the first iPhone was released and many people suddenly had access to the internet
More people drinking heavily since the lockdown. Also, allergy seasons as spring is here.
More people are staring at computers all day.
I used to only shit once a day, I switched to two times a day and now I'm a chad with a healthy anus
This trend started climbing right around the release of the iphone.
>Any explanation for this?
Yeah. Every weenie normie hypochondriac is now on the internet looking for a way to vent their lamentations. What you're seeing now is just a surge in users of the internet taking stupid "am I okay" type unofficial tests.
I never have headaches and yet I’ve had one for over two weeks now. It’s not lifestyle related because sadly the lockdown hasn’t changed my life at all.
That's a Big+1 from me fella!
/thread. It’s the WFH. FFS, pol - use your brains.
Rona and the normies facing stress for being inside all day
google trend charts are relative and proportional, they are not based on raw numbers.
I never had headaches. I get one every week for a year now.
Same. I've been working 40-50 hours at a PC all day for over 10 years only to get home and spend more time in front of the PC, but headaches have only started happening for me in the past couple of months